Brickipedia News:Outside discussions - the second one

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Brickipedia News:Outside discussions - the second one

User:CJC95 0:00, 19 August 2014 (UTC)

avatarby CJC95
August 19, 2014

I forgot about this until I saw Berrybrick and Awesomeknight still discussing last weeks topic. I doubt we'll have a repeat, as nothing much has happened.

  • A large Springfield MOC has been doing the internet rounds for a while: Its big and looks good and I want one. See it here.
  • Slow news day at the Daily Mail, who decide to look at a guy who builds replica of Castle's in LEGO.
  • A new Twitter account based on the "challenges of being a women scientist - in Lego" briefly gained popularity.

So that's that - I knew I shouldn't have used both feminism and greenpeace in one week.

Tags: The Simpsons 2014 Castle Ideas Architecture

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NBP3.0Brick Master

128 months ago
Score 0++
Wow, that Simpsons model doe.
The Simpsons +, 2014 +, Castle +, Ideas +  and Architecture +
09:52:00, 19 August 2014 +
Outside discussions - the second one +