Brickipedia News:Lots of names found for second wave 2017 sets

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Brickipedia News:Lots of names found for second wave 2017 sets

User:NovaHawk 11:51, 9 January 2017 (UTC)

avatarby NovaHawk
January 9, 2017

Dutch site has listed several second wave 2017 sets with names we previously didn't know about. Hoth Bricks has also recently published an article citing SinQel, another Dutch site that has leaked names several times in the past. Both sites seem to have identical information though. Anyway, without further ado here are new names of the sets (please note that they're translated so they may not be exact):

DC Super Hero Girls
Star Wars Buildable figures

Tags: 2017 City Creator DC Super Hero Girls Disney DUPLO Elves Friends Star Wars

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Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

99 months ago
Score 0++
Scout Trooper and speeder bike sounds very interesting. I wonder if it'll be anything like the BIONICLE vehicles from 2008/09. If it is, it'll be a must buy.
2017 +, City +, Creator +, DC Super Hero Girls +, Disney +, DUPLO +, Elves +, Friends +  and Star Wars +
11:51:00, 9 January 2017 +
Lots of names found for second wave 2017 sets +