User blog:Omega X/Caption Contest 9 + Results of CC8!

From Brickipedia, the LEGO Wiki

Annnddd Caption Contest 8 is over with several entries! Thanks guys for your support!! Here is Caption Contest 9!

Winners of Caption Contest 8[edit source]

Note: To the Anonymous user #1 who participated, thanks so much for participating! However, unfortunately, I could not give u the template as u have not created an account. Do try to create one to facilitate the giving away of templates! Thanks!

=First Prize: CPplayer90210[edit source]

Congratz to CPplayer90210, who came in first!! His entry is:

"Classic Diver: Sea monsters ARE real... [poke] ...but I never imagined them like THAT!"

Hahaha great caption there! Loving the emphasis of those two words plus the not-so-subtle poke (ouch!)

Second Prize: TIE--Awesomeknight AND Soupperson1[edit source]

WE HAVE A TIE! *dun dun dunnnn* Both Awesomeknight and Soup came in 2nd! Congratzz! Can't really decide which is better really =P Their entries are:

Awesomeknight: "In Soviet Russia, you do not eat seafood. Seafood eats you."
Soupperson1: "Classic Diver:I thought we were at the top of the food chain!"

THE tables have turned!! Brace yourselves for the seafood invasion guys!!

Third Prize: Berrybrick[edit source]

Berry is third! Congratz Berry!

"Classic Diver: And the worst part is that I think I left my sink running.

Let's just say that I can only imagine the horrors of a running sink. *gulp*

A big thanks too to an Anonymous User and LegoFan4000 who also participated in the previous contest![edit source]



Caption Contest 9!![edit source]

CC9 Logo.jpg

Theme: Bionicle?[edit source]

Brickimedia CC9.jpg

Behind the scenes[edit source]

I always had the mech on display, so when I got Onua, the first thing I thought was: LET THEM FIGHT! (Dont judge =P)

Rules[edit source]

  • To enter, just simply type an interesting phrase or phrases in the comments below and state who said it. There are no restrictions, so it could be a dialogue, or even a label, and do try yr best to make reference to whats happening in the picture in your entry. The most funny/creative/interesting entries win!
  • The contest ends around a month from now, which is at 16/5/16
  • Strictly no copying of other user's entries
  • Please create an account

Prizes[edit source]

Templates will be given out, and here they are!

Winner of Caption Contest!
This award signifies that you have came in FIRST Omega X's Caption Contest!

Congratulations! =D

Omega X

Winner of Caption Contest!
This award signifies that you have came second in Omega X's Caption Contest!

Congratulations! =D

Omega X

Winner of Caption Contest!
This award signifies that you have came third in Omega X's Caption Contest!

Congratulations! =D

Omega X

Caption Contest Participation!
This award signifies that you have came participated in Omega X's Caption Contest!

Thanks so much for your participation!

Omega X


Comments (14)
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Omega XAmateur

106 months ago
Score 0++

Thanks guys for your help and support! Caption Contest 10 is now live here at:!

Please do participate! Thanks!

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

106 months ago
Score 0++

Caption Contest 10 is now live here at: [link]

No it's not :P

Still love all the pics you upload even though I don't usually participate, they're like works of art :)

Omega XAmateur

106 months ago
Score 0++

Ohhh sht =P Haha thanks for pointing it out guys! =D I just created the same page again at the link is that ok guys?

Also thanks so much NovaHawk!! Really appreciate your praise and support! =) I would continue to do my best in coming up with more pics like these thanks again!!

Omega XAmateur

107 months ago
Score 0++
Sorry guys I had ran into several problems when creating a new blog for CC10, with Brickimedia encoutering Error 500..I will attempt again soon. Thanks guys again!


107 months ago
Score 0++
You need to remove the {{comments}} while creating. I think you should be able to add it later.

Jack PhoenixBuilding Bigger

107 months ago
Score 0++
This is GitHub issue #422/upstream ticket T113894. Long story short, we know what is happening and kinda sorta maybe perhaps when it's happening, but not why, let alone how to work around it. We know it's annoying and we're sorry about this. :( I'm hoping we could come up with some kind of a workaround — or maybe even a proper fix! — during this summer. In the meanwhile, you should be able to create a page without the comments template and after creating it, you should be able to readd the template back, as CJC95 noted.

Omega XAmateur

106 months ago
Score 0++
Ohh I see kk thanks so much guys!! =D

Omega XAmateur

107 months ago
Score 0++
Sorry for being late but this contest is over! Thanks so much guys for your support! CC10 comingg!

Omega XAmateur

107 months ago
Score 0++
Contest ending soon please do participate guys thanks!

Omega XAmateur

107 months ago
Score 0++
Sure thanks a lot for your participation! Cos I wanted to recognise users who had participated you see...

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

108 months ago
Score 0++
Trooper: Unite this, Doo-Head!

Omega XAmateur

108 months ago
Score 0++
Haha nice one Berry! Thanks!