User blog:NovaHawk/Random Star Wars blog

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I was going to go add some Shop descriptions/images to our pages since we're hilariously behind, but my Internet's being dumb and uploading/downloading+cropping+uploading cropped images/loading up Shop descriptions is proving difficult. So, I've decided to do something completely off-topic: making a blog dedicated to Star Wars discussion, because I don't want to clog up other blogs. It'll probably just be full of me talking to myself and writing dumb rants, but if you've got any opinions/comments/whatever vaguely related to Star Wars (LEGO-related or otherwise), feel free to post below :)

If you're talking about Rogue One, please warn people about spoilers at the top of your comments.

Comments (52)
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NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

97 months ago
Score 0++

Minor Aftermath: Empire's End spoilers

I'm about a quarter of the way through this. So far the main story is pretty much what you'd expect if you've read the other two books (except for one thing but won't give away that spoiler in case there's a 1/1000000 chance someone else here intends to read it). But one of the big highlights for these books for me has been the interludes- mini-chapters that have nothing to with the main story but give a snapshot of what the Galaxy's like after the New Republic's just been established.

One of the things the EU failed to address was what ever happened to Jar Jar? I actually thought this was a pretty big issue because he was pretty much the only main character from the movies that never had their fate revealed. I figured that it was because of all the randoms hating him so they just decided to leave it alone. This interlude, while only 4 or 5 pages, finally answers that question. It's set on Naboo, Jar Jar's getting old, he's an outcast from both the Gungans who still don't like him, and also the Naboo, who thought that he was in league with the Empire. He spends his days as a clown, performing for all the refugee children who have come to Naboo, and centres around him becoming friends with a child who's been prettty badly deformed from an explosion he was in during the war. (The kid's injuries do actually sound a bit like how Snoke looks- I know it's unlikely he turns out to be Snoke, and I really hope he doesn't, I wouldn't want this interlude ruined like that.) Anyway, it was just a really nice way to finish off Jar Jar's story, I couldn't possibly have imagined a better way to end it.


98 months ago
Score 0++
I actually thought Rogue One was boring and confusing

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

99 months ago
Score 0++

Catalyst/Rogue One spoilers

Knew Catalyst was going to be a good book, because it had "James Luceno" on the front. It did a really great job of giving us Krennic's, Galen's and Lyra's backstories. I think when I see Rogue One again those scenes between these characters are going to be a whole lot more meaningful- knowing that Krennic and Galen were friends growing up at the Republic Academy, then reading about how exactly later in life Krennic delicately manipulated Galen for 5 years to develop the Death Star's superlaser while he thought he was working on a project for sustainable energy for underdeveloped worlds I think will add a whole new dimension to the characters that we didn't get time to see on screen. Also Krennic pretty much always hated Lyra for meddling with his plans for Galen but tried his best not to show it. Can definitely see why he killed Lyra instead of just stunning her now.

Also the relationship between Krennic and Tarkin was fun- both of them trying to undermine the other for years, and towards the end of the book Krennic set a trap to try and (best case scenario) kill Tarkin or (worst case scenario- which is what happened) force Tarkin into a months-long battle that meant Tarkin couldn't spend time on advancing his career/undermining Krennic, and also made him look bad for using so much time and so many resources for what was meant to be a very quick mission. I can definitely understand the obvious hatred the two have for each other in the movie much better.

The last couple of paragraphs were pretty sad. It was written from Jyn's point of view (who was 5 by the end of the book)- pretty much it was like "I don't know who the Empire is, but Mama and Papa don't like them so they must be bad. But at least I have a new friend now, yay!" (the "friend" being Saw). I dunno, knowing how Jyn turned out, it was funny and sad at the same time.

Really wished I read the book before the movie, but I was told it would have movie spoilers so I stayed away from it (it didn't have any spoilers at all, it just featured some of the characters from the movie)

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

99 months ago
Score 0++

I finally saw Rogue One like all of the other cool kids. So spoilers?

