Fan:Berry Bureau

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Berry Bureau
Related themes:

Super Friends




Welcome to Berry Bureahu (the "h" is optional; my hasty typing decides to include it, my spellcheck does not)--the magical land where all of the fantastic (and not so fantastic) fan works of that Brickberry guy come to die live happy and fulfilling lives, despite not having found that special someone. But, hey, a new Hey Arnold! movie is on the way, so maybe there is hope for Helga. Definitely not Tahu though--sorry BIONICLE fans--or Lenore, because lionesses just should not have manes. That's sick.


  • I would like to do the other five Toa Mata (and maybe more) but I don't know what to do for their masks. There were some icons for them back in the day that might work, but far as I can find, none of them have transparent backgrounds. Let me know if you know where I can find compatible renders.
  • Lenore is one of my oldest customs still on the site; she came about sometime in 2013 when Chima still seemed like it might be cool and the Lion tribe was looking like a bunch of Gargareans. She's a bit embarrassing now that we've got Li'ella and that warrioress in the battle pack, but eh.


  • Experimenting with evil cartoon eyes--oh my!
  • Helga is another of the older customs to still be found around here, but I actually like her. She could have really used that new Minnie Mouse bow, ut boh well.
  • Aang was an experiment. I have a version with normal eyes drawn up too, that just isn't the version I went with. You know. For science. Don't like it? What did you do today to advance the human race?
  • Katara was also a part of that experiment and would be here (I have the decals drawn up) but I'm having trouble choosing a hairpiece for her braid in the first two seasons. I might have to just go with season three and use the princess hair. Or just go with something that looks good from the front, because that's what would have to happen with Sokka anyway if he got made, but even then I'm a bit stuck. CUUSOO? Ideas?
Helga Pataki
(Hey Arnold!)
(Avatar: The Last Airbender)
(Over the Garden Wall)
(Over the Garden Wall)


  • Hercules and Theseus are in purgatory right now. Ares, Achilles, and the Minotaur I couldn't get to look right--most of these have that issue. There is only so much I feel comfortable doing. Hence the Legend Beast knock-off.
  • If there is any part of Chima that should be knocked-off though, it's the Legend Beasts. Well, those and the flamboyant dentist bird that violently forces itself into the mouths of unwilling crocodiles who decide that they liked him being there when he is done. Because, you know, that's how dentists work.
Cretan Bull


  • I used to be really adamant about not doing Marvel figures for various reasons. I recently broke that rule for some reason. Iceman and Angel aren't even characters I know very well; probably just me thinking that the Marvel theme needs more X-Men. So yeah, I guess that whatever shows up here (and there may never be any more!) are characters that in my "eh, Marvel," attitude would want to buy.


Esmeralda - Outcast.png
Belle LDD.png
Hercules - Disney.png
Judge Claude Frollo
(The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
(The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
(The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
(Beauty and the Beast)

Harry Potter

..and Fantastic Beasts, apparently.

You want more?

  • Oliver's Fire House
  • BIONICLE mods--using real pieces--my takes on the classic six Toa (and then some) using the 2015 sets as bases.
  • Disney characters. Maybe. I did a bunch of princess figures back in the day. The Disney Series was probably my favorite thing of 2016, at least aside from Elves (Ragana!), so I would love to expand on that. Or at least I would if the head and hairpieces are there.
  • As for non-Disney movies, not much comes to mind other than Harry Potter, though I have wanted to make a classic Count Orlok for a while.
  • Gravity Falls, if I can figure out a hairpiece for Mabel. Probably Olivia's is fine.
  • As alluded above, more Avatar and Over the Garden Wall. Katara, Zuko, Sokka, Azula, and perhaps Toph for the former. Over the Garden Wall is a bit less definite, but certainly Beatrice, maybe the Woodsman. Others are hard to peg because the show is episodic. Auntie Whispers would be le piece de resistance though--perhaps my best work since Zox.
  • A Marvel character or two.
  • I often sit down to do mythology characters--both Greek and Norse--but they never turn out right, so they stay in the Asphodel Meadows.
  • If you see something you like, let me know. That's probably the best way to get me to make more of them. :) That's why I've done hundreds of DC characters in my time.
  • I am open to suggestions, but these really are passion projects, so don't get your hopes up unless it happens to be something that I happen to love. Happenly. Happenly ever after. And many more....


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Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

94 months ago
Score 1++
I missed your customs do much! The new Disney ones are fantastical! :P Can't wait to see who's next.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

94 months ago
Score 1++

"Still though, how can't you love that smile of his?"

