Brickipedia News:The secret identities of BIONICLE 'Protectors' revealed

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Brickipedia News:The secret identities of BIONICLE 'Protectors' revealed

User:Berrybrick 23:14, 16 July 2015 (UTC)

avatarby Berrybrick
July 16, 2015. Last updated July 17, 2015.

Some fans have been disappointed with the recent BIONICLE reboot watering down the mythos. For a while, it seemed like only the six Toa and the Mask Makers, Ekimu and Makuta, would be getting names, but then LEGO Magazine slipped us the name Kulta (Kopaka!) for Skull Grinder, the leader of the Skull Villains who appears in the largest set of the year alongside Ekimu. Well now, fans may be interested to know that via an Amazon preview for an upcoming chapter book, Island of the Lost Masks, the six Protectors who were released earlier in the year have been given names:

  • Protector of Stone - Nilkuu
  • Protector of Jungle - Vizuna
  • Protector of Ice - Izotor
  • Protector of Water - Kivoda (who is now confirmed as male, by the way)
  • Protector of Earth - Korgot
  • Protector of Fire - Narmato
  • We also have a villager "boy" named Bingzak, from a destroyed village.

The book's backcover also confirms that Makuta is operating from the shadows, looking to get the "three mythical masks that will enable him to take over the world." These would presumably be the Masks of Creation, Control, and Ultimate Power which appeared in "The Legend," but we still don't know how the oft teased Mask of Time fits into the new story.

Island of the Lost Masks was written by Ryder Windham and scheduled for a release date of August 25.


Update: Though Kivoda the Protector of Water might not be female, Korgot the Protector of Earth reportedly is. That might make the blaster chest slightly more disturbing.


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BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 0++

Oh, what now? There's an alphabet too.

And I thought this reboot was going to be simple.

Though I'm actually glad that there now is supplemental stuff that I'll never take the time to learn. I wonder if those characters match up with the ones on the Mask of Creation?

Toa AquinusBricktastic

117 months ago
Score 1++
This is great bews. And It's good to see the gender-strictness doesn't apply here.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 2++

Well, at least they have names I guess. I still can't get into the story for this new BIONICLE- I think it's mainly because of the masks- they don't do anything, they don't have names, and each person only has one.

With the shop description reading "Begin the ultimate battle between good and evil with LEGO® BIONICLE® Mask Maker vs. Skull Grinder!", I actually thought the "Skull Grinder" was Makuta, so I was under the impression BIONICLE was ending after two waves. But now it looks like it isn't, I'll be looking forward to seeing what 2016 brings.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 1++

I haven't been able to get into the story because there hardly is one, but I don't really need that. The sets are more important to me. I have enough imagination to figure the rest out.

Never trust LEGO when they use the word "ultimate." :P

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 1++

Yeah, I should have learned that with Ninjago :D

True, it's the sets that matter much more to me too. And I'm still way behind this year in LEGO- I don't actually have any Toa yet so I shouldn't complain. I think the builds for the protectors are great, but they just seem to lack "personality"- I don't mean from a story perspective, but the Turuga (which the Protectors seem to be replacing) each had their own mask and they all felt like individuals, I dunno. I should really get a Toa or two before I judge the line I guess.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 1++
Yeah, I kind of agree. I don't have any Protectors yet and while I like the new mask, it does make them more generic. I appreciate the more diverse body types, though some of the figures don't really work for me (Water, Fire) variety is good. I'm behind too. I just have the six Toa, two DC sets, and one from Elves. I think that the Toa do have more personality. I don't know if it's as much as the original did (probably not old Pohatu) but that's kind of subjective anyway. :P
23:14:00, 16 July 2015 +
The secret identities of BIONICLE 'Protectors' revealed +