Brickipedia News:The Amazing Spider-MOC

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Brickipedia News:New LEGO RPG revealed

User:Nexus 0:00, 17 January 2015 (UTC)

avatarby Nexus
January 17, 2015

I highly recommend if you haven't seen his incredible superhero builds yet Julius No/Captain Nemo aka: Tim Lydy just very recently he has made this just incredible MOC that I believe deserves to be highlighted! Spider-Man and Daredevil versus Hobgoblin and Kingpin. Just an immense amount of detail and retro vibe in this build! Great work Tim!

16295220071 758a48d6e2 k.jpg

Tags: Marvel

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Comments (22)
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NBP3.0Brick Master

123 months ago
Score 2++

I actually loved this post and found the scene incredible! MOCs can take quite the amount of effort and sharing this is a noble and unnecessary gesture. I would love the idea of writing about new or noteworthy MOCs again in the near future.

As for those comments below who are not open to anything different or related to change, meet the reason why cannot seem to get new users.

Toa AquinusBricktastic

123 months ago
Score 1++
Especially action scenes are hard to make or kinda make in/with LEGO MOCs. (Personal Experience)


123 months ago
Score 0++
How is this news?


123 months ago
Score 2++
I have to agree with Knight on this, although a cool MOC, I don't think this really qualifies as news.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

123 months ago
Score -1++


123 months ago
Score 0++
It qualifies as news because it is a highlight in the community. Something we should also keep a fair eye on.

ToaMeikoHonorable Brickipedian

123 months ago
Score -1++
I agree with Nexus here. It's something some of our readers might be interested in seeing. It covers a different audience than news such as new sets, but it still pertains to the LEGO community which is still our audience no matter what their tastes are.

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

123 months ago
Score -2++
I'd prefair if we showcased customs mocs instead of random ones, I see beautiful mocs all the time we can't showcase everything :/

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

123 months ago
Score -2++
Also can we have votes before you post new news sections? :/

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

123 months ago
Score 2++

I see your point that we can't showcase all MOCs, but I don't think that's a reason not to do that since our coverage of news isn't all inclusive either. Per Meiko.

(Customs MOCs would need an increase in quality before they get shared, I think. :P )

ToaMeikoHonorable Brickipedian

123 months ago
Score 2++

"Also can we have votes before you post new news sections? :/"

No because the proposal that I created to simplify the news creation process making it more like any other wiki article got shot down by users who didn't even properly understand it, so we're stuck with a system that anyone who gets a rather stupid user right requiring no real qualifications to earn can create news articles, good or bad.

IchindarBrick Master

123 months ago
Score 1++

Welcome back, LEGOlas :)

Back on topic, this doesn't really qualify as news.


123 months ago
Score 0++
If this is news, it should go on the Customs wiki.


123 months ago
Score 2++
What counts as news then? Can we have a definitive list so we know what we are allowed to post?

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

123 months ago
Score 0++
If we have MOC news it should be us showcasing a MOC not just posting some random MOC without the creator's knowing. Eurobricks posts MOCS as news that are showcased to them, not some random one found on Flickr, as there's hundreds of those which posting all would lead to spam.


123 months ago
Score 0++
Because the logical end point of one MOC being posted is every MOC ever being posted.

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

123 months ago
Score 0++
No its that every MOC should be posted if random ones are being selected :/


123 months ago
Score 0++
Just like how BBC Sport publishes the results to every single sport match played everywhere by anyone.

UltrasonicNXTThinking With Bricks

123 months ago
Score 1++
Ah but this is very handy if you support a small non-league team :P


123 months ago
Score 0++
But, they won't show you the results for the village pub league will they? :P Or the result of the hockey match between two local schools. Or the result of me having a kick about with some friends. I.e., just because they post some does not mean they have to post them all, and to say the same applies to mocs is silly :P.


123 months ago
Score 3++
Thanks for publishing this Berry!

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

123 months ago
Score 2++
Thanks for letting me impersonate you!
... more about "The Amazing Spider-MOC"
01:39:00, 18 January 2015 +
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