Brickipedia News:Ninjago 2015 Official Set Images

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Brickipedia News:Ninjago 2015 Official Set Images

User:BrickfilmNut 0:00, 30 September 2014 (UTC)

avatarby BrickfilmNut
September 30, 2014

Just2Good has yet another video with yet more official 2015 set images. This time, the images are from a big fan favourite: Ninjago.

As before, each of the ten sets has two images, one of the box and one of the set and minifigures alone. As before, each of the Ninja get vehicles once more, though the setting is a big change from 2014's techno "Rebooted" line, this time taking place in the jungle. As well, the enemies are significantly different. This time, the ninja are facing human enemies, who pilot bone-adorned vehicles and wear costumes of bone, as well as a few purple Anacondrai. In a sense, almost like a mash-up of the first two years of Ninjago's enemies. And finally, collectibles are different this year. Once again, the ninja seem to be on a quest for new weapons, these time ones adorned with translucent-green blades. However, these only appear in four of the sets; in others, there are different objectives, such as a golden key in 70748 Titanium Dragon. It will be interesting to see what role collectibles play this time around in the story. Finally, there is a new ninja in the group, an orange Ninja named "Skylar" according to what can be sort-of seen on the box, and many seem to assume she is our first female ninja. And also being the first of the ninja to wield a projectile-shooting weapon, she adds a bit of variety in almost every way. The Titanium Ninja on the other hand, who was also suspected by some to be a new character, is in fact still Zane, from what can be read on the box.

Just2Good is still searching for images of another 2015 set, 70754 Electro Mech, but in its place is another set, whose name and image eluded the LEGO community even during the massive prelim leak. That set is 70756 Dojo Showdown, which introduces not only our first dojo in a while, but also two new characters. The names appearing at the tops of the boxes are a bit blurry, but of course, you're free to try and speculate what they spell out!

Just2Good stated at the end of his video that he'll be picking a random theme next to reveal, so there are no hints of what our next LEGO news will be about. Whatever it is, though, check back to see our coverage, and read more about the sets on our wiki pages!

Tags: Ninjago 2015

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ToaMeikoHonorable Brickipedian

127 months ago
Score 1++
I like that 70748 Titanium Dragon uses a brick-built head. The first-year heads were starting to get a bit old. I'm also so glad they're releasing a white Pythor, because it bugged me that they didn't have one this year yet it would have required no new moulds.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

127 months ago
Score 2++

I like the architecture. I've wanted more of that from Ninjago. Minifigures look good too, though some of those variants might be a little heavy on the fangirl service. :P

As usual, I'm not too crazy about the vehicles (the ninja ones mostly feel like rehashes at this point, other than the weird bus thing), though I do like the Condrai Copter, and the Titanium Dragon if that counts.

Ninjago is probably third on my list this year, which is higher than it has ever been, but BIONICLE and DC will be expensive, so I'm not sure if I will actually get any of the sets.


127 months ago
Score 1++
So there are two new types of ninja suits next year? Female ninja? Nice architecture? Me likey!

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

127 months ago
Score 1++
Yay a girl ninja! I was hoping for a lemon or purple ninja but Mabey soon :D

Stormjay RiderAmateur

127 months ago
Score 0++
Yaaaay for androgynous ninja.

Stormjay RiderAmateur

127 months ago
Score 0++

Behold. Humans fight humans seriously for the first time in Ninjago. The true violence shall commence.

(this is sort of a joke)

Anonymous user #1

127 months ago
Score 1++
I think dojo villain's name is Griffin turner

Anonymous user #1

127 months ago
Score 1++
Probably going to be my favorite wave! :-D

NBP3.0Brick Master

127 months ago
Score 1++
That's alot of Ninjago

Anonymous user #1

127 months ago
Score 0++
It's Jole

IchindarBrick Master

127 months ago
Score 1++

Wow. Very mixed wave. Love that we are getting more architecture, but not so keen on the villains. The Nindroids are better, IMO.

But white Pythor...........!

BrickfilmNutBrick Master

127 months ago
Score 1++
The Nindroids were better? :O But what could be better than snake cultists?

IchindarBrick Master

127 months ago
Score 0++

Snake cultists look really weird (generic ones).

The priest guy in the anacondrai temple is awesome!
Ninjago +  and 2015 +
21:43:00, 30 September 2014 +
Ninjago 2015 Official Set Images +