Brickipedia News:Beware Series 14 revealed!

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Brickipedia News:Beware Series 14 revealed!

User:Soupperson1 0:00, 28 7 2015 (UTC)

avatarby Soupperson1
7 28, 2015

The next Minifigure series has been revealed! Yes the monster themed 71010 Minifigures Series 14 minifigure checklist has popped up, thanks to our friends at thebrickfan.


What do you think about this series?! Are you excited! Be sure to check the character pages for better pictures!

Update Official images revealed by LEGO's Facebook page.

Tags: 2015 Minifigures

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Edward NigmaMaster Builder

117 months ago
Score 0++
Most of them are fine, but the Tiger Woman is disturbing. It's not necessarily bad, but the phantoms are absolutely abhorrent.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 0++
  • Werewolf is better than I thought he'd be. The lumberjack callback is clever. I've never had a werewolf, so while I wouldn't go out of my way for him, but I'd be content if I got him randomly.
  • I don't care for the Zombie Pirate. It's not bad, but not to my taste. Same goes for the Mad Scientist and Wacky Witch.
  • Plant Guy is fun. My favorite suit minifigure (the arms and legs make it hard to consider an actual plant :P ) in a long long time.
  • The Fly is really good.
  • The Spectre is a bit boring.
  • Zombie Cheerleader isn't to my taste, but her pigtails are great. Harley Quinn had better use those at somepoint (and hopefully in cool yellow; none of this black/red garbage).
  • Tiger Woman...okay, this one is kind of disturbing. The whip is too much for me (though I still need a black one for Catwoman :P)
  • Gargoyle is kind of ugly and could have done without the nose, but otherwise he is one of the better figures. I might like to get one or two.
  • Skeleton Guy is clever. Frankenstein's Rocker? Not so much.
  • Zombie Businessman; per the cheerleader. Would his hair work for an existing licensed character? I'd hate to see that mold go to waste.
  • I was looking forward to the Banshee, but I don't know right now. I guess I'll have to see a review.
  • Square Foot is boring.
  • I'm kind of getting an Addams Family vibe from the Spider Lady, at least without the cape and fangs. I didn't get Lady Vampyre, so she would be a good companion to Lord Vampyre, but I don't know. She doesn't do a lot for me.
Overall, the series looks better than I thought it would, but I'm having trouble getting excited for pretty much any of the figures. Oh well. Call me when we get a folklore and mythology or fantasy series. (Er, if witches, vampires, banshees, werewolves, and bigfoots don't count for any of that....)


117 months ago
Score 0++
Oooh, I'd love a mythology/fantasy series.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 0++
(The longer I stare at Square Foot, the more he looks like Chewbacca)

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 0++

It's about time.

The only thing that really caught my eye was the Banshee- what is that leg piece? Is it partly transparent with some solid areas in the middle, or is it just me? The Fly Monster's hand also looks interesting- is it built into the arm or is it like one of the Chima gorilla pieces or Wolverine/Werewolf claws?

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 0++

The leg piece is held by two minifigures in the series :P The leg piece is in ninjago too, that's where it came from.

That's a new hand mould on the fly, with all the other glove pieces you could clearly see the rod which the minfigure held


117 months ago
Score 0++
The fly hand isn't a new mold, Davy Jones was the first.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 0++

Didn't even notice the Phantom had that :P I thought it was more like a Dementor setup. And I was wondering if that was a Ninjago ghost piece (I'm way behind on Ninjago unfortunately :/)

Ooh, good to know that that claw's an actual piece then :) I never paid much attention to POTC, I just got some of the cheaper sets, so thanks for pointing that out :)

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 0++

1.Werewolf-This is the werewolf version of the lumberjack from whatever series. He uses Rocket's tail which is a cheap way to get it. I like his head but it's basically the Monster Fighter's Werewolf in grey. His accessory is boring too.

2.Zombie Pirate-I don't care for this mini figure, it's great if you do like Zombies and pirates though.

3.Mad Scientist-We already had two mad Scientists in the Minifig series do we need another so soon? I do like his arms though :3

4.Wacky Witch-I actually quite like this one. It's great to see the European style Witch and it perfectly creates one. I love her cat and hat too!

5.Plant Guy-Boring

6.The Fly-I love that head mould! Everything else is meh.

7.The Phantom-I adore his hood and recoloured ghost ninjago leg moulding. Its nice we have a friendly ghost face, mabye Casper will sue! :O It's a shame this is the only glow in the dark element in this series.

8.Zombie Cheerleader-Fantastic hair moulding, no doubt it will be used on the DC Girls Harley Quinn. The minifig herself is okay, the dark green Pom Poms are nice

9. Tiger Woman-She's a nice 60's-70's Halloween costume but she doesn't fit in this series! She isn't a monster! I wish we got a new whop coloring too.

10.Gargoyle-It looks like a Friends Gargoyle in my opinion. It's super cute but not scary at all :P

11.Skeleton-My favourite minifig! Great costume and great moulding!

12.Horror Rocker-Why couldn't we get a Frankenstine's bride over him, we had two Franksnstines in recent years did we need a third. I love the use of the Friends giutar though!

13. Zombie Businessman-Great hair moulding, the rest is meh. It's a zombie businessman if you like that thing this is good, if you don't you shouldn't care :P

14.Banshee-I don't know why they modernized the Banshee :/ I love her hair moulding and legs! It's a shame she has more of a reeper's face then a banshee's. And why does she have a wooly sweater!

15.Big Foot-Love him beside that dang beard! Why does he have a camrea? It's not even in a new colour ;(

16.Spider Lady-If you like spider women this is for you :P She's boring besides the face otherwise.

My overall thoughts on this series:Meh with mostly bland accessories. It's a shame they didn't use Monsters before the 17th century. I don't think anyone asked for the Spider Lady, Plant Guy, Horror Rocker or Tiger Lady and they could all be replaced. It's annoying were getting another Witch, Mad Scientist and Werewolf

Toa AquinusBricktastic

117 months ago
Score 0++
I thought this was the second Mad Scientist :-S

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 0++
Professor Frink

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 0++
How is the plant monster boring? It's a guy dressed up as a plant! :D (or maybe a guy being eaten by a plant, I can't actually tell)

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 0++
I don't think it looks good or useful. It's a guy dressed up as a plant eating himself :P


117 months ago
Score 1++
Bug is on there.

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 1++
And he'll be mine >:D
CMFCrazyScientist.jpg +
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CMFBigfoot.jpg +
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CMF71010-witch.jpg +
2015 +  and Minifigures +
08:00:00, 28 July 2015 +
Beware Series 14 revealed! +