Brickipedia News:News Roundup - August 15 2014

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Brickipedia News:News Roundup - August 15 2014

User:CJC95 0:00, 15 August 2014 (UTC)

avatarby CJC95
August 15, 2014

LEGO Batman 3: Rise of the Minor Characters


Source(s): Forbes

LEGO Batman 3 has got more characters, including fan favourites such as girl Captain America, Comedy Central TV host and public domain villain.

Meanwhile, IGN have finally confirmed that LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham lives up to its name, with an article titled "LEGO Batman 3 Goes Beyond Gotham".

Ultra Agents get App


Source(s): Cnet

There is an Ultra Agents app. It does something. Something appy.

LEGO-style chocolates - what could go wrong?

Source(s): Yahoo

Luckily, these aren't for sale, because otherwise, kids will start eating LEGO. You know how kids are - stupid impressionable.

Shell does promo in Germany


Source(s): Shell

It seems someone at Shell decided that despite all the fuss over LEGO and Shell, now is a great time to do this promotion in Germany. Its a Ferrari one that happened in Hong Kong a while back. Greenpeace don't seem to have raised a fuss, at least not large enough for me to notice.

The past week's news articles

a possible new weekly series by me, published around Sunday, where I look at the other interesting LEGO things the internet throws up that doesn't count as news really. Last week's topics: Girls and Feminism, Shell and Greenpeace and brick prices.
news of this years Christmas set. Spoiler: It's got snow in it.
you can tell I wrote this one, as it has "rumours" in the title.

Berry, although spelling it "rumors", does have a nice pun here.

Tags: 2014 Batman Super Heroes Ultra Agents

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129 months ago
Score 0++
Something Appy.


129 months ago
Score 0++
You can't expect me to fully read the articles I link to :P

NBP3.0Brick Master

129 months ago
Score 0++

1. At least tag your spoilers (See Christmas set) 2. Work on your wikicode. :P 3. Lol shut up it's spelled rumors no o's or u's or whatever in there Brit. 4. Forgive me that was kinda racist. 5. I've never seen someone racist to Europeans except for hick Americans. Huh.

6. I just realized you made my "Post comment" button center. Thanks.

NBP3.0Brick Master

129 months ago
Score 1++
Ohh everything is so centery

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

129 months ago
Score 3++
I fixed it, so now you look silly. :D
2014 +, Batman +, Super Heroes +  and Ultra Agents +
20:45:00, 15 August 2014 +
News Roundup - August 15 2014 +