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Forums - Skins
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So at the moment, we basically have 3 different skins, with each being developed by 1 developer. What I'm pretty sure we need is 1 skin, being developed by 3 developers.

But before we start with this skin, we need to know exactly what it will be like, so we can work on it as a team.

Here we shall list things we want our new, unified skin to have.

Please, anyone, add things you want out of a skin here, and comment on ideas you like and don't like[edit source]

  • page, talk, edit, history buttons
    • side of content/above content?
      • if side, fixed or scrolling?
  • sidebar
    • left or right column?
    • fixed or scrolling?
  • Customisability for each project, where the skin fits the subject of the wiki.

Discussion[edit source]

  • Perhaps I'm nostalgic, but Deep Sea I liked because it reminded me of past skins a lot (monobook, monaco sort of thing), where everything you needed was on the left hand side. Maybe its just from inexperience, but with the current skin, I never know which side to look for things (and even though its been on the admin wiki for months, only yesterday did I realise that you clicked on your name to see things like log out :P). I don't know, I like things to be rather standard, but with an extra touch that says Brickimedia, basically. (So in response to the above, I'd say page talk edit history above (history) and sidebar left, possibly scrolling. CJC95 (talk) 05:22, 21 September 2013 (EDT)
    • Have now tried to make the two menus more obvious with an arrow. UltrasonicNXT (talk)
  • Basically, per CJC. The navigation on Deep Sea, for me at least, just seems much easier to use, Refreshed seems a little all over the place. I personally also like a wider content area, when I switch from Deep Sea to Refreshed, I feel a little boxed in. The left sidebar on Refreshed also seems unecessarily large- I'm getting a sidebar that's 275px wide, but the longest word ("discussion") seems to only take up 90px of space, then there's a 185px of nothing. I'm all for use of "white space", but it just seems a little extreme to me :) On the whole, I don't think there's anything wrong with Refreshed, I can definitely see people liking it, it's just not for me. I could answer all the questions above, but basically whatever Deep Sea does works, it's just my ideal skin :P Also, just curious- how did this perceived need for another skin come about? (and what's the third skin being developed?) NovaHawk 09:34, 21 September 2013 (EDT)
    • ah, that extra width will be becuase the title used to be in the left column, and when I moved the title to the centre, I forgot to change the width. The idea of the new skin is that it is more appealing to wikia users coming from oasis, and these are the people that we really need to get on the new site, not us old timers ;). It's also because because Deep Sea is vector based, it's nowhere nearly as easy to develop with (especially for mobile). The 3rd skin is Custard, being developed Sherman. UltrasonicNXT (talk)
  • Mostly per CJC, but I could see myself liking refreshed once it is cleaned up. I think I'm using lia right now. It just seemed to be the prettiest atm to my senses. :P Berrybrick (talk) 13:48, 21 September 2013 (EDT)
  • IMO, Deep Sea was great, because its customisability, cleanliness, and ease of navigation. I feel it was easier for each project to customise to represent their wiki's subject. Lia is also really nice, and represents LMBW perfectly. It honestly looks like the LEGO Message Boards, but wiki-fied, which is good. Lia could possibly be modified to be Deep Sea, but with the interface it currently has, since they're both vector-based. In my opinion, Refreshed would be best as a mobile skin. The current layout, with two side columns would work for tablet-sized screen resolutions, and you could make a navigation menu similar to that of Wikipedia's mobile skin for phone-sized screen resolutions. As it is, I don't think it's that good for a desktop skin. --ToaMeiko (talk) 14:28, 21 September 2013 (EDT)
    • Well we're going to have to choose, different skins on different form factors would be stupid... ;) UltrasonicNXT (talk)

I've just reworked Refreshed's CSS a bit with Chrome's inspector, and got to a point where the skin looks really beautiful. If we could work it to a point like I designed, it would be excellent. All the Oasis fanboys from Wikia would have a great skin to use if they didn't want to adjust to something Vector-based, and heck, I'll probably use it just because it's vibrant, clean, and all-around beautiful. Screenshots:

In my opinion, I like the gradient. It's more vibrant, yet still clean and simple. These customisations are pretty much what I was saying above, where each wiki can have its own "interface" while still being based on the same skin, and looking relatively the same, and layed out identically. --ToaMeiko (talk) 21:16, 21 September 2013 (EDT)

  • That gradient looks much better :) But wouldn't it be better to do away with those dead-looking backgrounds and put the brighter ones in that we had going here before? (en's blue background example) NovaHawk 01:33, 22 September 2013 (EDT)
    • I actually like the darker ones. They're less flashy, more vibrant, and contrast well with the white content section. --ToaMeiko (talk) 11:57, 22 September 2013 (EDT)
      • I've added a sortof mix, with some of the brightness of the deep sea, but still fairly dark. UltrasonicNXT (talk)
        • I like it. Jeyo (talk) 19:27, 25 September 2013 (EDT)
  • I also disliked the Refreshed skin at first, but after the last update, I really began to like it. Now I think I'd be disappointed if we switched the default skin. The arrows definitely make it easier to use, as well. Drew1200 (talk)
    • That reminds me, NXT and I need to take a vote. Which arrow animation does everyone like most? The flip (as seen on the user menu) or the rotation (as seen on the wiki navigation in the center of the header) --ToaMeiko (talk) 23:38, 25 September 2013 (EDT)