Brickipedia News:'DC Super Hero Girls' Coming Soon

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Brickipedia News:'DC Super Hero Girls' Coming Soon

User:Berrybrick 21:36, 22 April 2015 (UTC)

avatarby Berrybrick
April 22, 2015

Since the launch of Friends in 2012 introduced the initially controversial mini-doll figures, it seems that they have at least taken off with the target audience as the subsequent years have expanded their world. In 2014, Disney Princesses was introduced, allowing girls (and any paying customers) to add iconic fairy tale characters to their Friends collections, while the Elves line released only a month ago has included original characters on a quest to collect keys in a fantastical land. A common theme of all three themes is character based play targeted at girls.

DC Super Hero Girls.jpg

Today, Warner Bros and DC Entertainment have announced a partnership with LEGO to create "a new superhero universe designed just for girls," which features younger versions of characters such as Wonder Woman, Batgirl, and Poison Ivy for a 6-12 audience, and LEGO has been named the "exclusive construction partner." Though there is no confirmation that this will be a mini-doll theme and sets could fall under the regular minifigure-based Super Heroes banner, it would be a reasonable assumption to make considering that the announcement for DC Super Hero Girls shows interest in the same character-driven play and "relatable" storytelling.

DC Super Hero Girls merchandise will be available beginning as early as Fall 2015, but the LEGO products, as well as others, may not be available until 2016.

Source: WB and DC Entertainment in Partnership with Mattel Launch 'DC Super Hero Girls' - DC Comics

Tags: 2015 2016 Super Heroes

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120 months ago
Score 0++
...why are they all wearing yoga pants?

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

120 months ago
Score 1++
Because that's what most teenage girls do these days :P


120 months ago
Score 0++
Ooh, nice. c:

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

120 months ago
Score 0++

These could not come out sooner! Finally we're getting "girl" ACTION sets! I'm sure we'll get the super pets in it (Kangaroo mould!).

I don't particularly like the characters designs show but hopefully they'll grow on me. (Besides Ivy :3)

At least we'll finally have Museums for the characters to steal the diamonds from.

BrickfilmNutBrick Master

120 months ago
Score 1++

Well, um... here's to new hairpieces, I guess. And I guess Wonder Woman has a shield, which could be a nice piece... I dunno, it'd be better if they weren't minidolls, and I can't imagine the set designs being especially appealing to those outside the target audience, but it still could lead to some interesting things. Worst case, we get something new to make fun of: that's always nice. :P

Soup's going to be pleased, at least. :P

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

120 months ago
Score 0++
Friends and Elves are very popular among AFOLS for their unique moulds and pastel colours. I'm sure this will offer new moulds such as moulds for the super pets and parts in new colours.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

120 months ago
Score 0++
Great. A whole range of Super Heroes characters that will never be made into minifigure form. This just made my day :/

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

120 months ago
Score 0++

Think of it this way: More exposure for lesser known characters > more fans of those characters > more demand for those characters > more merchandise for those characters.

Granted, DC hasn't always been the best at capitalizing on this, nor WB at making them, but I think that they want to now. The recent explosion of comic book characters on film and TV has made them realize what an advantage it can be to diversify their output (ie, let other characters besides Batman play).

And, at the very least, Katana and Bumblebee are the only characters confirmed who we haven't gotten as minifigures. I could see you being upset about Katana, but Bumblebee is a really minor player. I don't even think she has appeared in the reboot yet, and this really doesn't exclude them from being released. It's not quite an SDCC exclusive.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

120 months ago
Score 0++

Yep, seeing Katana really annoyed me. But then it went on to Raven, Star Sapphire, etc.

And then there's the variants we could have had if they were going to be released as minifigures- I wouldn't have minded having a Wonder Woman and Poison Ivy based on those designs

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

120 months ago
Score 0++

Eh, I don't know if Raven or Star Sapphire would appear. Geoff Johns did say that this is "just the tip of the iceberg" though, so maybe. I think that Raven has a really good chance of being put in a system set. I don't know about SS. Depends how much more interest there is in GL.

The designs are a little schoolgirly for my taste, but I can see the appeal of Poison Ivy. I'll always prefer Wonder Woman in a skirt though. :P

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

120 months ago
Score 0++

Comments working now? Okay, cool. :P

Mini-dolls. :3

Better Supergirl hairpiece, please.
2015 +, 2016 +  and Super Heroes +
21:36:00, 22 April 2015 +
'DC Super Hero Girls' Coming Soon +