User blog:Soupperson1/My 2015 Toy Fair Thoughts

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Is it just me or is there a lot less sets then last year. Most of the summer waves (Ultra Agents, Legends of Chima, DC) are tiny or smaller then last years Classic Disney Princess, The LEGO Movie and Pirates four popular themes don't get summer waves :/ Anyway let's look at each theme:


I don't like this theme for many reasons, but I respect it's popularity. The sets look better then the winter wave, I like how there's two characters in one set.



City is amazing this year, all the sets are at least good. Im not a vehicles person but all these sets look nice. Though I haven't bought any yet, and currently I'm not planning to buy any besides the smaller ones and bulldozer. :P Now let's dive into the theme: The starter packs are allways good. I love the small underwater set, because of that octopus <3 The city square is amazing! All the different shops, the LEGO truck, the hot dog cart, coffee stand, the train! I would've bought all these sets separately if they were released separately, besides the car shop. But the set is really expensive-170$! I don't think I want to spend that much money on one set from City, if it was Friends though.. :P I'm disappointed with the lack of animals in the underwater line, no stingrays or whales like the old one. The friends dolphin could've been incorporated with a new eyeprint for fussy people :P The astronaut sets are nice, but I don't think I'll pick any up. The advent calendar is quite generic and the same Santa is used again :/


Yay Wonder Woman, Spider-Man, Green Goblin and Batman in black! :D Hopefully I can get the wondie one.


I want that dragon..NOW! :P

This js much better then the previous wave. I'm bummed there two sets but they're both great.

  • 41077 Aira's Pegasus Sleigh looks great. I adore the sleigh build besides the part Farran can't sit down :P It has two Pegasus (with different eye prints) and grey wings. The girls are now wearing capes I adore the baby dragon I wish Elves would focus on more mythical creatures like the ones here.
  • 41078 Skyra's Mysterious Sky Castle looks amazing! Amazing pieces-Magenta stairs stand out the most! The build is beautiful! A golden pegasus! An adorable owl print! The only problem I have here is you can only play with it so often, Emily goes through the portal and your done. Update:There's next too no interior :/ I guess it's more a display model, but it's for kids right?

I hope there's a secret September wave or a retail exclusive set or something as we need Farran back! I really want a unicorn too :P


This is the theme everyone asks me my opinion on. I'm nearly allways in love with this theme!Yes it's still my favorite :P

This set is insane! :P
  • 41098 Emma’s Tourist Kiosk this set actually features a ton of rare parts, look closely and you see. It features no stickers, so that new news paper looks great! And the brochure! I adore the new bow holders, and look it's the sunglasses piece in trans pink!
  • 41099 Heartlake Skate Park this is so random but I love it! It's half beach half city-crazy right!? Apparently Charlie is an expert skateboarder and a pink hat counts as a helmet :P
  • 41101 Heartlake Grand Hotel-Amazing! All those new golden pieces! The lift build looks gorgeous as well. I love the taxi, piano and bag holder! 5 mini-dolls that's a huge deal! This is also the first set of any theme to feature two African Americans.

Pop Star

This set is amazing! Or that's just me :P

These are amazing and they're getting such a hard rap online. Friends needs more black pieces, and these make the theme look very glamorous combined with the magenta pieces. Lots of new mini-doll elements but no body guard. :(

41103 Pop Star Recording Studio looks amazing! I could've asked for more, this is arguably perfect in my opinion. The only thing it's missing is Livi but you can easily get another set for that.

41104 Pop Star Dressing Room ugh purple bows again-those are way to common, there's 4 un used bow colours from 2012 use them instead! The bow holders are here too <3 I love the Livi's golden variant. The Dalmatian is nice but this is the third lego Dalmatian, we should've gotten a different dog breed. The build is amazing! I love the mirror, pink ice cream cone disguised as a bouquet, the fan mail section, and the terribly clever hanger section! I love the magenta pieces too! The only thing this is missing is a change of clothes :P

41105 Pop Star Show Stage this us a nice set...nice. Nothing else to say really besides Andrea and Livi are amazing!

41106 Pop Star Tour Bus I want one now.. :P This looks really cool though! I love the star wheels, the hidden bathroom, the hidden stage, the vanity, the lights! All figures are fantastic.



Yay we get a Green Goblin! That house set is amazing too. Three exclusive torsos for the figures! Lots of cool yellow too.

Jurassic World

I thought Dino was expensive :P This is killer. Yes all those dinosaurs look fantastic and a fantastic and very diverse minifigure cast. Two white men, a African American, a white woman and a Indian in the ACUs alone. Plus those giant hamster balls look amazing too :P But the theme is too overpriced and I have a lot to buy all ready and we haven't seen any of the retail exclusive sets, maybe I'll go after this theme if there's a big sale, other wise not that interested.


Legends of Chima

The bear mech looks awful, the wheels ruin it. The laval vehicle in Cragger's set is adorable but Cragger's one is awful. The mammoth set isn't that bad but it's not "buy me" material. What an awful way to end this theme.


Still no pink tribe. :/ No stand out parts here either. And do we really need at tongue tribe? :\


5 minifigures, 600 pieces for 40$?!