I know, it looks so good :D Did you make the face from scratch or is it from other figures? Part of it reminds me of Palpatine but I can't place which part (or which Palpatine variant). Never thought of using a carrot as a torch before though haha (although I see now that some 2010 Castle sets actually did this)

Nice job with Quasimodo's hunch, didn't think there would be a way to make it look like he had a hunched back without some sort of piece on his back. His eyes don't actually look spread apart more than a normal minifig to me, did you try spacing them apart even further? That really wide spacing iss probably the second most noticeable feature to him to me (the first being that thing around his eye. But maybe that's just me). Mouth and all the detailing looks great though, I couldn't imagine a much better face for him.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

94 months ago
Score 0++

Thanks! It's my favorite of the faces I've done since probably ever.

I guess it's from scratch? I have a few faces that I use as a template (in this case one I desgined for Lex Luthor but haven't actually used yet), but I modified just about every feature, even the shaping around the eyes. So I guess that would be from scratch? :P I actually was thinking of the Palpatine minifigure as I drew it and almsot got a picture of him to use as reference, but didn't in the end. It's funny that yo uthought of him too. :D

Yeah, I didn't move the eyes apart very far. The decal was originally going to go over Gollum's head and the width works just about right for that, but isn't too much farther than a normal figures. The TLBM version of Harley Quinn probably has wider eyes. I might want to add the cheekbones he originally had too, but those got removed when I was going to do a special head and I forgot to add them back in until I was already done. I'll see about tweaking him after I finish Esmeralda, or even before. I really don't like drawing her skirt, even if it's just a curved line and some discs. :P

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

93 months ago
Score 0++
(Replying for posterity's sake: Quasimodo's face has since been updated.)

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

94 months ago
Score 1++
New X-Men look great, we really need some more X-Men sets... and at least one Fantastic Four. I don't get why the comic-based sets don't focus on these moreso than the subfranchises that are already a part of the movies.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

94 months ago
Score 0++

I'm glad you like them. :)

I think it's generally thought to be because they aren't part of the movies, it doesn't make sense for Mousevel Marvel to promote them as much when there are other properties they can make more money from. They have loosened up a little, but the Fantastic Four were shelved a year or two ago because nobody seems to know what to do with them. They are still around (I think Human Torch is with the Inhumans and Thing with the Guardians of the Galaxy and Dr. Doom is Iron Man or something), but dissolved.

But yeah, the comic sets generally seem sort of dull to me. Some good and colorful X-Men might fix that. :P

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

104 months ago
Score 0++
http://www.b...m=Berrybrick So when are these being moved over? :P ;)

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

104 months ago
Score 0++
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] - it'd be very easy for me to make the backgrounds transparent for these, let me know if you want them :)

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

104 months ago
Score 0++

(Cannot reply directly for some reason. :S )

Okay. :) If you could do Tahu (just so I can resize them properly) and Kopaka or Lewa (since I can just recolor the torso :P ) for now, that would be great to start.

Or, because it may be easier, you could do all six and I'll just use the ones I use. :P

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

104 months ago
Score 0++
Akaku's a pain, because of the white on white situation, I'll have another shot at it later. Anyway, here's Hau, Miru, Kakama, Kaukau, Kaukau (85% opacity) and Pakari for now :)

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

104 months ago
Score 0++
Thanks. :) Take your time on the Akaku--I'm not sure when I'll get to these.
... more about "Berry Bureau"
Berrybrick +
MiniTahu.png +, Helga2.PNG +, CretanBull.png +, Angel_bb.png +, Frollo.png +  and Newt-Berry-1.png +
Lenore2.PNG +, Aang.png +, Iceman_bb.png +  and Quasimodo.png +
Greg.png +  and Esmeralda - Outcast.png +
Wirt.png +  and Belle LDD.png +
Hercules - Disney.png +
(BIONICLE) +, Helga Pataki
(Hey Arnold!) +, Cretan Bull
(Classical) +, Angel +, Judge Claude Frollo
(The Hunchback of Notre Dame) +  and Newt Scamander +
(Legends of Chima) +, Aang
(Avatar: The Last Airbender) +, Iceman +  and Quasimodo
(The Hunchback of Notre Dame) +
(Over the Garden Wall) +  and Esmeralda
(The Hunchback of Notre Dame) +
(Over the Garden Wall) +  and Belle
(Beauty and the Beast) +