Brickipedia News:News roundup - June 30, 2016

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Brickipedia News:News roundup - June 30, 2016

User:NovaHawk 00:37, 30 June 2016 (UTC)

avatarby NovaHawk
June 30, 2016

2017 DC Mighty Micros revealed!

We've had our first reveal for the 2017 Super Heroes lineup- images of three 2017 DC Mighty Micros sets have been shared. It's possibly worth noting that the minifigures in other Mighty Micros have only been "mighty micros" versions of full-sized minifigures, yet we've got two new characters here- Doomsday and Bizarro (Bizarro has technically been released, but only as a limited edition Comic-Con exclusive). Could this be an indication we'll have full-sized versions of these two characters in the main wave 1 lineup? Anyway, check out the images of the three sets below.

We don't have images of any Marvel sets so far, but we do have confirmation that some Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 will be released.

LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens released

The latest LEGO video game, LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens, has been released a couple of days ago, featuring missions from the latest film as well as some previously untold stories which are a part of the official Star Wars canon. There are a lot of new characters previously unseen in LEGO form in the game, we're in the process of adding them all to the site. If you've got the game, let us know what it's like in the comments!

Stone Armour Cole image found

Images of a set containing a Stone Armour version of Cole have been found. It's likely that the set will be a part of a promotion similar to the Nexo Knights Royal Guard box which will be given away between July and October at LEGO Stores when you present a calendar token, but we'll update the page when we know more. Cole is the last of the five ninja seen in Techno Armour to receive his physical variant, the first being Lloyd and Zane back in 2014.

Ninjago Movie Cast rumours

An image has been circulated of a cast list for The LEGO Ninjago Movie. We still don't have 100% confirmation, but here's the lineup:

In other movie news, The LEGO Movie sequel has been delayed yet again, this time from 2018 to 2019, after its original scheduled release of May 26, 2017.

Tags: 2017 2016 2019 The LEGO Movie Ninjago DC Comics Super Heroes Marvel Super Heroes

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106 months ago
Score 0++
The Marvel Mighty Micro's look cool too :) [1]

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

106 months ago
Score 0++
  • Mighty Micros: I hope this means that regular Bizarro and Doomsday figures are on the way, though both of these are passable. I don't really like any of the vehicles aside from the two in the Batman one, but I do like the callback to the Super-Mobile.
  • TFA: Eh. I like The Complete Saga and Clone Wars, so maybe I'll check this out at some point, but all of the DLC and the sort of haphazard focus doesn't speak well to me.
  • Cole: Cool figure. I probably won't get a chance to pick him up
  • Ninjago movie: I haven't seen/heard any of these guys in anything where they had a large enough part to do much judging (aside from Jackie Chan, of course) but as someone who hasn't watched the show since it premiered, I'm kind of glad they aren't going with the voice actors from there. Only a few of the voices stick in my head, and I don't particularly like them. Don't you just love it when they change things to please non-fans like me?

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

106 months ago
Score 0++

I love the Superman/Bizarro models, simply because Bizarro's is Superman's but backwards :P I don't get why a lot of people are complaining about the voice cast for the movie- yes they're different, but it's set in a completely different universe so what's the problem?

I can't be bothered with the new SW game personally, LEGO games have just gotten too repetitive and boring for me. I might get it one day on clearance, but half the game being DLC has really turned me off it.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

106 months ago
Score 0++
I tried to get into it starting from the Serpentine arc a couple of years ago, but just couldn't get through more than two episodes. :P Maybe I'll give the pirates a look.
2017 +, 2016 +, 2019 +, The LEGO Movie +, Ninjago +, DC Comics Super Heroes +  and Marvel Super Heroes +
00:36:00, 30 June 2016 +
News roundup - June 30, 2016 +