  • First off, all of the trailers paired with this were for reboots or sequels. I'm not bothered by sequels as much as some other people are, but it was weird how most of them sort of had this transtextualism going on, trying to get you to guess what the franchise was. Not all of them did that (and really, Kong was the only one especially annoying about it), but I thought it was interesting because then the movie sort of did the same thing. Blue milk because Star Wars, the Force because Star Wars, it's a trap because Star Wars, I have a bad feeling because Star Wars and we are going to keep saying "hope" because Star Wars. I thought it would bother me.
  • A side note on the trailers the background music in that Transformers trailer is something special...the music they chose for the first part describes what the screen is showing (like a shot of Optimus Prime floating in space, and the song says "We are floating in space") was kind of lovely.
  • But on being bothered because Star Wars. It sort of did bother me. But then we got to the last act and, well, that puts the "War" in Star Wars. Disney has started to earn my respect with the way they are handling the franchise, I think, in ways they haven't in other places. The "because Star Wars" still bothers me (especially because TFA pretty much did it too by redressing ANH) and that's something they'll have to move on from before I get totally on board, but that they ended the movie the way they did earned them a lot of points. It did a lot to setup ANH too (even cleaning up a plothole or two). It's a different galaxy without the space knights jumping around, and I think it's good of them to show that.
  • Even the setup for ANH is because Star Wars though, I think; the movie probably wouldn't work if it weren't a Star Wars film, but that's not necessarily a bad thing
  • The story was better than TFA, but I don't know if I'd say I like Rogue One more just because I think that Finn and Rey were better characters. It's not that I didn't like the cast here though, they just weren't as well developed, and I at least respect Rogue One more for being different.
  • I am glad that people like it. I liked it.
  • I could tell Tarkin was CG; maybe I wouldn't have realized if I hadn't heard beforehand, but going in knowing, it was sort of obvious. Some of the movements he made came off as uncannily well controlled; to see a real actor manage that might be surreal. Leia I actually didn't realize, but I think that's because she wasn't even on screen for three seconds.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

99 months ago
Score 0++

Rogue One spoilers

Yeah, I get what you mean about the "because Star Wars"- especially the overuse of the word "hope" and all the talk about the Force. I mean after reading Catalyst I get that Lyra was a big Jedi wannabe, but I don't really see why they felt like they needed Chirrut and Baze to be Jedi worshippers. And bringing something as big as the Whills into the new canon in a movie without Jedi seemed very strange. Also Vader at the end just seemed a little like "we have to have a lightsaber and the Force in the movie somewhere, because Star Wars" too. But really, overall it's pretty minor for me, was still very happy with this movie and after being very worried about the future of Star Wars when I saw VII, my faith has been somewhat restored :)

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

99 months ago
Score 0++

Don't think I'll do a review on Rogue One because it'll just go on for too long, but I've got to comment/ask questions on some of those cameos at least. "Warning: Rogue One spoilers ahead'

