User blog:Omega X/A Look Behind the Scenes of Caption Contests

From Brickipedia, the LEGO Wiki

Welcome to Behind the Scenes of Caption Contests![edit source]

Introduction[edit source]

Hello guys! I'm Omega X. Recently, in caption contest 10, Berry left a comment that theres too much going on in one picture to suffice for a single caption, which got me thinking, hey I should share with yall the process of creating a caption contest. Furthermore, it could help spur some interesting discussions and further rejuvinate the blog-space (can we call it that? =P) of Brickimedia, which unfortunately, is not as active as Brickipedia's older days =(.

Anyways, let's start with a brief introduction to those who may not be as familiar with Caption Contests, and what caused me to start this whole series in the first place. First, Caption Contests are based around a picture (about Lego obviously as this is Brickimedia) which others then comment on what phrase/sentence/dialouge would be the funniest and most creative. This is not really a new concept, in fact I got inspired to start my own caption contests back at Brickipedia around 2 years ago due to be seeing another user hosting his own caption contest, which I found to be a very nice and interesting concept, and that it would be very fun to set up such a contest. My first caption contest started in December 1, 2012, featuring a pretty cute senario that Santa got himself into =P (Its at for those who are interested to check it out). From there on, it started gaining traction in the community, and I continued to make 8 such contests before I went inactive for 2 years, due to a combination of factors, such as the failed conversion to Brickimedia and my real life studies.

Now 2 years later, now, I return to Brickimedia, and started again, releasing my first caption contest here (, and now I'm at my 11th! (At point of typing 10th is still ongoing, but I intend to release this alongside 11 so...)

Looking back, it has truly been an incredible journey and I'm honored to contribute this little part to the Brickipedia community and the LEGO community as a whole. I am truly appreciative and thankful for all the people who have been with me along this journey, and I thank all of you, for your support, participation, advice, and help over the years. In a symbolic gesture, heres a compilation of all 11 Caption Contests that I've done here on Brickimedia/Brickipedia =)

A Look Back CC.jpg

While there are no real "steps" for me to follow through, there are usually some general things that are common throughout the many caption contests: Having an Inspiration, then proceeded by Visualisation, then Setting up/Taking the Photo, followed by editing the picture and finally the release/judging.Se

I usually plan and take the pictures of the caption contests 2 contests in advance. Ths is so as to account for periods in time where i might be very preoccupied with real-life stuff, so I couldnt have the time to take the pics in the month itself.

Getting Inspiration[edit source]

Like with all other creative processes, eg: lego creations/MOCs, there must be an inspiration to start with. For me, it usually comes in the most unlikely of ways. See a minifig that I thought I didnt own? Why not make it a CC? (Refer to CC6 and CC8 =P) See two models coincidentally side by side? Why not pit them against each other? (Refer to CC9 =3 ) It could also be inspired by any news (lego or not) that is in the news currently (eg Kylo Ren's new lightsaber, Spectre, Ninjago's new Pirate wave, Age of Utron etc). However, at times, I also do intentionally search for insipration such as walking and looking around in a Lego stall looking at the various products (thats how CC11 started btw =P)

Visualising it[edit source]

Next, I would try to visulaise in my head how it would probably look like, while trying to ensure that it would be decently interesting and would spur some creative and funny comments, while also trying to ensure that it wouldnt be too hard. Usually, it would take the form of either:

  • playing with scale/size
  • playing with time periods
  • confrontation/meeting between a few characters

Setting up Light Box and taking the Picture[edit source]

Now comes the hardest and easiest part of the entire process! I usually set up the light box on my piano's surface (its above the ground, not cluttered, and relatively accessible =P) by using a Drawing Block (A3 sized) folded out against the surfaces, and to prevent the camera from capturing the line (ie to get an infinity background), I usually position my phone/camera a bit below the surface. Usually that works out, but sometimes as the scene is either too big or too tall, I would have to try and use the scene itself to "block" out the seam one way or another. My most memorable ones include the one where the toa and mech faces off, cos that time i had to get 2 drawing blocks due to the sheer scale of the setup, and the toa turns out to be bulky enough to block the seam between the two drawing blocks =P

