Review:5002144 Dareth vs. Nindroid/Brikkyy13

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Country: Australia     Gender: Male
Day.pngJoined: December 30, 2012 № of Reviews: 15   FA-goldbrick.png № of Featured reviews: 0
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Hello everybody, today I begin my series of Ninjago 2014 reviews, starting with that one polybag that showed up out of nowhere - 5002144 Dareth vs. Nindroid. I got this one when I picked up 21109 Exo Suit a few months back. I actually didn't realize that the clerk had slipped it into the bag!

Build[edit | edit source]

(Nothing here...)

The polybag doesn't include any builds... nor instructions. Mich like a lot of polybags that are given away with preorders, the instructions are the polybag itself.

Minifigures[edit | edit source]

The set includes two minifigures, a generic Nindroid and the "Grand Sensei" himself.

Nindroid[edit | edit source]

The Nindroid is the same one from the other Ninjago sets. It has great printing (though the printing in the head is definitely smaller than the figures included in the sets. Not sure if it's a printing error but it's worth noting) and an excellent hood. The Nindroid's accessory is a Sai. Normally we see another Sai included as a spare piece, but alas this has none.

Dareth[edit | edit source]

Ah, Dareth, the Jar Jar Binks of the Ninjago universe. Annoying and included soley for the purpose of comic relief, this character was exclusive to the small screen until now. His printing is excellent, with his robe half-undone showing his chest hair. Gross, yes, but excellent attention to detail nonetheless. His head printing is an excellent potrayal of his character: showing a cocky, stuck-up but also humble grin. His hair piece is excellent, it reminds me of Elvis Presley (I know we've seen this hair before, but I can't remember where. Probably from one of the notorious one-wave action themes). Dareth's accessory is a trophy from the World Racers theme. It's the perfect accessory, as he doesn't use weapons and claims to have won a lot of awards.

Final thoughts[edit | edit source]

Overall, this is a pretty decent set. You get one good guy and one bad guy, all for the price of another $30 set. Back when this was available, it would've been best to buy with both 70721 Kai Fighter and 70722 OverBorg Attack, that way you could build up your Nindroid army and get another "Ninja."

In my opinion, the only thing this set was lacking was Dareth's brown hood piece. If Dareth really is the brown ninja as he claims he would need a hood to protect his identity. All in all, a very decent set, I give it a 3.5 out of 5.

Overall score
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star half.svg Star gray.svg 3½ / 5

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117 months ago
Score 0++
where are the pictures?
Brikkyy13 +
09:45:00, 16 December 2014 +
5002144_Dareth_vs._Nindroid +