Brickipedia News:News Roundup - July 17 2014

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Brickipedia News:News Roundup - July 17 2014

User:CJC95 0:00, 17 July 2014 (UTC)

avatarby CJC95
July 17, 2014

Comic-Con News


I'll make a separate news blog for Comic-Con news after Comic-Con finishes. I'm not sure when that is, so if anyone could tell me it would be appreciated.

Brainiac in LB3

Brainiac 2.jpg

Source(s): The Brick Fan

The latest character to be revealed for LEGO Batman 3 (I ran out of movie subtitles to reference) is Brainiac, everyone's his power is. He will be voiced by Dee Bradley Baker, known for roles such as American Dad! and Phineas and Ferb.

Ideas images

21110 alt3.jpg

Source(s): Brickset

Images of the latest Ideas sets 21109 Exo-Suit and 21110 Research Institute

LEGO Batman 3 gets voices, cameo


Source(s): The Brick Fan

More LEGO Batman 3 news - Adam West is in it, and Troy Baker, who voiced Batman in the previous game returns.

The LEGO Movie still selling copies

Tlm poster.jpg

Source(s): Variety

As with the last few weeks, The LEGO Movie is still the number one selling film on home video in the US. I'll probably end up copy-pasting this into next weeks blog too.

Greenpeace video back.

Source(s): Guardian

Despite everyone else forgetting about this last week, the video is back. It is one of the few videos on Youtube where you can watch a mother let her baby be drowned in oil (albeit, a LEGO mother with a LEGO baby.).

Tags: 2014 The LEGO Movie Super Heroes Batman DC Universe Ideas

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129 months ago
Score 1++
Still need to get The LEGO Movie DVD. Hopefully for my birthday in September! Also, I cannot wait to get my hands on the new Ideas sets. Looking forward to Comic-Con news, too.
2014 +, The LEGO Movie +, Super Heroes +, Batman +, DC Universe +  and Ideas +
22:18:00, 17 July 2014 +
News Roundup - July 17 2014 +