Another thing to note would be the posing, as it would be best if the characters in the picture would be able to convey the message/situation as good as possible. Thus, at times, I do use BluTack to secure the figure in place with the Drawing Block, and also when their arms need to be articulated in "illegal" ways (the skydiver was by far the most challenging to pose imo)

27537962640 8f4d264a6b o.jpg

I also usually take a lot of pictures of the same setup too, with minor changes in pose or lighting, and after everything, I will choose the best. Sometimes I will also do some improvisation too, by deviating from what I visualised as that may be not practical, or there might be something more interesting that I could do with the setup.

27781545576 945e1d1859 o.png

Photo edits[edit source]

After choosing the picture that I felt was the best, I would then use Studio (the preinstalled Samsung app on my phone =P) to edit it. Usually that would involve turning up the brightness or adding some filters (eg the SPECTRE one), but the latest one I took (CC13) involves me adding words to it, like a label, an approach I may consider using more often in the future. After that, I would then email it to myself to keep track of it.

Release[edit source]

Finally when the day comes (I try not to miss deadlines to stop and release the next CC, but at times I really forgotten about it or was too busy with real life stuffs, really sorry), I would then end the previous caption contest, judge it, give out the prizes and start a new blog! =)

Looking Forward[edit source]

Well in the future I certainly hope that I coulld continuing making more of such caption contests! It is now an part of my love for Lego now and I certainly hope to be able to contribute more to the Lego community and inspire more people to take up hosting contests on Brickimedia! (Its not that hard and its certainly fun!) Speaking about future caption contests, heres a sneak peak of caption contests 12 and 13! I had cropped out a certain portion of the image (out of context) which I thought would be fun to guess and speculate =D

CC12 teaser.jpg CC13 teaser.jpg

THANK YOU![edit source]

In conclusion, this is a great journey that I had embarked on, I truly appreciate and thank everyone who had supported me at every stage (you all know who you are =D ) , and I would just like to end with giviing my heartfelt thanks to all who have supported this series of Caption Contests, even before Brickimedia started! Without your support none of this would have been possible and it only spurs me on to bring you guys even better Caption Contests in the future! Thank you, and see you guys around!

Regards, Omega X

Please Do Feel Free to Ask if You have Anything You Wanna Know about Caption Contests or any other stuff! =)[edit source]

Comments (10)
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Omega XAmateur

106 months ago
Score 0++

Thanks a lot Anonymous user #1!! (It feels weird to call u that =P)

But anyways yea! Thanks a lot for your support and participation in the contests! I really do appreciate it a lot, even though it was quite awkward when handing out the templates hahaha =3


106 months ago
Score 0++
In case you want to know, Anonymous's this guy right here.

Omega XAmateur

106 months ago
Score 0++

Ahh I seee =3 Haha whoops!

Anyways thanks to both anons for your support! =P

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

106 months ago
Score 0++
This was awesome!

Omega XAmateur

106 months ago
Score 0++

Thanks a lot Soup!! =D

Really really glad to have your continuous support throughout for these contests! =)

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

106 months ago
Score 0++
Wow, what an awesome blog! :) Really nice to read about and see the process you go through making all of these contests. I guess that explains why your pictures always look like amazing works of art- so much effort goes into making them. Keep up the great work, I know I say this way too much, but even though I hardly ever enter because I'm useless at these contests and can never think of anything, I love seeing the photos you come up with every contest :)

Omega XAmateur

106 months ago
Score 0++
Hahaha thanks so much for your praise NovaHawk!! =D It feels really good to know that theres people like you who continues to support these contests even though they might not necessarily participate (which is perfectly fine btw, cos I'm just trying to reinvigorate the Brickipedian blogspace =) ) And I really do appreciate your continuous support and thanks again!! =D

Omega XAmateur

106 months ago
Score 1++

If you guys have any questions to ask, please do so here in the comments! =D

I will try my best to answer them! =)