User blog:Nexus/Superheroes Month Announcement

From Brickipedia, the LEGO Wiki


This will be a Superheroes based competition (EVERYTHING Superheroes related, Batman I, Spiderman I, etc.). As one of the more popular LEGO themes we still don't have every page for characters or at least all class 2 articles, so this competition will be to get it at that state. The teams will be Heroes vs Villains. You MUST sign up before June 2nd




How to win

  • Points will be how your team wins.
  • 1 point: Minor edit, grammar or broken link fixes
  • 2 point: Adding a photo or a better photo to a character/vehicle/set article
  • 3 points: Get a Class 4 article to a Class 3 article
  • 3 points: Getting a Class 3 article to a Class 2 article
  • 5 points: Get a Class 4 article to a Class 2 article
  • 6 points: Write a review for a set
  • 8 points: Get a Class 3 article to a Class 1 article
  • 10 points: Get a Class 4 article to a Class 1 article
  • 12 points: Make 5 Class 4 articles into Class 2
  • 16 points: Video Game guides for Brickibooks - no copy and paste from another guide though
  • 3 points: Customs ( 3pts per Acceptable Custom)

Teams can create Heroes or Villains also. Points will be given towards the best hero/villain team and stories. (If you can't edit at all, make a comic story series made from bricks! Show the heroes or villains duking it out to win!)


  • These editing badges aren't only for mainspace! Customs and Reviews (also Brickibooks) count!
  • Celestial Bronze badge (Hero or Villain) (15 edits)
  • Kryptonite badge (Hero or Villain) (45 edits)
  • Adamantium badge (Hero or Villain) (75 edits)
  • Squirrel Girl's Squirrel badge (Hero or Villain) (110 edits)
  • Vibranium badge (Hero or Villain) (150+ edits)
  • Heroes vs Villains (REAL Prizes for only one team)
  • Most recorded edits (?) (Top 3 users)
  • Best Superheroes Brickibook written (1 user)
  • Best Custom (1 user)
  • Best Review (1 user)

Final Note/Rules

Please know that if you lie about the edits you can be disqualified from getting prizes and badges. All your edits contributing the team you are in will be divvied between the two teams ultimately probably giving an advantage to your opposition. There will be someone grading pages, (hopefully) so you can get your correct amount of points. Also, you cannot reserve pages unless you are in the middle of editing them or the person wanting to edit it is on your team (kindly tell them to work on another page) Only 4 people from the same team can edit the same page, so make it count when you edit. If you read this. Along your comment say "With great power comes great responsibility" when you ask for your team. Customs and reviews are just as important as mainspace edits. Every edit counts! And as I said, videogame guides = 16 points so be sure you go for the whopping 48 points if you are that dedicated... Excelsior! Now, the official start will be JUNE FOURTH

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131 months ago
Score 0++
Superheroes month has been pushed back to June. Sorry! :(

ToaMeikoHonorable Brickipedian

131 months ago
Score 0++


131 months ago
Score 0++

NovaFlareMaster Builder

132 months ago
Score 0++
(I'm happy to switch to the villains if you wanted to balance the teams a bit)


132 months ago
Score 0++
(per Nova)

King KahukaAmateur

132 months ago
Score 0++
Ok, i'll join. :P


132 months ago
Score 1++

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

132 months ago
Score 1++
I'll play as a villain.


132 months ago
Score 1++
You are an enemy of the Nightingale forces, the Nova Legions, the might of the Knight, and plexus of the Nexus!


132 months ago
Score 0++

NovaFlareMaster Builder

132 months ago
Score 1++
I'm in as a hero :)

NovaFlareMaster Builder

132 months ago
Score 1++
and what Czech said :P


132 months ago
Score 1++
I'll enter as a hero, named as "Ramage" if possible.


132 months ago
Score 1++
with great power comes great responsibility, too.