Brickipedia:Requests for Adminship/Archive1
Cligra[edit source]
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Having lost two administrators, Brickipedia will be left vulnerable to attacks from vandals. Why am I nominating this user in particular? Well, Cligra has been here for nine months, producing quality edits, and participating in forums. He also uses his QCG member tools responsibly, and the added tools will be used responsibly. Cligra has been a great user, and has yes, other users are doing what he has been doing, but the character of that individual does matter- positive, and edifying character. User:Mykheh/sig 17:02, July 7, 2011 (UTC) Support
Fudgepie[edit source]
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Hello everyone, it's my honour to present Fudgepie as a candidate for adminship here. He failed a request around two months ago due to the fact that he was new here. Since that, Fudgepie has been heavily involved in the encyclopedia, and specifically administrative areas. He holds rollback and patroller rights, is active in reverting vandalism as well as content improvement. He is a member of the QCG, and very active in the article rating process. Fudgepie also has a history of keeping a cool head in conflicts, and being as neutral as possible. All in all, an excellent candidate for the mop, and I hope that you'll agree with me. User:Ajraddatz/sig 19:16, May 29, 2011 (UTC) Support
"we don't need more admins" crap........I don't need you telling me how to vote, or anything else Gladiatoring 03:35, June 6, 2011 (UTC)
UltrasonicNXT[edit source]
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Hello everyone, I'm nominating UltrasonicNXT for adminship. UltrasonicNXT has been active on Brickipedia since December of last year, and in that time he (or she) has established themself as a dedicated, clueful editor. I believe that sysop tools will aid in their ability to help improve Brickipedia. User has accepted nomination on my talk page. User:Ajraddatz/sig 19:42, May 6, 2011 (UTC) Support
Tatooine (2)[edit source]
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I am requesting Administrator rights for various reasons. They will all be pointed out in the statement below: I am Tatooine, you all may know me by now. I have been here since June 06, 2010 (almost 10 months) and I have learned a LOT these past months. First of all, I am trustworthy, welcoming, honest user, who will at any point help. I've helped many users with questions, coding and much more. I try my best to be an active user, making at least as much as edits can make out of the available time slot I have. Even sometimes if I'm sick. I also know Brickipedia's Manual of Style, Category Structures, and other policies. Also, I am user who tries to participate in Community forums. I was given Patroller rights. Used them well. Then Rollback rights. I used them even better. The same will go for Sysop rights. Within the 10 month duration that I have been here, there has been good times and bad. Especially Vandalism (Bad time). I deal with vandalism with no toleration, especially when it comes to coarse language on the mainspace. I revert them as fast as I can (Especially on my iPod [When I had it]) One time, sadly, a vandalizer even named the page they created with a swear word. It finally got deleted in about 5 minutes; but how I so wanted to delete it at the spot. Now if a user does a good faith, not compliant with the MoS edit, I will tell them politely on their talk page what they did wrong and how to fix it. The last time I requested was two months ago with 1800 edits, and I was told I that I had a lack of experience. (I did) But now with edits, and a full understanding of our Policies; I feel that I am ready to be an Administrator. User:Tatooine/Template:Tatooine/Sig 00:52, April 12, 2011 (UTC) Support
Fudgepie[edit source]
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Fudgepie may have only been here for a short time but he has helped out so much for creating new articles. Support
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Lcawte[edit source]
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Lcawte has been a dedicated and trusted member of Brickipedia since May 18 2009. Though the last few months he has not done much mainspace editing, he continues to run a bot on the site and deal with the technical and administrative side of the wiki, such as javascript, irc and logo creation. Lcawte is considered by many as a "de facto" admin. He may not have the powers but has many skills that other members of the administrative team need help in, and so in Lcawte you would get an admin who knows these technical things. --- the cake is a lie ---- Cjc 23:01, March 19, 2011 (UTC) Support
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Agent Fuse (2)[edit source]
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I would like these rights for several reasons such as:
Captain Jag (3)[edit source]
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I feel that we need more administrators for this wiki. There have been a large number of arguments here lately, and I feel that some more administrators is needed to calm things down. I think that I would be a good candidate for adminship, for the following reasons, among others.
