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Outrageous Aquaman.png

DC Universe


The New 52
Dark Age
Justice League: War





(one vote)

Aquaman is a DC Universe superhero first introduced in 1941. He is the King of Atlantis, raised on the surface, and in some versions a half-human hybrid. Aquaman is a founding member of the Justice League.


Designer's notes

  • Comment on the DCEU version: Medium Nougat is really off in LDD; I've checked and this is the same shade used on Tonto, but I'm not seeing it. Definitely not when Nougat, as in Dr. Wu, is an alternative that I didn't use for bad reasons; knock some sense into me and make me change the skin color to that sometime.
  • Justice League: War variant is technically a Justice League: Throne of Atlantis variant, but I like to use consistent names with characters in the same universe/story-arc and didn't want to use DCAU movies or something confusing like that.
  • But you didn't care. Those mutton chops. <3
  • I'm a little disappointed with how light the beard is on the Outrageous version... Not sure what to do there. I did like making the design though; Batman, Green Arrow, and/or other characters in that style may follow.
All Along The Watchtower | Wutta Woomer
Aquaman | The Atom | Batman | Blue Beetle | Captain Cold | The Flash | Green Arrow | Green Lantern | The Joker | Kyle Rayner | Nightwing | Poison Ivy | Robin | Superman | Wonder Woman | Zatanna | Zilius Zox

For more customs from me see Berry Bureau and Sensational DC Universe


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Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

105 months ago
Score 0++

I love your DCEU one.

I wonder what skin tone they'll give him, he's kind of "ambiguously brown". :P

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

105 months ago
Score 0++

Thanks. :) Can real people be ambiguously brown? I guess if they get an unnatural looking spray tan. :P

Either of the midbrown skintones would probably work, and even light nougat would probably be acceptable, but I guessed medium nougat because that's what they used for the Lone Ranger Natives whereas nougat is usually used for people from the Mediterranean or Middle East, but I could see it going either way. They are pretty similar (just not on LDD >:/ ) so it wouldn't make a huge difference.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

94 months ago
Score 0++
(Commenting for posterity's sake: this figure has since been slightly updated with remastered printing and a new hairpiece. The original can be seen here.)

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

94 months ago
Score 0++
((This actually belongs as a reply to Soup's other comment. Oops.))

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

105 months ago
Score 0++
I've been waiting for you to do this so I could see what hairpiece you'd go with :) My first thought for his hairpiece was the one you used for the "Dark Age" version ({{{1}}}). I didn't think about the one you used but it probably works better, it's a more appropriate length anyway. Nice job on the figure overall too :)

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

105 months ago
Score 0++
Thanks. :) I actually flipped between the two and chose this one because it's shorter, doesn't have a widow's peak, and doesn't coverup the torso printing, but I'm sort of hoping that the official figure does something else, because I don't like the way this one looks without a cape. :P

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

107 months ago
Score 0++

I definitely should have found a better hairpiece. Now I'm thinking Beast Boy's without ear printing might have been the best option, but I don't know. The figure just turned two years old ( :S ), so touching it up might be a good idea.

Thank you! :) I still really like the torso. That's why I haven't touched him up. :P

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

107 months ago
Score 0++
I would've probably gone with the Skater's or Anakin's hair for the New 52 version. I really liked how in the New 52 how they would throw Arthur in the darkest areas just so his eyes would pop. :P Great job with that torso though, it's perfect!
... more about "Aquaman"
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