Review:Flying Warrior/Berrybrick

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Country: America the Beautiful     Gender: Male
Day.pngJoined: February 2010 № of Reviews: 46   FA-goldbrick.png № of Featured reviews: 1
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Good day guys and gals and gods and gal gods; today I shall present unto you a review of a minifigure. One of those things that we ought to be able to decide whether we like just by looking at pictures. But words words WORDS! This minifigure makes me really excited, and here is how you can find out why.

The Flying Warrior is part of Series 15 which you may still be able to find on shelves if you are lucky. Or, if you are like me and anti-lucky, CMFs are a rarity in your area and you have to order him online. There are four Flying Warriors per box, so he isn't terribly rare.

Before we talk about what I love about the Flying Warrior, let's talk about what I don't love because he isn't listening right now and I'm afraid that he will come back from the supermarket or whatever it is working class women muscular yellow angelmen do during the day. Firstly, his helmet is weird. Really weird. At first I thought that he had a snake going down the center, but it's really a bird's head, like a goose or something. The head wings are cool (but I say this as someone who likes Hawkman's helmet), but the shape of the helmet itself is bulky and boring. So, altogether we've got odd, cool, and bukly, but it's those things in three different ways at three different times so it does not work. The color is off too, being a reddish gold rather than warm gold. It doesn't bother me too much (probably because I don't even like the thing) but the people ought to know!

Additionally, I'm not a huge fan of the armor piece or the face. The armor looks okay and compliments the wings well, but along with the helmet makes the figure top heavy and, even worse, inhibits arm movement. The face is really run of the mill and maybe even a little ugly, though, again that could be the helmet on top of the head. Also, have all "good" mythological figures got to have a spear?

As for what I do like, the golden wings are spectacular and the printing on the torso and legs are fantastic. I'm not the biggest fan of the Spartan from Series 2 (though I admit part of that could be jealousy) but since him (and because of ungodly aftermarket prices), we haven't got anyone to interact with the Minotaur or the Cyclops or the Battle Goddess or the Faun or Medusa (who is actually in a similar situation to the Spartan because the Battle Goddess so jealous that she cursed her to forevermore be sold for ridiculous prices). As a huge fan of Greek Mythology, I find this really disappointing. There have been a bunch of Roman minifigures--Gladiators, Centurions, Generals, and Senators--but those aren't the same; saying "World domination! Taxes and ancient politics and stuff!" to me instead of "Gods, monsters, and adventure!"

Anyway, the Flying Warrior starts to fix that, since his torso and legs are pretty much exactly what I am looking for to at least make my own Heracleseus. It is kind of annoying that it is all gold, but with two shades of it (one of them especially shiny) and, more importantly, having no better options, this has got me really excited; so much, that I might be looking to get more of these guys for some mixing and matching with Amazons and Romans and Barbarians and Surfers so that we can get some heroes (and, I can't believe I am saying this, not just heroines; the Battle Goddess and Warrior Woman are really easy to get) into the myth world.


Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star gray.svg 4 / 5

The helmet is atrocious. DC fans might like to use them for Thanagarians or something, but I don't know... Otherwise, aside from another spear, the part selection is pretty okay.

Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg 2 / 5

For something between the Greek Perseus and the Abrahamic Archangel Michael, this guy is actually really boring. Thin, shaved face, scowl, bulky helmet, spear...the bits hanging off of the figure do more talking than the figure himself. He's certainly no Hotdog Guy.

Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg 3 / 5

Why has this guy got to be monochromatic? He looks good, certainly, but the beautiful Battle Goddess is only helped by using more than one color.

Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg 3 / 5

Okay, the minifigure itself isn't that fantastic super amazing, the best parts really being the torso and legs (which even then are hurt by monochromitis) but if you are a mythology fan like me, this might not be a figure to pass by.

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NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

107 months ago
Score 0++
Actually got this yesterday along with the other 15 in the series (for just over half price :D). Completely agree about the armor piece limiting arm movement- he's meant to be a warrior but he can't even hold his spear straight, it really annoyed me too. But I like the chunky armour and weird helmet, it makes him something a bit different from the rest to me :) And yes, spears are getting boring. Can't think of what else they's use though, this guy looks like he should use a spear, swords don't look right with him and nothing else really suits that type of look (maces would just scream Hawkman)

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

107 months ago
Score 0++

I like the armor, but the helmet's design is kind of odd to me. I'm glad that other people like it though. :)

When you tried using swords, were they silver? That might not work because every other part of the figure is some shade of yellow. :P

Maybe a crossbow would work for something different? \_O_/

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

107 months ago
Score 0++
yeah, a gold crossbow would have been great, I never thought of ranged weapons :) I used one of those golden Ninjago swords. It didn't look bad, but with that armor he just looks more like a spear guy to me
... more about "Flying Warrior/Berrybrick"
Berrybrick +
23:02:00, 26 May 2016 +
Flying_Warrior +