  • Going to start with what was in my opinion the best- Jon Vander (only referred to as "Gold Leader" in the movie). Yes, I know, everyone else will be like "who?" or "meh" :P But when I saw him I was blown away by how they found someone who not only looked so similar to the guy who played him in Episode IV, but also managed to perfectly mimic his facial expressions and movements. Turns out they actually used bits of footage filmed for Episode IV that didn't make it into the movie and stuck them into Rogue One. Thought that was pretty cool how they stiched that all together so seamlessly.
  • Garven Dreis "Red Leader"- same as above (just not as recognisable a character to me :P)
  • Nice to see Red 5 (Pedrin Gaul) die so we know what happened to him and how Luke claimed his place. Thought it was a bit better than the EU character/explanation (Jal Te Gniev had measles which freed up an X-wing for Luke).
  • Tarkin- he's close. Not quite the same, but as close as they could possibly get and I'd have to say they did a good job. I liked how they showed a more vicious side to Tarkin too.
  • Vader- ...Vader making a pun? That was so not Vader. Overall I have a bit of a mixed opinion of how Vader was portrayed here. His fighting technique at the end also seemed way too fluid compared to how he moved in the OT as well. And did he seem shorter to anyone else? Wasn't a huge fan of the castle on Mustafar either... I mean, I love how twisted Palpatine is (in some reference book it states that Palpatine makes him live there) but I'm getting kinda sick of how new stories make Vader seem weak and no more important than a mere pawn like Maul or some meaningless officer.
  • Leia- personally I didn't think she really looked like Leia. Everyone I've talked to since did though. Am I the only one here? I mean, she must look kinda similar since she had CGI editing like Tarkn. Maybe it was just because of where I was sitting or something :P I think they missed out on a really good opportunity here though- as Antilles was coming in he could have heard "help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope", and walked in on Leia recording a message for R2, and maybe 3PO standing beside him.
  • R2-D2/C-3PO- the only one to me that seemed a little forced. I think the above may have been a bit more natural. But what do I know, I'm no filmmaker :P Still good to see them nonetheless.
  • Dr. Evazan/Ponda Baba- totally unexpected and random, thought that was pretty funny
  • Saw Gerrera- Sure. I mean, it was nice to bring a character in from The Clone Wars. And it makes perfect sense for him to be where he was.
  • Mon Mothma and Jan Dodonna- Close I guess, but not the best. I thought Mon Mothma was really good when the actress was cast for Episode III, and when the trailer came out I thought the same (not knowing exactly when it was set). But since Rogue One is set days before Episode IV, she just looks too young to me- she doesn't look only four years younger than what she looks like in Episode VI. Still not too bad though I guess, and as far as the acting and being faithful to the character goes I thought she was perfectly fine. But Dodonna I wasn't happy with. They could have at least given him a wig or something- he seems to have lost a fair bit of hair in those couple of days between Rogue One and Episode IV.
  • Bail- yay. Awesome to see him there with the rest of the Alliance, mentioning he's sending Leia off to get Obi-Wan and leaving for Alderaan to warn his people about the Death Star.
  • Rebels cameos and references- I must admit I missed Chopper and both appearances of the Ghost, I had to go look up the pictures afterwards. I did catch the page for "General Syndulla" over the PA though. Thought it was really great that they worked all that in, but it does pose a lot of questions for the show. I'm guessing that Hammerhead corvette was a part of Phoenix Squadron before the merge- pretty cool to see that being put in to action like that too :P Also, I read afterwards that Cassian Andor wasn't just a mere intelligence officer but he was Fulcrum agent (the original Fulcrum being Ahsoka Tano).

Omega XAmateur

99 months ago
Score 0++

Some thoughts:

Tarkin-they did an excellent job imo, and several of my friends could not even tell that he was CG. Storywise they weaved him into the story in a great fashion-showing how ruthless he is (to krennic especially), while also tying into Episode 4.

Vader-Regarding the pun, do allow me to direct u to this article =)

I do agree that his fighting moves were a bit too fluid, but again I'm not complaining (we never saw Vader in his suit fight like this anyways, which I believed should have been the climax of Episode 3 but moving on!) He does not seem too short to be Vader to me though, although that could be due to the camera angles when he was talking to Krennic =P

Regarding the castle, the moment I saw it i thought it didnt fit his character to have such a grand and guarded fortress, but after learning more about it, I now feel that it is very poetic and really fleshes out vader as a character. The idea is that Vader chose the location itself due to it residing over a Sith cave and constantly reminding himself of his biggest failure and hatred of Obi-Wan, allowing him to be at peace (in a twisted sense). Do refer to video from Stupendous Wave which I feel is very informative.

