User blog:NovaHawk/LEGO quizzes

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What's your jungle personality?[edit source]

Andrea: You are queen of the jungle! The jungle is a perfect setting for performing a little dancing and singing.

Emma: Well…you definitely have the right outfit for the jungle! Just like Emma, you would be great at packing the suitcases for jungle adventures.


Olivia: You are the perfect pathfinder in the jungle. Just use Olivia’s homemade compass, and you are on your way!"

Who is your best beach buddy?[edit source]

You would have a fun day at the beach with: Emma
Maybe you can turn some of your old clothes into your own fancy beach fashion?


Is your best animal friend Juliet, Jawa or Biscuit?[edit source]

Biscuit the bear! He likes to jump and dance and have fun. You too?

Jawa the macaw! She likes to talk and share secrets for hours. You too?


Are you a country girl or a city girl?[edit source]

You would be a great helper at the Sunshine Ranch! At least for a weekend. Like Olivia, you like to be outside and keep busy. But it’s also nice to come back to the city!

Is your best animal friend Plum, Flame or Casper?[edit source]

Your best friend is: Plum. Like her, you love fruit, water and dancing. Charming little PLUM and you fit like hand and glove.

How do you juice?[edit source]

Andrea says: Hey, you just made my favorite juice: Pineapple Twist. It’s perfect for a lazy day at the beach. If you want to recreate it at home, all you need is pineapple, banana and coconut.

Mia says: Yay, that’s my favorite drink of all time: Sunshine Harmony. It’s healthy, tasty and my favorite color (green). If you want to make it at home, you need organic green apples, organic carrots and organic lime.

Olivia says: Your great choices have led you to the best juice of all: Blueberry Brain. It’s great because blueberries are brain food, cherries are good against migraines and don’t even get me started on lemons.

Quiz: What's your favorite school activity?[edit source]

Art class: Beautiful colors and drawings is so your style. You are really creative and art class is the best class ever. Try be creative with your LEGO® bricks. Check out the gallery, get inspired and perhaps upload your own creations.

Lunch break: Ahhhh, lunch break! Time to meet friends and have a snack. You just love the lunch break where you will be able to catch up with all of your best friends Why don’t you download a cup cake receipt and treat your friends to a delicious cake in tomorrow’s break?

Sports: Action and competition is just you. Having fun and doing sports with your friends is what you like the best.

What is your dream job?[edit source]

CHEF: When someone wants a great meal, they’ll come to you! You’ve got the ingredients to make one amazing chef!

VET: Your favorite place to be is surrounded by loving pets. Put on your lab coat and gather some treats, you’ll be an ailing animal’s best friend!

How to plan your dance party![edit source]

Crazy dance-off! Like Stephanie and Emma, you would have so much fun with a crazy dance competition with your friends. At home, outside in summer, wherever!

V.I.P party – maybe with sleepover? Like Olivia and Mia, you love to invite a few close friends over at a moment’s notice. Help each other clear the living room floor, put on your favorite tunes, and dance ’til you drop! Maybe they can bring sleeping bags and stay over? Ready to plan your party? Download your own V.I.P. party planner kit.

Which pop star are you?[edit source]

You’re a fashion icon pop star! Like Emma, you see the big picture when planning a show, and you coordinate outfits and stage props like a pro!

You’re a show-stopping special effects pop star! Like Olivia, you love gadgets and use them to create jaw-dropping stage effects your fans will never forget.

Where should you go on an animal adventure?[edit source]

Take a trip to China and say hello to your new animal friend: Shadow the Panda. If you bring him green snacks, he will be your friend forever. Even when he falls asleep.

What's your fashion style?[edit source]

You are a true fashionista like Emma! You don’t follow trends – you create them! Your friends will often see you in DIY dresses and hair accessories of your own design.

Your style is sporty like Mia’s. You dress for an active day in the outdoors, and this often include riding boots and helmet.

What's your dream destination?[edit source]

Hit the Ambersands Beach! Ambersands Beach is fun in the sun all day long at the best spot in Heartlake City to get a tan! You’re a beach beauty! Your dream destination is full of wicked waves, water sports and sunshine, where there’s always fun happening– from the beach to the boardwalk!

Comments (14)
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Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

116 months ago
Score 0++





Stephanie and Emma



Mia's (Even though I rarely wear trousers anymore :P)

Ambersands Beach

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

116 months ago
Score 0++




You would be a great helper at the Sunshine Ranch!

