Brickipedia News:Star Wars Ultrabuild Figures to Come in September

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Brickipedia News:Star Wars Ultrabuild Figures to Come in September

User:BrickfilmNut 0:00, 28 January 2015 (UTC)

avatarby BrickfilmNut
January 28, 2015

While no photos for most licensed themes are allowed at Nuremberg Toy Fair, Promobricks is reporting that there will be six Star Wars Ultrabuild sets coming out in fall: Promobricks reports them coming out in October, but an earlier JediNews report states September. The sets will be similar to other sets in the Ultrabuild line, though Promobricks also compared them in size and look to 10186 General Grievous, except with less/no TECHNIC. Little other information has been provided so far, except that Boba Fett will be one of the figures. The set numbers and prices are as follows:

It is interesting to note that they are different prices, indicating that the characters will vary quite a bit in size.

So, what do you all think of this news? Is this a good move for LEGO Star Wars? How do you figure the figures will be built. What new parts do you expect? Let us know in the comments!

It's also interesting to note that these upcoming sets are similar in concept to an old CUUSOO/Ideas project by Pekko, which I will link to here. Despite getting healthy amounts of support, the project was eventually archived by LEGO, who said they would not consider the project further, as their license did not allow them to produce such figures. Obviously, though, this has now changed. You can read more on LEGO's response and more over at Brickimedia's Ideas Wiki's page.

Thanks to The Brick Fan for posting this news as well.

Update: The six figures in this wave will be:

  • Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight)
  • Darth Vader
  • Jango Fett
  • Commander Cody
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi (Clone Wars era)
  • General Grieveous

Thanks to The Toyark for the further info.

Tags: Star Wars 2015 Ultrabuild Constraction

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NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

123 months ago
Score 0++
All those set numbers, all that potential for the third wave... gone. Devastated.

NBP3.0Brick Master

123 months ago
Score 0++
Very saddening. That summer Star Wars wave is always killer too. :/

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

123 months ago
Score 1++

If they are like the CUUSOO project, I'll be happy. Those were pretty cool. Though I am afraid that they will end up like the Super Heroes or Chima models (which were bad and okay respectively), they should at least have some good parts.

Also, two notes:

  • I don't like those prices
  • This probably would not have happened if Disney didn't buy Lucasfilm

BrickfilmNutBrick Master

123 months ago
Score 0++
Hmm, that's actually a good point about Disney buying Lucasfilm. I didn't think about that. I also hope they're generally like the CUUSOO project, though one thing I didn't like about that project was the fact they were all clone builds. If these sets are getting different prices, though, that probably wouldn't carry over.


123 months ago
Score 0++
If it makes you feel better about the prices, I was listening to a (not-LEGO) podcast earlier, and they started talking about new BIONICLE, and apparently the US-to-UK prices are pretty bad

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

123 months ago
Score 0++
But the pound to dollar article is the same for BIONCLE so 15$ for small sets is pretty bad any way you put it


123 months ago
Score 0++
But $15 dollars is better than £15 still :P

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

123 months ago
Score 0++
I thought your point was US and UK prices weren't similar :P yeah the price article is crap this year there's one set in US for 39.99 and one in UK for 49.99, how does that work?
Star Wars +, 2015 +, Ultrabuild +  and Constraction +
18:16:00, 28 January 2015 +
Star Wars Ultrabuild Figures to Come in September +