Difference between revisions of "MediaWiki:Common.js"

From Brickipedia, the LEGO Wiki
NovaHawk (talk | contribs) (rm fail (stupid caching))
Line 348: Line 348:
$( 'span.insertusername' ).text( name );
$( 'span.insertusername' ).text( name );
} );
/* encouraging editing from chat */
var counter = 0;
var max = 15;
$( $( '#mwchat-type input' )[0] ).keydown( function( e ) {
if ( e.which == 13 && e.shiftKey ) {
return false;
} else if ( e.which == 13 ) { // Enter
if ( counter > max ) {
counter = 0;
max += 10;
$( "<div>You've done lots of chatting, why not do some editing here too? Check out our <a href='/wiki/Brickipedia:Things_to_do' target='_blank'>list of things to do</a>, or try <a href='/wiki/Special:Random' target='_blank'>this page</a>, <a href='/wiki/Special:Random' target='_blank'>this page</a>, or <a href='/wiki/Special:Random' target='_blank'>this page</a>.<br><small><a href='javascript:;' onclick='$(this).parent().parent().remove()'>(dismiss)</a></small></div>" ).appendTo( $( 'body' ) )
.css( { 'background-color': '#CCC', 'position': 'fixed', 'top': '50px', 'left': '50%', 'margin-left': '-120px', 'width': '240px', 'z-index': 5, 'padding': '10px', } );
} );
} );

Revision as of 21:21, 11 April 2015

/* Make each box in a row on the main page the same height as others on the same row */
var FirstRowLeftBox = $('.LeftBox.MPBoxesFirstRow').height();
var FirstRowRightBox = $('.RightBox.MPBoxesFirstRow').height();
var SecondRowLeftBox = $('.LeftBox.MPBoxesSecondRow').height();
var SecondRowRightBox = $('.RightBox.MPBoxesSecondRow').height();
var ThirdRowLeftBox = $('.LeftBox.MPBoxesThirdRow').height();
var ThirdRowRightBox = $('.RightBox.MPBoxesThirdRow').height();
if (FirstRowLeftBox > FirstRowRightBox) {
} else {
if (SecondRowLeftBox > SecondRowRightBox) {
} else {
if (ThirdRowLeftBox > ThirdRowRightBox) {
} else {

/* Mainpage nav */
$("#MP-theme-nav").mouseenter(function() {
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$("#MP-comm-nav").mouseenter(function() {
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}).mouseleave(function() {
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$("#MP-links-nav").mouseenter(function() {
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/* Shows your user groups when using Template:USERGROUPS */
function showUserGroups() {

/* Shows a box for news reporters on Brickipedia News:Home so they can easily create new reports */
function showNewsReporterBox(){
	if ( mw.config.get( 'wgUserGroups' ).toString().indexOf( 'newsreporter' ) != -1 ) {
		$('#newsBox').load('http://en.brickimedia.org/wiki/Brickipedia_News:NRBox #nBox');

/* Rating template positioning/styling */
if (screen.width > 600) {
	if ($('body').hasClass('skin-refreshed')) {
		$('#maintitle h1').css({'padding-right':'125px'});
	} else {
		$('#firstHeading h1').css({'padding-right':'110px'});
} else {
	if ($('body').hasClass('skin-refreshed')) {

/** Collapsible tables *********************************************************
 *  Description: Allows tables to be collapsed, showing only the header. See
 *               [[Wikipedia:NavFrame]].
 *  Maintainers: [[User:R. Koot]]
var autoCollapse = 2;
var collapseCaption = "hide";
var expandCaption = "show";
function collapseTable( tableIndex )
    var Button = document.getElementById( "collapseButton" + tableIndex );
    var Table = document.getElementById( "collapsibleTable" + tableIndex );
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        return false;
    var Rows = Table.rows;
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            Rows[i].style.display = "none";
        Button.firstChild.data = expandCaption;
    } else {
        for ( var i = 1; i < Rows.length; i++ ) {
            Rows[i].style.display = Rows[0].style.display;
        Button.firstChild.data = collapseCaption;
function createCollapseButtons()
    var tableIndex = 0;
    var NavigationBoxes = new Object();
    var Tables = document.getElementsByTagName( "table" );
    for ( var i = 0; i < Tables.length; i++ ) {
        if ( hasClass( Tables[i], "collapsible" ) ) {
            /* only add button and increment count if there is a header row to work with */
            var HeaderRow = Tables[i].getElementsByTagName( "tr" )[0];
            if (!HeaderRow) continue;
            var Header = HeaderRow.getElementsByTagName( "th" )[0];
            if (!Header) continue;
            NavigationBoxes[ tableIndex ] = Tables[i];
            Tables[i].setAttribute( "id", "collapsibleTable" + tableIndex );
            var Button     = document.createElement( "span" );
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            ButtonLink.setAttribute( "href", "javascript:collapseTable(" + tableIndex + ");" );
            ButtonLink.appendChild( ButtonText );
            Button.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "[" ) );
            Button.appendChild( ButtonLink );
            Button.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "]" ) );
            Header.insertBefore( Button, Header.childNodes[0] );
    for ( var i = 0;  i < tableIndex; i++ ) {
        if ( hasClass( NavigationBoxes[i], "collapsed" ) || ( tableIndex >= autoCollapse && hasClass( NavigationBoxes[i], "autocollapse" ) ) ) {
            collapseTable( i );

