Brickipedia News:News Roundup (Dec 19 - Dec 26)

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Brickipedia News:News Roundup (Dec 19 - Dec 26)

User:Brikkyy13 22:11, 25 December 2014 (UTC)

default_m.gifby Brikkyy13
December 25, 2014. Last updated December 26, 2014.

This past week has been very eventful, Christmas has come and gone and it seems like Santa has given the LEGO community some juicy presents.

First of all, the next episode of Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu has aired in Asia and has subsequently found its way online. You can view both parts of the episode here and here.


Another thing that has found its way online is a Jurassic World image. The image shows what appears to be a T-Rex and two Velociraptors fighting off some soldiers. The dinosaurs aren't really news, their moulds were leaked a while back. What people are interested in, however, is the building in the background. You can't really see the building because of the T-Rex, but what you can see is a watch tower. Is this building the fence line of an enclosure, or is it a decked out laboratory? We'll have to wait to find out.

Continuing with the licensed themes, the minifigure list for the second Simpsons series has been found. The list includes overdue characters like Groundskeeper Willie and Smithers, but also includes some boring characters, mainly Marge and Homer in their church clothes. Click here to view the complete lineup.

Now for some news that has come a bit early, 2015 wave 2 set lists. You can view the alleged set lists for Super Heroes and City here and listen to a short podcast about the BIONICLE sets here. As explained in the video, the BIONICLE set list may not be accurate, but does seem to be legitimate.

Just a few site notices: Please keep in mind that Brickipedia is currently undergoing major updates, so if you find anything wrong that may need fixing please contact ToaMeiko or Lcawte to get it sorted out. Congratulations to Soupperson1 for winning this year's Christmas contest and to SuperSithLord for taking out 3rd place.

That wraps up this week's news. Remember to keep an eye out for 2015 sets and news alike. Merry Christmas to all and have a happy new year!

Tags: 2015 Ninjago Jurassic World The Simpsons Wave 2

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124 months ago
Score -2++


124 months ago
Score 0++
Oh, and I have to check out those Ninjago episodes.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

124 months ago
Score 0++

@Simpsons minifigures- overdue? There's been one wave :D

Nice work as always with the wrap-up though :)
2015 +, Ninjago +, Jurassic World +, The Simpsons +  and Wave 2 +
22:11:00, 25 December 2014 +
News Roundup (Dec 19 - Dec 26) +