The arjutzi sets are random and they don't look that fun. I don't like these arjutzi minifigures either. So you think I think the rest of Ninjago looks bad? Nope! I like all these sets! They're all really unique and stand outs. The minifigures are all nice, except for the factor Skylor can't stick with her colour scheme. I love the transparent green, purple and spring yellowish green colour scheme. Speaking of spring yellowish green, this colour is all over the place! I love this colour and it's so rare until these sets are released! There's two sets I really want:

  • I LOVE LOVE LOVE 70734 Master Wu Dragon it's only 40$! Surprisingly it features the least amount of spring yellowish green and that's my favourite part about this wave. The dragon itself is a very cool design! It's very Chinese inspired even though Ninjago is based in an alternative world inspired by Japan :P I love the use of Uni-Kitty's tail in brick yellow for the dragon's mustache/whiskers. I don't really care for figures but we get 5 for 40!
  • I really like 70736 Attack of the Morro Dragon all the spring yellow green really makes it stand out and there's a ton used here! I especially live the circular spring yellow green pieces, I love that piece and now it's being introduced in one of my favourite colours! I like the design of the dragon as well it's very menacing looking. I love the evil slime creatures they look adorable!


Very faithful design

I adore this theme! No set is "bad" and the sets are in a reasonable number. I'm so glad it's based off the original series! My biggest "CON" of the theme is no Scooby Snax. There's rumors there's alternative headpieces to unmask the villain but they're not on display.

  • 75900 Mummy Museum Mystery this is very faithful to the design in the show apart from the mummy's headpiece. I love the mummy's "tomb" piece and the Johnny Thunder reference! Even though the mummy is the architect who found the mummy, not Johnny :P There's no exclusive figures here besides the mummy but it's really nice either way.
  • 75901 Mystery Plane Adventures, the gang have owned every vehicle in the theme besides this plane. Scooby has driven a plane before in pilot goggles so I'll give it a pass. The plane's design is all right nothing out standing. I love the headless horseman!
  • 75902 The Mystery Machine the set does indeed fit the whole gang, if you have two in the back. It would've been crazy big to have four seats in the front and one in the back for the shows iconic look. Any way this set is amazing I even love the tree! Fred jooks fantastic besides his hair, which should've been Hans's really. I love scared Scooby. I'm surprised the zombie appears before the Witch, his boss.
  • 75903 Haunted Lighthouse I would be a lot more excited for this if I didn't have Heartlake Lighthouse. The lighthouse is a very nice design nether the less and it looks just as it did in the show. I have no idea who the villains are and they weren't in the episode. The gang did have a similar boat design but the colour schemes don't match at all. All the figures besides Daphne are exclusive.
  • 75904 Mystery Mansion I love the exterior of this set, it's very child friendly while combining all the looks of castles from the show into one with a unique colour scheme. I love the inclusion of a kitchen inside just like in the show Scooby and Shaggy get distracted by kitchens. The rest of the interior is lacking but hey what can you do. I love the figures here! Velma is perfect!

Star Wars

I think the constructible figures look amazing, the previous Ultra Builds were awful! What a pleasant surprise. I really like the advent calendar this year too, I know what everything is for once! 75093 Death Star Final Duel looks fantastic! I might even pick that up..if it's on sale. :P The force awakens sets weren't shown :(

Super Heroes


76034 looks very Juniors to me. I don't understand the raft design, it kinda works but in a Juniors way. This is really just a way for you to get Deadshot. :/ There is an exclusive Robin here but I would've pre faired Raven or Batgirl as Robin is in Jokerland.

More thoughts soon..Keep checking back!

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NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

122 months ago
Score 0++

No TFA=me not really caring about the toy fair :D

Plus not having any collectable minifigures on display was plain weird- ever since their release, there's always been a new wave of minifigures there. Even if it was just the Simpsons wave (which I have zero interest in) I would have been ok with it.

And I was expecting the Big Bang Theory or Doctor Who Ideas set to be there, in the same way the Ghostbusters set was revealed last year. (or was that at Comic-con? I can't remember)

All in all, since we didn't really see anything new (as far as I can tell), it was probably the most boring toy fair ever :P (Well, there was the UCS TIE Fighter. But we all knew it was going to look like that, so...)

BrickfilmNutBuilding Bigger

122 months ago
Score 0++

That Skate Park set is hilarious. :P Friends keeps putting animals in situations that really shouldn't have animals.

The diversity in the ACU minifigure line-up is indeed a pleasant surprise. I think I like the sets better than the Dino ones overall, actually. We get more than one raptor per set, which is really a good thing, and some of the designs are more interesting.

Yeah, that Bear Mech doesn't look so great. For me, it's not so much the wheels as the fact that the lower legs and waist are horrible.

Wu's dragon is awesome! There's so much NPU, and some great new recolours and rarer/new parts. And the minifigures aren't bad. :P

The Scooby Doo sets did seem to turn out well. I probably won't get any nonetheless, since the only part I want is that pumpkin head and I'm just hoping it'll turn up in the CMF series or something, but I'm happy that Scooby-Doo fans get some well-designed sets. :P