User blog:Omega X/Caption Contest 11 + Results for Caption Contest 10

From Brickipedia, the LEGO Wiki

Caption 10 just ended! As usual, here is Caption Contest 11!

Theres another blog that I'm releasing soon, showing you guys a look behind the scenes of Caption Contests and the process of creating them, as well as a look back at the past few Caption Contests! You guys could view it HERE![edit source]

Winners of Caption Contest 10[edit source]

First Prize: Soupperson1[edit source]

Congratz to Soup for coming in first! Her entry is:

""If you can differentiate a dead chicken you can differentiate anything"~Frank Perdue"

Hahaha well said! The fact that an actual person actually said that (in the context of economics), makes it even more funny! Nice one Soup!

Second Prize: Anonymous user #1[edit source]

Anonymous user #1 comes in second! Congratz! His entry is:

"All animals are equally terrifying, but some animals are more equally terrifying than oth-- actually, nope, all terrifying!" Hahaha great entry there! I could only imagine what the farmer had in mind when saying that XD

Third Prize: Berrybrick[edit source]

Berry is third! Congratz Berry! His entry is:

"That'll do, pig. That'll do." Hahaha yupp! The most classic quote of them all! Nice one Berry!


Here's Caption Contest 11!![edit source]

CC11 Logo.jpg

Theme: Dragons[edit source]

Brickimedia CC11.jpg

Behind the scenes[edit source]

When I saw how cute Wu's dragon was in Dimensions,I KNEW that i had to do this =P

Rules[edit source]

  • To enter, just simply type an interesting phrase or phrases in the comments below and state who said it. There are no restrictions, so it could be a dialogue, or even a label, and do try yr best to make reference to whats happening in the picture in your entry. The most funny/creative/interesting entries win!
  • The contest ends around a month from now, which is at 23/7/16
  • Strictly no copying of other user's entries

Prizes[edit source]

Templates will be given out, and here they are!

Winner of Caption Contest!
This award signifies that you have came in FIRST Omega X's Caption Contest!

Congratulations! =D

Omega X

Winner of Caption Contest!
This award signifies that you have came second in Omega X's Caption Contest!

Congratulations! =D

Omega X

Winner of Caption Contest!
This award signifies that you have came third in Omega X's Caption Contest!

Congratulations! =D

Omega X

Caption Contest Participation!
This award signifies that you have came participated in Omega X's Caption Contest!

Thanks so much for your participation!

Omega X


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Omega XAmateur

104 months ago
Score 0++
Anddd its over! Really sorry for ending it late (lost track of time =/) But really thanks yall for your support and participation! =D

Omega XAmateur

105 months ago
Score 0++
Guys the contest i ending soon do please try and participate thanks! =D

Omega XAmateur

106 months ago
Score 0++
Hahahaha that's gold!! Thanks anon!

Omega XAmateur

106 months ago
Score 0++

Guys please do check out my other blog about how Caption Contests are made here! Thanks!! =D