Brickipedia News:The LEGO Movie set names revealed

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Brickipedia News:The LEGO Movie set names revealed

User:NovaFlare 0:00, 14 October 2013 (UTC)

avatarby NovaFlare
October 14, 2013

A Dutch website has listed the set names for The LEGO Movie theme. These have been translated, so it's likely they are not the final English names.

(list removed to make way for English set names section below)

Thanks to "Piranha" at Eurobricks for the news and "Rick" for the translation.

Update: "Tragic Banjo" at Eurobricks has found the set names on Barnes & Noble:

  • 70800 Getaway Glider (€13.50)
  • 70801 Melting Room (€13.50)
  • 70802 Bad Cop's Pursuit (€24.50)
  • 70803 Cloud Cuckoo Palace (€17.00)
  • 70804 Ice Cream Machine (€29.50)
  • 70805 Trash Chomper (€29.50)
  • 70806 Castle Cavalry (€29.50)
  • 70807 MetalBeard's Duel (€36.00)
  • 70808 Super Cycle Chase (€49.50)
  • 70809 Lord Business' Evil Lair (€72.50)

Tags: The LEGO Movie

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BrickfilmNutBuilding Bigger

136 months ago
Score 1++
Ooh! Just saw the updated translations. Ice Cream Machine sounds less interesting than "Ice Machine", but at least it and "Cloud Cuckoo Palace" give slightly better ideas of what the sets could be like.

NovaFlareMaster Builder

136 months ago
Score 2++
I know noone's reading these, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to have a few stories for when open beta happens (in the event that the database doesn't get wiped), and also I just want to check that the news stuff is all running ok
The LEGO Movie +
00:27:00, 14 October 2013 +
The LEGO Movie set names revealed +