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Customs Article

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[[Category:Customs by Berrybrick]]

Vuevan is a Constraction figure created during an introductory phase to the CCBS.


Vuevan is a humanoid Rahi created to serve the Order of Mata Nui. Unlike most Rahi, she is sapient.

Designer's notes

  • The build originally started as a Toa of The Green (Plant Life), but then I put those paws on her shoulders and had the idea to attach wings to them. They don't look too great, but I'm still experimenting with the CCBS.
  • There was a winged Order of Mata Nui who briefly showed up to carry a message to Tahu agent in a serial, I guess she could be Vuevan if someone wants her to be, but it wasn't intentional.
  • Though this is a coincidence because the name was selected by adapting a word that came up from a Matoran Language generator, the "root word" for her name would be vivir, Spanish for to live. This would go with a bit more background I thought up, but I haven't put it down should I want to use it for a character in the future. Maybe I will later, but probably not.
  • LEGO Digital Designer desperately needs more BIONICLE pieces, particularly Kanohi Masks. Hero Factory ones don't usually cut it....


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