Friends' activity
From Brickipedia, the LEGO Wiki
Jack Phoenix advanced to level Building Bigger
Maddox Lehman advanced to level Amateur
Albus Potter advanced to level Bricktastic
LegoFanBot advanced to level Amateur
Albus Potter advanced to level Thinking With Bricks
Lcawte advanced to level Bricktastic
The3vilbanana advanced to level Amateur
CJC advanced to level Bricktastic
CJC advanced to level Thinking With Bricks
CJC advanced to level Amateur
LcawteBot advanced to level Outstanding Brickipedian
LcawteBot advanced to level LEGO Wizard
LcawteBot advanced to level Master Builder
LcawteBot advanced to level Brick Master
LcawteBot advanced to level Building Bigger
LcawteBot advanced to level Bricktastic
LcawteBot advanced to level Thinking With Bricks
LcawteBot advanced to level Amateur
LcawteBot advanced to level Novice
ToBiscuit advanced to level Bricktastic
Brickhouse advanced to level Amateur
Holycharly advanced to level Thinking With Bricks
Jts21 advanced to level Bricktastic
Jts21 advanced to level Thinking With Bricks
Fischkiste advanced to level Master Builder
Jts21 advanced to level Amateur
Fischkiste advanced to level Brick Master
LcawteBot advanced to level Beginner
Holycharly advanced to level Amateur
ToBiscuit advanced to level Thinking With Bricks
Vasko advanced to level Outstanding Brickipedian
Lcawte advanced to level Thinking With Bricks
Vasko advanced to level LEGO Wizard
Omega X advanced to level Amateur
Latenightguy advanced to level LEGO Wizard
DexThePegasus advanced to level Amateur
Lcawte advanced to level Amateur