Leia-Me too, I didnt feel that she looked like Leia, which left me a bit confused =P Btw love your suggestion of the ending, that would be great to see it literally merging into Episode 4

R2/C3PO-It felt very forced to me indeed, would love to see them onboard Tantive IV instead imo with your suggestion


99 months ago
Score 0++
I didn't realise Tarkin was CG when I saw it - I thought something was off, but just assumed it was a new actor with lots of makeup which made it look so alike but slightly uncanny.

Omega XAmateur

99 months ago
Score 0++
Agreed, it does not look 'exactly alike, but he does seem very realistic and lifelike. And indeed when interviewed, the guys behind CG Tarkin said they prioritised realism rather than accuracy, and they were definitely successful imo


99 months ago
Score 0++
The only reason I realised Tarkin was CG was because I watch Holby City and Casualty religiously and recognised Guy Henry's voice. I'm sure my friends can vouch for how excited I was when I got out of the cinema and checked IMDb to confirm my hunch.


99 months ago
Score 0++
Finally, an answer to the question "who watches Casualty and Holby"?

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

99 months ago
Score 0++

Am I the only person who didn't like Rogue One? The first two thirds just felt like Suicide Squad with boring character designs. :P The creative choices they made were certainly impressive and deserve to be recognized, but as a film as a whole it wasn't exactly amazing. The last third was a great ending to a war film too, it was just what we were sitting through to get to it was so boring. Oh I also found myself struggled to believe the universe was real and I didn't have that problem with any other film I saw this year.
I thought the characters were likable, though they weren't particularly memorable. I'll have to struggle to think of a line any of them said. Also I don't think they did a good job explaining who's who, I had no idea who Sag Garrea (or however you spell it) was until about 20 minutes after they kept saying his name every minute. A lot of people are saying K2SO is the best droid ever but he seemed very generic to me. Perhaps that's my problem with all the characters I've seen them before and apart from that last third they didn't really try anything new. Oh and on a side note thank the heavens they got rid of the "I rebel" line.

In all I didn't hate this movie, I just thought it was really really long. I'm sure you'll enjoy it more than I did though and like I said there was aspects that I enjoyed.

Omega XAmateur

99 months ago
Score 0++

Hmm thats certainly an interesting opinion! Personally I enjoyed this movie very much, and I do feel that the ending is very fitting and poetic. I do feel immersed in the SW universe, and this movie as a whole. I would credit that to the amount of "heart" that is in this film: There were a lot of touching moments, where the characters make bold choices and choose to commit themselves to a cause (I think that this is the closest I can get without revealing spoilers =P)

I do agree that there are some boring moments, and the characters aren't as interesting as Suicide Squad, but SS is more of a fantasy/superhero movie, and as a war movie it would naturally pale in comparison. I came into the movie knowing who Saw Gerrerar (Also no idea how to spell his name =3) is , but I do agree that his character left me quite confused and I would have handled his character quite differently.

K2S0 is quite similiar to C3PO imo, while he is not unique in that sense, I do feel that amongst the mostly human crew, a droid or two would certainly make it more interesting =P

Ironically, I find this movie to be more fresh and "new" than TFA, possibly due to the whole new bunch of characters which does not involve a force-sennsitive individual stranded on a desert planet and being chanced upon by a droid carrying important information =P

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

99 months ago
Score 0++

First of all for both of you: Saw Gerrera :P

But yeah, I think I get what you're saying. I mean if you hadn't seen the TCW episodes with him in it as a kid fighting on Onderon, you'd just be like- "oh. It's a guy". I think some of the Partisan stuff may have been cut- there are toys for Partisan X-wings out there, but we never saw them in the movie as far as I can tell :S

Haven't seen Suicide Squad and don't really plan to, so I can't comment in regards to that. But I think the characters not being memorable/iconic was kinda the point- they were just people in a war doing what they could to fight the Empire moreso than some "special" people.

Anyway, I was pretty happy with it, will probably write something later.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

99 months ago
Score 1++
I didn't know that they were bringing a character in from TCW. I don't think I saw those episodes, but that's pretty cool (even if it ends up confusing it's nice that they tried).

