The Protectors are a faction appearing in BIONICLE 2015, making up the entirety of the six smaller sized sets. Though they have defined roles as village elders, the Protectors, as of now, do not have known names.
The Protectors play a fundamentally similar role to the Turaga from BIONICLE's earlier years, acting as mentors for the Toa and leading the villagers. However, the Protectors are depicted in more action-oriented roles, carrying weapons such as blasters, swords, and saws. Their masks grant them elemental powers, similar to the Toa's, though not as potent. These are similar to the Noble Masks worn by the Turaga which allowed them access to powers that regular villagers did not have, but were not as strong as those of a Toa. They also appear to be of the same species as the villagers (as opposed to Turaga being a sub-species of Matoran) and their role is not inherited as a progression in the life cycle of a Toa as the Turaga were, but the Protectors rather pass on their masks, weapons, and titles to their children.
Description[edit | edit source]
The Protectors each have the same basic build, wield a stud-shooting blaster, and wear differently coloured versions of the same mask. However, each has their own unique physique, aside from the similarly tall and lanky Protectors of Jungle and Stone, who still retain multiple differences due to their colour schemes, armour configuration, and pieces added for detail. The Protector of Water is the same height as the aforementioned two, but he has shorter arms and wears a pair of turbines mounted on them. The Protectors of Earth and Fire are stocky and broad chested, but their builds are variegated with different armouring choices, but the Protector of Earth has her blaster directly built into her chest while the Fire Protector lacks elbows. The Protector of Ice is also on the shorter side of the spectrum, but wears more armour than most of the others.
Background[edit | edit source]
There are six Protectors, one for each village on Okoto: Fire, water, stone, ice, earth, and jungle. They both lead and guard the members of their villages from danger. Additionally, the Protectors are the bearers of the legends of the Toa, passed down on them by their ancestors who found Ekimu's comatose body prophesying the heroes' coming. Once the six Toa, Tahu, Gali, Pohatu, Kopaka, Onua, and Lewa land on Okoto, they inform them of their mission and accompany them on their quest to find the Golden Masks.
Sets[edit | edit source]
In addition to a Protector model, each set also includes a Skull Spider.
- 70778 Protector of Jungle
- 70779 Protector of Stone
- 70780 Protector of Water
- 70781 Protector of Earth
- 70782 Protector of Ice
- 70783 Protector of Fire description[edit | edit source]
This is a description taken from . Please do not modify it.
The Protectors wear sacred Elemental Masks that have been passed down through the generations from father to son along with the Prophecy of Heroes, which foretells the coming of Tahu and his allies. In their wisdom, the Protectors must guide the heroes on their quest.