Brickipedia News:New York Toy Fair!!

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Brickipedia News:New York Toy Fair!!

User:Soupperson1 0:00, 14 February 2015 (UTC)

avatarby Soupperson1
February 14, 2015

It's finally here!! Yes New York toy fair is upon us! A lot of pictures are being taken by fans, some of which are below:

Images from BZPower

Images from Brickset

Images from BrickJournal

Tags: Toy Fair Jurassic World Mixels Star Wars Super Heroes

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122 months ago
Score 0++
Man, I was hoping for a new Spinosaurus, but I guess that really depends if there's one in the movie or not. Also, I wonder if they are going to extend the Jurassic World theme into all four movies? (as in, release sets based on the first three movies.)

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

122 months ago
Score 0++
If the current sets are popular and there's a Jurassic world 2 most likely.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

122 months ago
Score 0++

Those Star Wars figures are weird, though I am kind of curious how Vader's torso is built.

I don't like the Jurassic World sets. The dinosaurs themselves are good, but the builds aren't.

The Scooby-Doo Mummy set looks okay. I like that there is a way for Shaggy to hold Scooby after all. Is that a Johnny Thunder cameo?

The batboat looks pretty solid (though I like the one from the Mr. Freeze set much more). The New 52 Dick Grayson design is awful though. I wish that we got Tim Drake's Red Robin instead. Deathstroke was a little disappointing at first glance, but after seeing a better image, I really like him. They should have printed the orange part of his mask on a black head instead of the other way around. Oh well. Batman's boots are very nice.

Jokerland looks much better, though I am still a bit unsure about the price if the previously reported one is true. The same Poison Ivy again is pretty disappointing, and Harley's new variation looks pretty bad. Not as bad as I would expect a New 52 variant to look, but the torso is really plain and the hat just does not jive with the rest of the figure. I don't care for the Robin variant either (though the classic looking torso is nice) but it looks like he might have short sleeves, so that would be a save. Beast Boy and Starfire look amazing.

Anyone know where a good source of TF images is? I haven't seen that many outside of here and FBTB and I'm hoping not to sift through Eurobricks forums.

BrickfilmNutBuilding Bigger

122 months ago
Score 0++
Aside from FBTB's and BZPower's, the best I've really found is Toyark's. Between those three, you get pretty decent shots of nearly everything.

NBP3.0Brick Master

122 months ago
Score 0++
Beast Boy?! Deathstroke?! Cool-looking Robin?! Super Heroes is working its way into my favorite theme.

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

122 months ago
Score 0++
I'm quite impressed with the builds this year, they seem to be great everywhere!
... more about "New York Toy Fair!!"
Toy Fair +, Jurassic World +, Mixels +, Star Wars +  and Super Heroes +
13:27:00, 14 February 2015 +
New York Toy Fair!! +