User:Captain Jag/sig1 03:39, February 8, 2011 (UTC) Support
I think we should consider changing this rule... Lego lord 23:24, February 9, 2011 (UTC)
TheGrandEditor (2)[edit source]
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TheGrandEditor always responds to situations with a cool head, is active in tagging pages for deletion, and would obviously benefit from the sysop tools. So here I am, nominating him for adminship again :-) Ajraddatz 22:59, February 4, 2011 (UTC) Support
Tatooine[edit source]
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I feel that Tatooine is a better contributor than what people give him credit for and he seems pretty active, overall he is welcoming and kind, he'll listen and try to understand from other's point of view, and he knows some pretty good HTML (did you see, grammar is great, why shouldn't he be? Support
SKP4472 (2)[edit source]
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Hi, I've decided to re-request Administrator/Sysop rights for many reasons, which I shall explain throughout this speech. I would like to be an Administrator as I'm a well trusted, friendly, mature user and I'm always willing to help out other Users. I've helped Users, create Archives for their Talk Pages, create signatures and answered questions about various things to do with Brickipedia such as templates and more. I'm active every day and make around 40-50 edits or more a day. I'm also very familiar with the Manual of Style (MoS) and Category Guidlines and always do my best to take part in disscusions on topics in the Administrative Forum. I have made 355 Edits here at Brickipedia and feel that I'm capable of all the responsibilities of an Administrator and feel that I would make good use of the tools that the rights have to offer me. During my time here at Brickipedia I have encountered several instances whereby I could of done with Administrative tools to keep Brickipedia clean and tidy, but here is it just one of them: A user (whos' username is inappropriate) was constantly vandalising pages such as Jango Fett in which I was reverting the vandalism just like a Rollback should, but I and the vandalist were the only User's online for an hour and a half (no I didn't exaggerate the length of time). I had to revert the users' edits constantly. I tried giving him a friendly warning but this didn't work so I gave him a warning using Warn1 and yet he still persisted to ignore me so I remained reverting his edits until after an hour he stopped at which point I remained online, watching the recent activity like a normal Patroller for half an hour until an administrator was active in which I immediately reported it to them. Whilst watching the recent activity I also filled out a Vandalism Report which was seen and taken care of by BobaFett2 who immediately blocked the user indefinitely. I'm always up to a challenge and always aim high and strive to do my best here to help add value to Brickipedia. Please feel free to contact Users such as Agent Fuse, LEGOCityManiac11, TheGrandEditor, TheDarkKnights, BobaFett2, Tahu97 and other Users as a reference. Thank you for your time in reading this speech. Kind Regards. Support
Clone Commander Fox[edit source]
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I just wanted to see what would happen even though the admins right now are great. Clone Commander Fox Support
I can be much more active except over the summer when i go to camp Clone Commander Fox
Captain Jag (2)[edit source]
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Good User here, and has made over 2,500 edits. User:Agent Trace/sig1 21:57, December 31, 2010 (UTC) Support
User:Captain Jag/sig1 18:47, January 9, 2011 (UTC)
Ajr: How would giving me administrative tools hinder other people from getting them? Like you said on TGE's RfA, we can have as many admins as we want. User:Captain Jag/sig1 18:15, January 14, 2011 (UTC)
Agent Fuse[edit source]
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I've passed my one year brickiversary and it would be helpful. SupportOppose
TheGrandEditor[edit source]
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He has been making great edits, and basically already acts as if he is an administrator. LEGO Lord 18:56, January 3, 2011 (UTC) Support
SKP4472[edit source]
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I would like to be an Administrator as I'm a well trusted, friendly, mature user and I'm always willing to help out other Users. I'm active every day and make around 40-70 edits or more a day. (last week however I wasn't active because Broadband had been lost in my community area). I'm also very familiar with the Manual of Style (MoS) and Category Guidlines.I have made over 2,630 Edits here at Brickipedia and feel that I'm capable of all the responsibilities of an Administrator. Please feel free to contact Users such as Agent Fuse, LEGOCityManiac11, TheGrandEditor, TheDarkKnights, BobaFett2 and other Users as a reference. Thank you for your time. Kind Regards. User:SKP4472/sig2 16:48, October 31, 2010 (UTC) SupportOppose
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Captain Jag[edit source]
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Nice job on the wiki. User:Agent Trace/sig1 07:04, September 8, 2010 (UTC) Support
Neutral. Definitely a trusted user who wouldn't abuse these tools, but personally I'd like to see a higher mainspace editcount before supporting. Also I'd like to see how the wiki runs with current 7 active admins before supporting any more admin rights. Yes, I get that our period of very low amounts of vandalism is unfortunately now about to end, but I'd rather see if comments are going to be enabled permanently before supporting on that basis. NovaHawk 01:37, September 9, 2010 (UTC)
Neutral. A good, trusted user and would support if comments are permanent. ----- It's Magic - Kingcjc 16:16, September 9, 2010 (UTC)
Gladiatoring[edit source]
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A helpful user with deep knowledge of many of the less covered aspects of the wiki. Checks the recent changes often and has noticed many things that others hasn't, helping the wiki become what it is today. Support
GameGear360[edit source]
The following section is preserved as an archive. Please do not modify it. The result was Nominator withdrew the request, with the following reason: "I have decided to withdraw and try again in some time later when most users are gone. I feel that I would like to become an admin and deserve it, however the jury says no. I will acknowledge that and try harder. Within the future for further references, I know admin is a tough job, however I am completely up to it. With those inactive spots, please send me a message. I will immediately come to help. Sorry, signed GG360" The reason I have decided to nominate myself is because of the following reasons below:
Please take this into consideration, and thank you for reading this message. GG 360 SupportOppose
BobaFett2[edit source]
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BobaFett2 is one of the best contributors to Brickipedia. He is active in counter-vandalism, as well as many other areas, and I think that he would do good with these tools. User:Ajraddatz/sig 15:23, August 26, 2010 (UTC) Support
I'm just saying, I really don't think that there are already enough admins. There are so many new users I can't even count them.User:BobaFett2/sig2 00:07, October 1, 2010 (UTC)
Hey, isn't there some kind of requirement, that a user who votes here needs to have a certain amount of mainspace edits/must have been here for a while? There are quite a lot (to me) unknown users voting here... User:Samdo994/sig1 11:32, October 5, 2010 (UTC)
Its been discussed on how we decide this, as technicly the critera of 75 or 80% was not decided at the start. So I presume we are going just by positive votes? Either way vote will be closed by this time tomorrow. ----- It's Magic - Kingcjc 19:51, October 5, 2010 (UTC)