User blog:Brikkyy13/Advertising ideas

From Brickipedia, the LEGO Wiki

Hello everybody,

Today I will address something that has been manifesting in our community for some time... Activity, or lack of.

As we are all aware of the only "real" contributors to the wiki are the handful of us who left wikia (who needs them, right?). And when I say handful, I really mean it. My count of users who are active sits at around 12, +/- 2 depending on what you consider activity.

So, how do we get more activity? Advertising. Now I know that we have gone over this many times before, but I'm going to sum it up and give my thoughts and suggestions.

  1. Social Media - Our biggest (and really only) current form of advertising. We need to post more content to these accounts and use our "friends" (I.e. bs01, brickset) to share/retweet/whatever our updates. I understand that Meiko doesn't have much time, so we should give 1, maybe 2 more users access to these accounts to keep the updates coming. If we post more content, the more attention it will grab.
  1. YouTube - BZP has the right idea, reviews, podcasts, interviews, they use that channel superbly. My idea, start a YouTube channel of our own, give trusted users access and upload content just like that, reviews, podcasts and more. The podcast idea has been tossed around before so I won't go into it (though my view is we should do a regular thing rather than a one-off), but a channel in general should definitely be considered.

EDIT - Some users are saying that people don't have time for the channel if it were to be done. With admin permission I'd be happy to create and maintain the channel myself (all admins and admin approved users would have access to the channel upon request).

  1. "Friend" sites - We have official "friends" who we advertise on our main page, but what if we did more than that? If we could organise legitimate advertising ties (like a scratch my back I scratch yours type thing) we could really get the brickimedia word out there, rather than it being something people just overlook in google search results.

So, there's my thoughts on advertising and such. What are your thoughts on this matter?

Comments (10)
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Anonymous user #1

124 months ago
Score 1++

1. Yep.

2. Definitely. (I've actually brought that up several times earlir this year :-P )

3. Yep.

So there's something we need to do :-P

#ShareBrickimediaProject (2015)

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

124 months ago
Score 1++
Well if we're the only ones interested in the YouTube idea maybe we should be the ones operating the account :P

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

124 months ago
Score 0++

1. I think our Twitter's doing great, and there isn't really any need to change that. Our Facebook and Google+ on the other hand...
1. http://www.y.../brickimedia - I never watch video reviews personally (waste of time when you can just see pics), but more avertising = good advertising

1. I don't really see a need to go any further- if they're on front pages or set pages, people are aware they're there, I wouldn't want to jeopardise any relationships with our friends by being too pushy

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

124 months ago
Score 0++
Well that channel does look pretty bare... we should definitely use it more.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

124 months ago
Score 0++
Oh yeah, I totally agree we should do something with it

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

124 months ago
Score 0++
I've started a thread on the forum with this topic, feel free to weigh in.

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

124 months ago
Score 0++

1.Meiko isn't the sole user of the account, a few users do have access to it.

1.we have a channel it's just dead :P I don't think anyone's bothered to make videos for it though.

1.I think some of our friends sites have fixed advertisements and can't do this

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

124 months ago
Score 0++
I can't seem to find that channel, can you link it?

IchindarBrick Master

124 months ago
Score 0++

Some good ideas here.

  1. Absolutely agree here. We should have a vote for this.
  1. This could work, but to be honest, most of us don't have the time to do videos. I have no interest in the podcast thingy, and I doubt it would do much good.
  1. This would be a very good thing. Advertising their contests/they ours. Would require some thought, though.

IchindarBrick Master

124 months ago
Score 1++
why does each # come out as '1.'??