User blog:Omega X/Caption Contest 8 + Results!

From Brickipedia, the LEGO Wiki

Wooohoo! Caption contest 7 had ended! And that means here is Caption COntest 8! Brace yourselves! Bur first, the results for Caption COntest 7!

Winners of Caption Contest 7[edit source]

=First Prize: Berrybrick[edit source]

Berry is the winner yet again! And for good reason too! His entry is:

"That's right, no strings on this instrument either!"

Hahaha loving that reference there!

Second Prize: Soupperson1[edit source]

Andd Soup is second! Her entry is:

"If you want to hear me sing you better play that sax"

And after watching the music video once, I now got that song stuck in my head. I mean seriously, even now when I am typing! That says something =P *hums the song*

Third Prize: Awesomeknight[edit source]

Andd Knight is third! His entry is:

"Hands up!" *They all put their hands up, as they don't want to be hurt by the saxophone. Saxophones are very dangerous.*

Well saxes (is that how u spell it? =P) are surely good for threatening people, aren't they? *picks up a sax* Noww I wonder what does this button do?

A big thanks too to NovaHawk who also participated in the previous contest![edit source]


Finally! Here it is! Caption Contest 8!

NOTE: So as to allow more people to know about and thus participate in this contest and also due to my increasing workload at school (college life is hardly a breeze), I will be EXTENDING THE LENGTH OF THIS CONTEST back to what I did during the old Brickipedia, so it now RUNS FOR ONE MONTH instead of HALF A MONTH. Again thanks everyone who supported me in this and had participated actively! =) I will still come up with new contests every month though.

Caption Contest 7![edit source]

CC8 Logo.jpg

Theme: Atlantis[edit source]

CC8 Brickimedia.jpg

Behind the scenes[edit source]

Oh boy I didn't know I owned THAT much Atlantis sets!

Rules[edit source]

  • To enter, just simply type an interesting phrase or phrases in the comments below and state who said it. There are no restrictions, so it could be a dialogue, or even a label, and do try yr best to make reference to whats happening in the picture in your entry. The most funny/creative/interesting entries win!
  • The contest ends around a month from now, which is at 13/4/16
  • Strictly no copying of other user's entries

Prizes[edit source]

Templates will be given out, and here they are!

Winner of Caption Contest!
This award signifies that you have came in FIRST Omega X's Caption Contest!

Congratulations! =D

Omega X

Winner of Caption Contest!
This award signifies that you have came second in Omega X's Caption Contest!

Congratulations! =D

Omega X

Winner of Caption Contest!
This award signifies that you have came third in Omega X's Caption Contest!

Congratulations! =D

Omega X

Caption Contest Participation!
This award signifies that you have came participated in Omega X's Caption Contest!

Thanks so much for your participation!

Omega X


Comments (10)
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Omega XAmateur

108 months ago
Score 1++
Anddd its over guys! Sorry for being late, creating new blog now...

LegoFan4000Legendary Brickipedian

108 months ago
Score 0++

LegoFan4000Legendary Brickipedian

108 months ago
Score 0++

Omega XAmateur

108 months ago
Score 1++

Haha great entries guys! Thanks so much for participating!! =D

Erm however for Anonymous user #1 please do try and create an account to facilitate the giving out of the templates =)

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

108 months ago
Score 2++
Classic Diver:I thought we were at the top of the food chain!


108 months ago
Score 2++
Classic Diver: Sea monsters ARE real... [poke] ...but I never imagined them like THAT!

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

108 months ago
Score 2++
Classic Diver: And the worst part is that I think I left my sink running.

Omega XAmateur

108 months ago
Score 2++
This contest is ending soon guys! Please participate1 =D


109 months ago
Score 2++
In Soviet Russia, you do not eat seafood. Seafood eats you.