User blog:Omega X/Caption Contest 2 Results!

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Hello guys! This is the results post for my Caption Contest 2! =)

Judging process[edit source]

I must first say this: THANKS SO MUCH GUYS!! No matter if you won or not, you have my heartfelt thanks. It is seriously a very hard contest to judge, but it could never happen without your support! =)

Here are just a few things I consider in the judging process:

  • How funny it is
  • How witty it is in the context of the picture
  • How relevant it is to the picture, as it is the essence of Caption Contests

Results[edit source]

First Prize: Soupperson1[edit source]

Winner of Caption Contest!
This award signifies that you have came in FIRST Omega X's Caption Contest!

Congratulations! =D

Omega X

The first prize goes to Soupperson1! Congrats! This is Soup's entry:

"I thought Santa was supposed to give not take"-Han

It is very witty and is very funny too, as it gives an impression that Santa's is taking Han's present and feeding it to his ATAT XD Nicely done Soup!

Second Prize: NovaHawk[edit source]

Winner of Caption Contest!
This award signifies that you have came second in Omega X's Caption Contest!

Congratulations! =D

Omega X

The second prize goes to NovaHawk! Congratz! This is Nova's entry:

Han: I see you've found where your Christmas present is AT. Santa: Yes, I was Taun, but I had to open it before Christmas!

These puns are just great! Very witty and I had a good time laughing at them. Nice one Nova!

Third Prize: Captainjackster[edit source]

Winner of Caption Contest!
This award signifies that you have came third in Omega X's Caption Contest!

Congratulations! =D

Omega X

The third prize goes to CaptainJackster! Congratz! This is Jackster's entry: "Is that a keg of beer that your tauntaun's head is inside of Santa? He must have had one heck of a hard day." - Han Solo (Who now has a lump of coal as his present and is on the naughty list.)

This mocking of Santa's ATAT is really quite funny, and Santa's response is just the cherry on the cake. Nice entry Jackster!

Honorable mention: SuperSithLord[edit source]

One of the hardest judging decisions was SuperSithLord's entry, as it is really very funny and witty, and makes great references to the new Star Wars film, Episode VII. In the end, I based it on the criteria about relevance to the picture, which the entry is relatively lacking. Its a great entry though I have to admit that. Here it is,

Han: There are stories about the night before Christmas. Santa: It's true. All of it. The elves. The sleigh. The reindeer. They're real.

Participation[edit source]

Caption Contest Participation!
This award signifies that you have came participated in Omega X's Caption Contest!

Thanks so much for your participation!

Omega X

Three users would receive the participation award this time: SuperSithLord Monkeyjack CPplayer90210

The templates will be given out to the talk pages of the users. Thanks again for your support! =D[edit source]

Caption Contest 3 is live![edit source]

Again I would like to thank everyone for participating and supporting me! Here is caption contest 3, the next in the series. Please check it out!

Comments (5)
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CaptainjacksterBuilding Bigger

111 months ago
Score 0++
Thank you Omega.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

112 months ago
Score 0++
Thanks Omega! Didn't expect to be getting that :) Well done to all the winners

Omega XAmateur

112 months ago
Score 0++
No prob! =)

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

112 months ago
Score 0++
I didn't think my entery was particularly funny :P But thanks!

Omega XAmateur

112 months ago
Score 0++
Np! I thought that your entry was actually very funny though! =p