
From Brickipedia, the LEGO Wiki

Userboxes[edit | edit source]

Brickipedia LEGO Other
4,044 This user has made 4,044 edits on Brickipedia.
City This user collects City LEGO.
CW Contest.jpg This user has won the Guess That Minifigure Contest! Congratulations!
Bot op.png This user is a bot operator of 2 bots.
Bots: LcawteBot and BrickPost Delivery Bot
Bionicle logo.jpg This user collected BIONICLE LEGO, but could not keep up. They may start rebuying them as the theme has ended.
Cop-torso.jpg This user is a recent changes patroller.
Minifighead-headset.png This user can often be found on the Brickipedia IRC.
Common Nicks: Lcawte
Cloak: @wikia/wikimedia.Lcawte
Legouniverselogobeta copy.jpg This user was a LEGO Universe Beta Tester.
Checkmark green.svg This user is a former member of the CCG Agents.
Rock Raiders.png This user collected Rock Raiders LEGO.
BAGSeal.png This user is a member of the
Bot Approval Group
Wikis Skills Other
Customs-Logo.png This user uploads LEGO MOCs on Brickipedia.
Checker.png This user is happy to apply transparency to any image requested here.
Template:User wikianswers