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

99 months ago
Score 0++
Yeah, I found that arc kinda boring personally and "Saw Gerrera" didn't ring any bells when it first came up in relation to Rogue One. But others seemed to really like the Onderon episodes, maybe I should rewatch it sometime. I was probably just mad about them screwing up some EU material or something :P

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

99 months ago
Score 0++

Not sure what the consensus is on the prequels around here, but this video has some interesting ideas for fixes. I'm not quite sure how easily it would slip into a trilogy format though. I guess TPM would be roughly the same, Anakin would already be evil at the beginning of RotS, and then AotC would be something totally different (right down to the title). Having watched AotC recently, I'd sort of be okay with that....

Keep Jar Jar though.

Omega XAmateur

99 months ago
Score 0++

Agreed that video does suggest some great improvements to the prequel trilogy, and i agree with many of its suggestions, especially the one where it would be Darth in armour vs Obi Wan, it would flesh out Darth and his fighting abilities. However this does result in a larger gap between Episodes 2 and 3, which I'm actually okay with (i mean just look at the time difference between 1 and 2, and 6 and 7!)

I personally appreciate the prequel trilogy for what it intended to convey (palpatine's rise to power and Darth Vader's birth), and they are hardly the worst movies I've seen so far. I understand all the hate but hey at least it had some great moments! (the lightsaber fights were the best I've seen so far, including TFA)

CJCbotThinking With Bricks

99 months ago
Score 1++
Rogue One was better than Episode VII I think.

Omega XAmateur

99 months ago
Score 3++


It defied expectations by quite a bit, much was unexpected, and i was screaming internally when some stuff happened. However also a bit disappointed, a lot of the cool shots in the trailers were not in the final cut of the film =/

I LOVE how they handled this iconic franchise with love and care, but yet also expanded and fleshed it out in ways i could never imagine.

The photography and cinematography was excellent. It is a beautiful beautiful film, with great locations and WONDERFUL framing, with some shots really reminding me of war movies and some others being symbolic and beautiful at the same time. Kudos to whoever did the storyboards.

The story is gritty. Really gritty. And very realistic too. It also has much more heart than any of the SW movies i watched so far, having equal bits of action, humour, character development, suspense and heartfelt moments. The heroes were very well written but for the villans side u need a bit more exposition from Rogue One Catalyst. The main theme of this movie is (very surprising for a science fiction film) faith and beliefs. It is very inspiring.

How they handled some film elements and characters left me a bit stunned (in a good way), but i would have preferred to do it another way.

The score is sadly disappointing. There were rumours that the composer was rushed to come up with the score, and unfortunately it shows. There were no memorable scores aside from the occasional force theme and imperial march (which I would have done VERY differently--yes im actally pissed at the composer for screwing up imperial march), and the new themes introduced doesnt sound like anything good imo. That is my only complaint for this movie.

References were aplenty, but i hope to catch more of them on my second viewing =D

I will not talk about the ending here, but it was poetic and explains a lot of lore loopholes that many of the fans had wondered about. They wrapped everything up in a spectacular fashion.

Btw dont expect a lot of Darth Vader. Hes physical presence is kept to a minimum but hes influence can be felt throughout the film.

The filmmakers really outdone themselves here. This is a gritty, realistic, action-packed, heart-felt, inspiring movie, and i highly recommend it =)

Omega XAmateur

99 months ago
Score 0++
Just realised that i forgot to add rogue one into the title =P

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

99 months ago
Score 0++
This is a perfect summary of the film. Glad to hear you enjoyed it too.

