Brickipedia News:Doctor Who set revealed!

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Brickipedia News:Doctor Who set revealed!

User:NovaHawk 22:37, 5 October 2015 (UTC)

avatarby NovaHawk
October 5, 2015

The Ideas set 21304 Doctor Who has finally been revealed, showcasing the TARDIS which can fold out and attach to a console. The set will also include the Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors (the Twelfth Doctor being in a different suit to his Dimensions version), Clara Oswald, a Weeping Angel and two Daleks. The set will be released on December 1 this year.

Tags: Ideas 2015

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114 months ago
Score 0++
I'm definitely getting it. The Daleks look much better.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

114 months ago
Score 0++

I'm not a big Doctor Who fan, but I'd like to get this set. I have a hard time believing that there are 600 pieces though. :/

It would be kind of cool if this launched a theme, though I'm not sure how viable that would really be....

ToaMeikoHonorable Brickipedian

114 months ago
Score 0++
I like the Daleks

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

114 months ago
Score 0++

I think the TARDIS phone box looks great (apart from the "PUBLIC CALL" being put across two tiles, but for it to open up it has to be like that so it's understandable). Not a huge fan of the interior though- the structure itself is fine, but using control panel pieces which are used in like every other modern theme in existence just makes it look very generic and juniorised to me for some reason, I might change my opinion when I see it in real life. One of the big features on the new TARDIS design was the Gallifreyan letters all around the top silver area above the centre of the console, I find it weird they've left that plain since they're always showing closups of that part of the TARDIS in the series :S


  • Loving the Daleks, I think the ones in this set are much better than the Dimensions ones
  • Weeping Angel is perfect with its two-sided head. Not much else to say about it really :P
  • Twelfth Doctor is fine (we've seen his face for a long time now). Not a fan of the bright purple suit- it wasn't anywhere near that bright in the series and looked more brown that purple to me, but whatever- if you're including the Eleventh and Twelfth Doctor, it's kinda cool having a suit worn by both and you can change the heads to make him regenerate :P Obviously this was done to make you buy the Dimensions pack for the normal Twelfth Doctor though, which isn't cool if you just want the TARDIS and the "main" forms of the Doctor, but nice if you want more than one version of a single Doctor.
  • Clara looks like she does in Dimensions, it was obvious this was going to happen. That hair is wrong. Wrong wrong wrong. I don't have an alternative piece in mind (maybe the Trendsetter's?) but I would have gone with dark brown as well. The body of the minifig is pretty good, but that hair's very offputting for me for some reason, and it just makes it not look like Clara to me. The face is very scowly/bored too, doesn't seem very Clara-like. I hope there's a second face (all the images just show that face)
  • Eleventh Doctor- I really like designs of the two faces, the body's ok, but again, I hate the hair. I guess I can live with it though.
That all probably sounds more negative than positive, but don't get me wrong, I love this set and will definitely be getting it. I just hope there are more sets to come (the fact it's a big part of of Dimensions seems to hint at this, but I guess we'll have to wait and see)
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Ideas +  and 2015 +
22:37:00, 5 October 2015 +
Doctor Who set revealed! +