Michael Jackson Figures

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Michael Jackson LEGO Figure

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The Michael Jackson figures were a promotional set released in 2009. This set was made due to Michael Jackson's death in 2009, the same year the promotional set was released.

Extract from LATimes.com[edit | edit source]

Red2x2.png This is a description taken from CNN.com. Please do not modify it. Voters at CNN.com will choose between five LEGO models of Jackson during different eras of his career.

Shown from left to right in photo: Fedora Hat (black and white), Moonwalk (white and blue), Uniform (black and gold), Thriller (red and black), Beat It (red and blue).

Michael Jackson, who won 13 Grammy Awards, sold more than 750 million records and was inducted into Cleveland’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, will soon be immortalized in plastic as a LEGO figure at LEGOLAND California.

The 4-inch-tall Michael Jackson LEGO — complete with a single white glove and red leather jacket — will be added to the Southern California section of Miniland, a panoramic tableau rendered completely in LEGOs. Starting July 3, 2009, the mini-MJ can be seen at LEGOLAND exiting a limousine in front of Hollywood’s Grauman’s Chinese Theatre amid paparazzi and fans under a marquee that reads “Thriller.”

The LEGO version of the King of Pop will join other celebrities commemorated at the Carlsbad kiddie park, including LEGO Barack Obama and LEGO Elvis Presley.

No word yet on a LEGO Neverland Ranch.

Sources[edit | edit source]

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Voters at CNN.com wVoters at CNN.com will choose between five LEGO models of Jackson during different eras of his career.</br></br>Shown from left to right in photo: Fedora Hat (black and white), Moonwalk (white and blue), Uniform (black and gold), Thriller (red and black), Beat It (red and blue).</br></br>Michael Jackson, who won 13 Grammy Awards, sold more than 750 million records and was inducted into Cleveland’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, will soon be immortalized in plastic as a LEGO figure at LEGOLAND California.</br></br>The 4-inch-tall Michael Jackson LEGO — complete with a single white glove and red leather jacket — will be added to the Southern California section of Miniland, a panoramic tableau rendered completely in LEGOs. Starting July 3, 2009, the mini-MJ can be seen at LEGOLAND exiting a limousine in front of Hollywood’s Grauman’s Chinese Theatre amid paparazzi and fans under a marquee that reads “Thriller.”</br></br>The LEGO version of the King of Pop will join other celebrities commemorated at the Carlsbad kiddie park, including LEGO Barack Obama and LEGO Elvis Presley.</br></br>No word yet on a LEGO Neverland Ranch.No word yet on a LEGO Neverland Ranch. +
Michael Jackson LEGO Figure +
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