But before we start with this skin, we need to know exactly what it will be like, so we can work on it as a team. Here we shall list things we want our new, unified skin to have. Please, anyone, add things you want out of a skin here, and comment on ideas you like and don't like[edit source]
Discussion[edit source]
I've just reworked Refreshed's CSS a bit with Chrome's inspector, and got to a point where the skin looks really beautiful. If we could work it to a point like I designed, it would be excellent. All the Oasis fanboys from Wikia would have a great skin to use if they didn't want to adjust to something Vector-based, and heck, I'll probably use it just because it's vibrant, clean, and all-around beautiful. Screenshots:
In my opinion, I like the gradient. It's more vibrant, yet still clean and simple. These customisations are pretty much what I was saying above, where each wiki can have its own "interface" while still being based on the same skin, and looking relatively the same, and layed out identically. --ToaMeiko (talk) 21:16, 21 September 2013 (EDT)