Brickipedia News:LEGO reveals BrickHeadz

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Brickipedia News:LEGO reveals BrickHeadz

User:Soupperson1 17:38, 15 July 2016 (UTC)

avatarby Soupperson1
July 15, 2016

LEGO has revealed its latest sub theme of the Super Hero themes, BrickHeadz! The theme features characters from both Marvel and DC Comics and each set consists of two figures and retails for $40. Each of these four sets will be available next week at Comic Con and will be able to us normal people in January.

What do you think of this new line of sets? Let is know in the comments!
Tags: 2017 Marvel DC Comics

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Omega XAmateur

105 months ago
Score 0++

I love them! They epitomise the fact that lego parts could be used very creatively for basically anything! Unikitty's tail as Superman's iconic curl? Genius!

However, I do also feel that they look too..simplified in a sense, and that too much of detail is conveyed through printing instead of clever lego techniques. Do appreciate them going in a different direction, making the SUperheroes line cuter (first mighty micros, which is simply ADORABLE, and now this!)

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

105 months ago
Score 0++

If we get Scooby or Friends ones sure otherwise I'll probably skip these. :P

Personally I think their foreheads are a little too big (except Wonder Woman and Iron Man) and they should really have mouths. :P I'm really disappointed that the tan pieces aren't flesh colour though. :(. I really like the new eye prints and the designs are pretty good.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

105 months ago
Score 0++

Also, though I don't know what wording whoever announced this used, BrickHeadz won't necessarily be limited to Super Heroes characters, so calling it a subtheme of that probably isn't right. :P

It's coming at a good time, with all of the nostalgic Dimensions franchises.

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

105 months ago
Score 0++
Well so far it's limited, I'm sure mighty micros could fit into other themes but remains a sub theme. :P

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

105 months ago
Score 0++

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

105 months ago
Score 0++

To balance out so much of the rest of the internet: I like these. At least the iconic characters...Dr. Strange and Black Panther kind of feel wrong when they could have done Spider-Man, Thor, Wolverine, Hulk, Loki, Magneto, Doc Ock, and so many others, but eh.

I'll probably skip them though. I definitely will if $40 isn't just the SDCC price. Yeesh.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

105 months ago
Score 0++
They do nothing for me, but as long as they don't cut into the number of normal sets, I'm completely ok with these. I know some people would rush out to get these sets, but I just can't see them selling extremely well for some reason.

SamanthaNguyenBuilding Bigger

105 months ago
Score 0++
Very cute, but $40 is quite a bit for just two - Maybe $30-$35? :P

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

105 months ago
Score 0++
Some people are saying that's probably just going to be the comic con price, I hope that's true. I imagine the actual price will be $10 each


105 months ago
Score 0++
So... Pop Vinyls?

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

105 months ago
Score 0++
Basically, without those pesky licensing fees :P


105 months ago
Score 1++
and unlike Pop Vinyls when you're fed up with them you can take them apart and make something more interesting :)


105 months ago
Score 0++
Those aren't pop vinyls...

Omega XAmateur

105 months ago
Score 0++
They do look similar yes, but its LEGO! =D (which basically makes anything better =P)


105 months ago
Score 0++
Well, obviously, Knight. That wasn't meant literally. It was meant as a comparison. Because they look similar.
... more about "LEGO reveals BrickHeadz"
2017 +, Marvel +  and DC Comics +
17:38:00, 15 July 2016 +
LEGO reveals BrickHeadz +