Sunshine Harmony

At least for a weekend. Like Olivia, you like to be outside and keep busy. But it’s also nice to come back to the city!

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

116 months ago
Score 0++
There used to be a quiz on your dream job and how to host a dance party :P

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

116 months ago
Score 0++
Oh they still have them :P

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

116 months ago
Score 0++
There's more- how exciting XD I'll add the rest later


116 months ago
Score 1++

Jungle: Mia

Beach: Stephanie

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

116 months ago
Score 1++

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

116 months ago
Score 1++
  • How to plan your dance party!

Crazy dance-off! Like Stephanie and Emma, you would have so much fun with a crazy dance competition with your friends. At home, outside in summer, wherever!

  • Which pop star are you?

You’re a fashion icon pop star! Like Emma, you see the big picture when planning a show, and you coordinate outfits and stage props like a pro!

  • Where should you go on an animal adventure

Take a trip to China and say hello to your new animal friend: Shadow the Panda. If you bring him green snacks, he will be your friend forever. Even when he falls asleep.

  • What's your fashion style?

You are a true fashionista like Emma! You don’t follow trends – you create them! Your friends will often see you in DIY dresses and hair accessories of your own design.

  • Is your best animal friend Juliet, Jawa or Biscuit?

Jawa the macaw! She likes to talk and share secrets for hours. You too?

  • Are you a country girl or a city girl?

You would be a great helper at the Sunshine Ranch! At least for a weekend. Like Olivia, you like to be outside and keep busy. But it’s also nice to come back to the city! (Whoever wrote this quiz doesn't seem to know what it is actually like to live in the country. :P )

  • How do you juice?

Mia says: Yay, that’s my favorite drink of all time: Sunshine Harmony. It’s healthy, tasty and my favorite color (green). If you want to make it at home, you need organic green apples, organic carrots and organic lime. (I have juiced, and anything with carrots in it is instantly disgusting)

  • What's your dream destination?

Hit the Ambersands Beach! Ambersands Beach is fun in the sun all day long at the best spot in Heartlake City to get a tan! You’re a beach beauty! Your dream destination is full of wicked waves, water sports and sunshine, where there’s always fun happening– from the beach to the boardwalk! (Knight, I hope you read this)

  • What's your favorite school activity?

Lunch break Ahhhh, lunch break! Time to meet friends and have a snack. You just love the lunch break where you will be able to catch up with all of your best friends Why don’t you download a cup cake receipt and treat your friends to a delicious cake in tomorrow’s break?

  • What is your dream job?

VET Your favorite place to be is surrounded by loving pets. Put on your lab coat and gather some treats, you’ll be an ailing animal’s best friend!

Well, I feel like I know myself a whole lot better now. The best question I was asked was "Which animal paw do you prefer?"

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

116 months ago
Score 0++

Your dream job is a vet but you failed the quiz. Tragic :P

I'd just like to point out I got my Heartlake City Vet Clinic diploma first try :D

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

116 months ago
Score 0++
Mia has a diploma in one of the sets :P


116 months ago
Score 1++
I got Andrea and Stephanie, respectively. X3

ToaMeikoHonorable Brickipedian

116 months ago
Score 1++

My results from some other quizzes:

  • Is your best animal friend Juliet, Jawa or Biscuit?
    Biscuit the bear! He likes to jump and dance and have fun. You too?
  • Are you a country girl or a city girl?
    You would be a great helper at the Sunshine Ranch! At least for a weekend. Like Olivia, you like to be outside and keep busy. But it’s also nice to come back to the city!
  • Is your best animal friend Plum, Flame or Casper?
    Your best friend is: Plum. Like her, you love fruit, water and dancing. Charming little PLUM and you fit like hand and glove.
  • How do you juice?
    Andrea says: Hey, you just made my favorite juice: Pineapple Twist. It’s perfect for a lazy day at the beach. If you want to recreate it at home, all you need is pineapple, banana and coconut.
  • What's your favorite school activity?
    Sports. Action and competition is just you. Having fun and doing sports with your friends is what you like the best.
Too lazy to take any more for now.

ToaMeikoHonorable Brickipedian

116 months ago
Score 1++
On the juice one, too bad they don't know I'm coconut intolerant. NE3-1.gif

ToaMeikoHonorable Brickipedian

116 months ago
Score 1++
Add the rest of the quizzes: http://www.l...s/activities :D