/* slidey stuff */
$(function () {
$(function () {
/* slidey stuff 2 */
$(function() {
    var hidelink = "[hide]";
    var showlink = "[show]";
    $(".slide-content").each(function() {
        if ($(this).hasClass("noshown")) {
            var fid = $(this).attr("title");
            var flink = $(".slide-link[title=\"" + fid + "\"]");
        } else {
            var tid = $(this).attr("title");
            var tlink = $(".slide-link[title=\"" + tid + "\"]");
    $(".slide-link").click(function() {
        var tid = $(this).attr("title");
        var content = $(".slide-content[title=\"" + tid + "\"]");
        if (content.hasClass("noshown")) {
            $(this).fadeOut(250, function() {
        } else {
            $(this).fadeOut(250, function() {

/* table scrolling - [[User:UltrasonicNXT]] */
function placeDetection(scroll){
     var it = $(this).nextAll(".themetable").first();
     var top = it.offset().top;
     var bottom = it.outerHeight() + it.offset().top;
     var browser = $(window).height();
     if(it.outerHeight() > browser * 1.5){
        if(scroll >= top && scroll <= bottom && $(this).is(":hidden")){
        if(scroll <= top || scroll >= bottom && $(this).is(":visible")){
     } else {
$(".ttbutton > .bottom").click(function(){
  var it = $(this).parent().nextAll(".themetable").first();
  var where = it.outerHeight() + it.offset().top - 100;
     scrollTop: where
  }, 1500);
$(".ttbutton > .top").click(function(){
  var it = $(this).parent().nextAll(".themetable").first();
  var where = it.offset().top - 100;
     scrollTop: where
  }, 1500);

/* IRC */
$(function() {
	var nick = (wgUserName === null) ? ('BP-Visitor-' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10)) : wgUserName.replace(/ /g, '_'); 
	$('#IRCReplace').html('<iframe src="http://webchat.freenode.net/?nick=' + nick + '&channels=brickipedia&prompt=true&uio=OT10cnVlJjExPTUxJjEyPXRydWU37" width="100%" height="400" style="border:0;"></iframe>');

/* "Submit Review" button */
function btnSubmitReview() {
	var btn;
	var title = mw.config.get( 'wgTitle' ).replace( /&/g, '%26' );
	if ( mw.config.get( 'wgUserName' ) == 'null' ) {
		btn = '<center><div style="background-color:#ddddee;border:2px outset #9999bb;text-align:center;padding:2px 5px" id="sb-rev"><a href="/index.php?title=Special:UserLogin">Log in</a> to submit a review</div></center>';
	} else {
		btn = '<center><a style="background-color:#ddddee;border:2px outset #9999bb;text-align:center;padding:2px 5px; display:block;" id="sb-rev" href="/index.php?title=Review:' + title + '/' + mw.config.get( 'wgUserName' ) + '&action=edit&preload=MediaWiki:Createplate-Review&redlink=1">Submit a review</a></center>';
	if ( document.getElementById( 'reviewBtn' ) ) {
		document.getElementById( 'reviewBtn' ).innerHTML += btn;

/* "Submit Review" area on set infobox */
function btnSubmitReviewInfobox() {
	var link;
	var title = mw.config.get( 'wgTitle' ).replace( /&/g, '%26' );
	if ( mw.config.get( 'wgUserName' ) != 'null' ) {
		link = '<br/><a href="/index.php?title=Review:'+title+'/'+wgUserName+'&action=edit&preload=MediaWiki:Createplate-Review&redlink=1">[Submit/view my review]</a>';
	if ( document.getElementById( 'reviewLink' ) ) {
		document.getElementById( 'reviewLink' ).innerHTML += link;

/* .numberofimages class */
function commaSeparateNumber( val ) {
	while ( /(\d+)(\d{3})/.test( val.toString() ) ) {
		val = val.toString().replace( /(\d+)(\d{3})/, '$1' + ',' + '$2' );
	return val;
$.ajax( {
	type: 'GET',
	url: 'http://meta.brickimedia.org/api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=statistics&format=json',
	dataType: 'jsonp',
	success: function( data ) {
		images = data.query.statistics.images;
		$( '.numberofimages' ).append( commaSeparateNumber( images ) );
} );

/* Advent cal */
$( function() {
	$( '.advent-cal img' ).attr( {
		width: '',
		height: ''
	} );
} );

/* show USERNAME */
$( function() {
	var name = mw.config.get( 'wgUserName' );
	if ( !window.disableUsernameReplace && name ) {
		$( 'span.insertusername' ).text( name );
} );

/* Set infobox image tabber */
$( "#infoBtnBoxOff" ).click(function() {
	$("#infoBtnBoxOff").css("display", "none");
	$("#infoBtnBoxOn").css("display", "inline-block");
	$("#infoBtnSetOn").css("display", "none");
	$("#infoBtnSetOff").css("display", "inline-block");
$( "#infoBtnSetOff" ).click(function() {
	$("#infoBtnBoxOff").css("display", "inline-block");
	$("#infoBtnBoxOn").css("display", "none");
	$("#infoBtnSetOn").css("display", "inline-block");
	$("#infoBtnSetOff").css("display", "none");