SamanthaNguyenBuilding Bigger

99 months ago
Score 0++
Makes me want to even see it more! thanks for the review :)

Omega XAmateur

99 months ago
Score 0++

@Brickkyy Thanks!! It is very hard not to like this film =P

@Sam Np! You wont be disappointed by it =)

SamanthaNguyenBuilding Bigger

99 months ago
Score 1++
Well, I'm planning to see Rogue One this christmas break! Hope it turns out to be a good movie :)

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

99 months ago
Score 0++

Spoiler free Rogue One review. Forgive me if it doesn't read well, I'm falling asleep writing this.

Holy crap, that was amazing.

People are probably gonna disown me, but I'm standing firm when I say it's better than Empire.

The first 20ish minutes are kind of rushed and all over the place, but it all works itself out and an explanation is kind of given (it's more implied, but it's really easy to figure out). After that, the film starts to make perfect sense. It's pacing issues are corrected and it delivers one hell of a movie. The ending was absolutely incredible, and it does tie into ANH perfectly.

It both does and doesn't feel like Star Wars. Rogue One is a completely different movie in the best way possible.

I'd like to say that the fan service (I think there are 3 instances, but you could probably pass them off as "tradition") is a downfall to the movie, but it isn't. It works.

I can't find anything bad to say about this movie. I strongly suggest seeing this movie ASAP.

Now, it's almost 3:30 AM and I need sleep :P

Also, I think [this picture of myself] belongs here. :P

Omega XAmateur

99 months ago
Score 0++

And i thought I could not be more hyped for Rogue One =P

Looking forward to watching it this weekend! =D

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

99 months ago
Score 0++

That picture :P

Good costume too

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

99 months ago
Score 0++

Completely missed your other comment below

Haha yes definitely a fitting photo :D Nice costume :) A carbonite Han costume sounds hilarious though :D

I'm staying away from pretty much everywhere right now so I won't ask you anything about the movie except for one thing- was the plot at least remotely original this time? :P Rogue One's literally the only movie I've been excited about, just hoping it's going to be as good as you said it was (you liked VII so I cant trust you XD)

Rebels is in its mid-season break (like everything else) so if you want to catch up on the first 9 episodes it's probably a good time to do so.

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

99 months ago
Score 0++

The Han in Carbonite costume would've been epic if my friend followed through with it. Maybe next year :P

I'd say yes, it is an original plot. I hope you enjoy it :D

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

99 months ago
Score 0++

Me too, it's the only SW movie I've ever been actually looking foward to :P

Also did you see it in 3D? If you did were the 3D effects anything special? (I'd never watch a SW movie in 3D for the first time, but I might see it a second time if I actually like this one)

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

99 months ago
Score 1++
I've seen it in both 2D and 3D :P. 3D adds nothing, see it in 2D

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

100 months ago
Score 0++

Rogue One is 8 days away. I have my midnight premiere tickets. In all honesty, not that hyped for it. I guess it's because it's about rebels getting the Death Star plans, so we know how it ends. I think the movie will be good in a different way.

On a related note, my group of friends is doing cosplay again this year. Last year I was Kylo Ren and they were Rey, Captain Phasma and George Lucas. This year I'm Boba Fett and one of them's going to be Han in Carbonite. That'll be fun.

Also, I completely forgot about rebels season 3. I'll probably just wait until the season finishes and binge it.

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

100 months ago
Score 0++
I don't think a single person in my year (other than me) cosplays :P

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

100 months ago
Score 1++

While Soup's getting all controversial with age/ethnicity below, I may as well do something similar too :P

Kathleen Kennedy's pushing like crazy for a woman to direct an upcoming Star Wars film.

This is absolutely ridiculous to me. Pick whoever you think will do the best job with the film, don't pick them because they're female. If the person they decide is the best suited to directing happens to be a woman, that's totally fine with me. But don't sacrifice the quality of the film just to make some political point.

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

100 months ago
Score 1++

Well if she's going to stick a woman as the protagonist of each new film, she'd want to have some females working behind the screen.

