Brickipedia News:Let Them Eat Cake: SDCC Exclusives Incoming

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Brickipedia News:Let Them Eat Cake: SDCC Exclusives Incoming

User:Berrybrick 00:40, 18 July 2014 (UTC)

avatarby Berrybrick
July 18, 2014. Last updated July 24, 2014.

Various news outlets have been gradually leaking LEGO's exclusives for SDCC this year. It seems that there will be another four unique minifigures and somewhere around 20 exclusive sets. The ones we know about so far are:

It seems that not all of these "exclusives" may remain that way. Yahoo News has reported that the The LEGO Movie set with Batman and Unikitty will be available in January. This page will be updated over the next few days to encompass new items as we learn about them.

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BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

129 months ago
Score 0++

Clone gunner commander jediThinking With Bricks

129 months ago
Score 0++

NBP3.0Brick Master

129 months ago
Score 0++
That Rebels model is cool. Overpriced, but cool.


129 months ago
Score 5++
I think that is the slogan of SDCC.


129 months ago
Score 0++

I really hate you right now LEGO... I would have loved a Collector, not as much as Shazam, Bizarro, Green Lantern, TASM2 and Black Suit Spidey, Green Arrow, etc. But I dread to see what Justice League and their villains (seriously, our only villain that can possibly face the League we've gotten is Zod, and he's not even really a JL-level villain as Superman alone murdered him with his bare hands)we will not be getting in our future. That Rocket also looks better than the one we got in the Knowhere escape set and that exclusive Batmobile better be a Microfighter-scale set with a 2012 Black-and-yellow set and not the 60s Batmobile we've been teased.

That rant out of the way, I assume there's more to that TLM set, maybe we're getting the TLM Batmobile or Batwing? I'm surprised at all the line is continuing, and maybe this way we can get our Green Lantern, leaving the "new hero" slot open in the Super Heroes theme. I hope they reveal a lot of good stuff to make up for the pain that is SDCC exclusives.

Darth henryNovice

129 months ago
Score 0++
My thoughts exactly, I would prefer if instead of offering a major character as an exclusive (which end up getting stolen by employees anyway), we got a variation of a character that we would like to have but can live without. I swear if they make Gorilla Grodd and Bat-Mite next year's exclusives, I quit LEGO.
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23:19:00, 17 July 2014 +
Let Them Eat Cake: SDCC Exclusives Incoming +