Brickipedia News:Set sail this Sunday

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Brickipedia News:Set sail this Sunday

User:Berrybrick 20:52, 25 October 2014 (UTC)

avatarby Berrybrick
October 25, 2014

Perhaps "LEGO DC Comics: Batman Be-Leaguered" doesn't sound like something up your alley, do not fear for LEGO is releasing another special based on Jake and the Never Land Pirates which may appeal to you more. It will air this Sunday (tomorrow) at 6:00 PM (EST) on Disney Channel, at least in America. <videoflash>YZmWZWVDwXg</videoflash>

Tags: Jake and the Never Land Pirates

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Comments (11)
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Darth henryNovice

125 months ago
Score 1++

Anonymous user #1

126 months ago
Score 0++

The uploader has not made this video available in your country.


Darth henryNovice

125 months ago
Score 0++
Because of your greedy/insecure country's leader who has censored it

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

125 months ago
Score 0++
Erm, I think that has more to do with who uploads the video. I don't understand why they would make it exclusive, but it is a commercial meant to reach Americans, so I guess that has something to do with it. :P

The Ultimate GamerNovice

126 months ago
Score 0++
I don't think I'm going to watch this tomorrow...


126 months ago
Score 2++
I think NBP will be though.

NBP3.0Brick Master

126 months ago
Score 2++

"Perhaps "LEGO DC Comics: Batman Be-Leaguered" doesn't sound like something up your alley, do not fear for LEGO is releasing another special based on Jake and the Never Land Pirates which may appeal to you more"


IchindarBrick Master

126 months ago
Score -1++
I think I prefer the Batman one.

Anonymous user #1

126 months ago
Score 0++

lol. Interresting. Not much more to say. xD


Anonymous user #1

126 months ago
Score 0++
The video isn't available in Norway. That probably means that it is only for the US. USA. You know, over the ocean. Where dreams come true. I would like to go there sometime. The Big Apple. Oslo doesn't have a nickname I think. Sad.

Anonymous user #1

126 months ago
Score 0++
The video isn't available in Norway. That probably means that it is only for the US. USA. You know, over the ocean. Where dreams come true. I would like to go there sometime. The Big Apple. Oslo doesn't have a nickname I think. Sad.

Anonymous user #1

126 months ago
Score 0++
The video isn't available in Norway. That probably means that it is only for the US. USA. You know, over the ocean. Where dreams come true. I would like to go there sometime. The Big Apple. Oslo doesn't have a nickname I think. Sad.

Anonymous user #1

126 months ago
Score 0++
The video isn't available in Norway. That probably means that it is only for the US. USA. You know, over the ocean. Where dreams come true. I would like to go there sometime. The Big Apple. Oslo doesn't have a nickname I think. Sad.

Anonymous user #1

126 months ago
Score 0++
The video isn't available in Norway. That probably means that it is only for the US. USA. You know, over the ocean. Where dreams come true. I would like to go there sometime. The Big Apple. Oslo doesn't have a nickname I think. Sad.

Anonymous user #1

126 months ago
Score 0++
The video isn't available in Norway. That probably means that it is only for the US. USA. You know, over the ocean. Where dreams come true. I would like to go there sometime. The Big Apple. Oslo doesn't have a nickname I think. Sad.

Anonymous user #1

126 months ago
Score 0++
The video isn't available in Norway. That probably means that it is only for the US. USA. You know, over the ocean. Where dreams come true. I would like to go there sometime. The Big Apple. Oslo doesn't have a nickname I think. Sad.

Anonymous user #1

126 months ago
Score 0++
The video isn't available in Norway. That probably means that it is only for the US. USA. You know, over the ocean. Where dreams come true. I would like to go there sometime. The Big Apple. Oslo doesn't have a nickname I think. Sad.

Anonymous user #1

126 months ago
Score 0++
The video isn't available in Norway. That probably means that it is only for the US. USA. You know, over the ocean. Where dreams come true. I would like to go there sometime. The Big Apple. Oslo doesn't have a nickname I think. Sad.

Anonymous user #1

126 months ago
Score 0++
The video isn't available in Norway. That probably means that it is only for the US. USA. You know, over the ocean. Where dreams come true. I would like to go there sometime. The Big Apple. Oslo doesn't have a nickname I think. Sad.

Anonymous user #1

126 months ago
Score 0++
The video isn't available in Norway. That probably means that it is only for the US. USA. You know, over the ocean. Where dreams come true. I would like to go there sometime. The Big Apple. Oslo doesn't have a nickname I think. Sad.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

126 months ago
Score 1++
Come visit us sometime! Just make sure to coverup and bring lots of tissues.
... more about "Set sail this Sunday"
Jake and the Never Land Pirates +
20:52:00, 25 October 2014 +
Set sail this Sunday +