This whole "we need a woman director" idea is stupid and all you should do is try, not just pick some random one because she's a woman. I don't understand why Star Wars "needs" a woman director, it's not like it's Wonder Woman or Barbie. :P Star Wars should screw male or ideally be gender neutral, but the only thing that's happened since putting Ms. Kennedy in charge is making it scew female. :/

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

100 months ago
Score 1++

Can we rant about how all the female characters are skinny white brunettes in their early thirties-late twenties? :P

And I'm still annoyed that Kylo Ren is Han's & Leia's son, even though Rey acted like their daughter and looks like she could be their daughter... I have my priorities straight! :3


100 months ago
Score 2++
I'm a trans girl with brown hair so I can't complain :P


100 months ago
Score 0++
I'm just really glad George Lucas doesn't have total control of the franchise anymore he kinda ruined it with the prequels

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

100 months ago
Score 1++

Yay, controversy is fun. :P

I think I'd have to agree with Rock-O-Jello. I'm not necessarily glad that Disney are the ones at the helm, since they tend to like their formulas (not that they can't get away with it a fair portion of the time), but Lucas himself (at least I think) had some not-very-strong ideas on formulas himself. Using the Hero's Journey doesn't free you up to include all of that political garble or write unconvincing (and just plain bad) characters.

It is true that TFA is basically ANH though, and that's also pretty disappointing. New ideas would be appreciated, whether they come from Lucas or somebody else.

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

100 months ago
Score 1++
Abrams said TFA copied ANH as he was changing the face of Star Wars. I know ideally people should accept new leads that don't look like leads we usually see, but it is a nice cushion to start off with something fans are familiar with.


100 months ago
Score 1++
IP: "You can write this crap, George, but you can't say it!"

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

100 months ago
Score 0++

100% with Mr. IP here :) VII was completely uninventive with a Death Star III and no new ships or anything remotely original (there was concept art for J-wings, K-wings and a 3-winged TIE Fighter, but they decided to be completely boring instead). Say what you will about the prequels, but consider some of the things it brought to the franchise- Droidekas, Coruscant, fast-paced lightsaber duels, Jedi Interceptors- not to mention a new plot.

Yes, the love scenes were shockingly bad, and unlike the OT I do skip some scenes in the PT, but I totally agree that if Lucas had input into the framework and other people took it over from there then that'd seem ideal to me as well.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

100 months ago
Score 0++

Hey, we have interesting and diverse characters. We better make sure the story isn't or else people might get confused?

(I don't think Lucas is the only person capable of coming up with new ideas, either.)

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

100 months ago
Score 1++
Annoyed not confused :P

Omega XAmateur

100 months ago
Score 1++

Andd time to jump into controversy =P

I liked the prequels, at times more than the OT to be honest. Loved how it showed palpatine's rise to power, and the workings of intergalactic politics. The love subplot seems so weird though, and it is definitely imo the weakest part of the prequels. The action scenes were so much better, even better than episode 7 (the injured kylo ren vs barely-trained rey did not leave me satisfied at all)

Plotwise episode 7 was extremely disappointing, and would definitely prefer the prequels as it is (ironically) more unpredictable than episode 7.


100 months ago
Score 3++

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

100 months ago
Score 0++
Oh, and the first 28 minutes of Rogue One has been made available to certain press people. It sounds extremely fast-paced and some people were confused by it because it didn't take time to introduce characters. I love the sound of this- it sounds like the fast-paced war film that they originally promised (the trailers seemed to indicate otherwise to me).

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

100 months ago
Score 0++
Or it could end up like Suicide Squad! :P

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

100 months ago
Score 0++

Please don't be like suicide squad D:

In all honesty, I enjoyed SS except for the rushed first act. I don't know what to think, because I'm trying to avoid everything from now until next week, but if Rogue One is going to have that rush to introduce the ensemble cast I'm already disappointed. Hopefully the rest of the movie corrects the pacing issues, and delivers a good story.


100 months ago
Score 0++

All my friends are heathens,
Take it slow,
Wait for them to ask you
Who you know