Brickipedia News:Star Wars 2015 rumours

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Brickipedia News:Star Wars 2015 rumours

User:CJC95 0:00, (UTC)

avatarby CJC95

Distraught - that was the reaction from LEGO Star Wars fans when they found out that this January's lineup didn't include a single X-wing or TIE fighter. One, who wished to remain nameless, said "I only pray that its an exclusive".

The list, from JediNews, is as follows:

Normal scale sets
Star Wars Rebels

Tags: 2015 2014 Star Wars

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127 months ago
Score 0++
Yay for Rebels! As long as the series ends up being good, I'll pick up all of those sets. And... that's saying something, as I haven't purchased a single Star Wars set in at least five years.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

127 months ago
Score 2++

Hm, I didn't expect to see PT stuff.

And I guess a snowspeeder makes sense as a micro fighter. I thought they were releasing another one. Otherwise, I'm not very interested. It usually takes images for SW sets to get my attention at all. :P


127 months ago
Score 2++
A new T-16 Skyhopper? finally!
... more about "Star Wars 2015 rumours"
2015 +, 2014 +  and Star Wars +
09:05:00, 11 August 2014 +
Star Wars 2015 rumours +