Brickipedia News:Video Game coming in 2014 for The Hobbit

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Brickipedia News:Video Game coming in 2014 for The Hobbit

User:NovaFlare 08:08, 23 November 2013 (UTC)

avatarby NovaFlare
November 23, 2013

A video game for The Hobbit will be coming our way sometime in 2014, with the image (right) found in the back of instruction books of the 2013 sets from The Hobbit which have been released early in some areas. The game will be out on multiple platforms, including the Xbox 360, Nintendo 3DS, PC, Wii U, and at least one PlayStation console.

Thanks to for the news.

Update: The game has now been officially announced by Warner Bros. is confirmed to be coming to the Xbox One, Xbox 360, Nintendo 3DS, PC, Wii U, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PS Vita and Mac. It will also be based only on the first two films, An Unexpected Journey and The Desolation of Smaug. Other news in the announcement includes the confirmation that Bilbo, Gandalf and each of the thirteen Dwarves will be in the game, and each Dwarf will have a unique ability, and some locations that can be visited are Bag End, Hobbiton, The Misty Mountains, Goblin-town, Mirkwood and Rivendell. More information can be found at GameSpot.

Thanks to Berrybrick for the alert about the press release.

Tags: The Hobbit Video games

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137 months ago
Score 0++
The other Lord of the Rings game was cool, but I doubt I'll get this one. Too expensive.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

137 months ago
Score 1++
WB announced the game yesterday. It'll only include the first two movies.

NovaFlareMaster Builder

137 months ago
Score 1++
That's so stupid... I thought it was dumb to release the first two episodes of The Yoda Chronicles trilogy in a DVD format, when you'd only have to wait a couple of months to have the whole set. This takes it to a whole new level.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

137 months ago
Score 0++
It makes a little more sense with the movies being split up again, but still....


137 months ago
Score 0++

Well, I personally think this game will be super-dooper dull. Be better off making it just a DLC level purchasable from Xbox Marketplace or Playstation store, etc.

They should put their efforts towards a DC/Marvel double game.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

137 months ago
Score 0++

I don't even know if that would work.

A better DC game would be nice though, but they turn out so many of these I think it's hardly a distraction. I bet that they are waiting for MoS 2 for the next installment there anyway.

NovaFlareMaster Builder

137 months ago
Score 0++
What I find strange is that the copyright information in the bottom-right mentions the first and third movies, but not the second- maybe won't include the second movie? :P I'm guessing it'll be out for a November/December release, sometime near the when the third movie comes out anyway.

LFY1547Thinking With Bricks

137 months ago
Score 0++
Haha, you're right... That's strange.
The Hobbit +  and Video games +
08:08:00, 23 November 2013 +
Video Game coming in 2014 for The Hobbit +