Brickipedia:Anniversary Contest

From Brickipedia, the LEGO Wiki

To celebrate its 10th anniversary, Brickipedia is running a contest, where entrants can win great LEGO sets!

The prizes are:

70604 Tiger Widow Island, part of the grand prize!

How do I enter?
  • You must have a registered account to participate. If you don't have a registered account, you can create one by clicking here.
    • Anyone found using sockpuppets (multiple accounts created by one user to gain an unfair advantage) will result in a minimum of the sockpuppet accounts being banned, as per standard Brickipedia policy. If a user who has entered the contest is found using sockpuppets, their entry will also be disqualified.
  • Once registered you perform the daily task, new tasks will be added at 14:00-14:30(2-2:30) EST every day. Every day a new story bit appears, enter each day and you'll get a raffle ticket for each day. If you don't participate one day, you don't get that ticket and therefore have a lesser chance of winning. On January 29th, every raffle ticket will be grouped together, 3 will be chosen, and the winners will be announced.
Example of what to do

If the story section said:

Cinderella: "Hey what colour is my hair?"

You would go to the Cinderella page and find out what colour her hair is. Then, you would go to If the answer was correct (in this case Cool Yellow) I'd give you a raffle ticket. (The story was written by Berrybrick and Soupperson1)

The story

Day One:


It is a sparkly day in the world of LEGO Elves. The Little Woodland Friends prance through their mushroom villages, dodging the insidious paw of Enki the panther cub. In the distance, a scream chill-inducing enough to put out a fire roars through the woods, making everyone mildly uncomfortable for the next two minutes.

Johnny Baker: Thief! Thief!

Azari: Woah! My hair is floating on end. Was that you, Johnny Baker?

Johnny Baker: Someone stole Brickipedia's birthday cake.

Azari: How do you know? This place is filled with cakes, and most of them only get eaten by the lava river. My friends and I st-- see people swipe them all the time!

Johnny Baker: They stuffed this note into my breakfast bagel:

To whom it may concern:

Be concerned. Be very concerned, for I have stolen Brickipedia's birthday cake, and this atrocity is just the first of many nefarious deeds I pinky promise will occur until they remember who I am. A fire is coming Mr. Baker. From your place of work, I can see that you are a pyromaniac. If you like fire, Mr. Baker, join me in my crusade, and perhaps Elves fans shall remember you too. Meet my associates behind 10243 Parisian Restaurant at 11:57 sharp and we can talk.
Lot's of love,
Your worst nightmare
PS: Since we are holding Brickipedia's cake for super nefarious purposes, please bring more cakes as snacks. Say, maybe 40? I ::hope to have lots and lots of underlings! lol ;)

Azari: What are they playing at? First of all, we don't have pinkies, and secondly, those are some ugly LEGO pieces it is written in. I wonder where they are from.... That's no matter! We have to stop them, Johnny Baker!

Johnny Baker: Well, uh...I was maybe thinking of joining them. This is a bad economy for baking, and....

Azari: Oh no, this is a real super villain! They has corrupted the moral paragon of Johnny Baker. Johnny Baker, who has stood as a light when I cannot decide what I want for lunch!

Johnny Baker: Azari, I was only joking....

Azari ignores the slightly annoyed Johnny, and paces around the room thinking, taking a single bite out of any cookie or muffin she passes until she sets eyes on a phone booth themed cake for the Doctor Who Ideas party.

Azari: I've got it! We need a silo's guardsman, a watercan protractor, a daylight...If only I knew the secret identity of one of those Justice Avengers, I could call them up!

Johnny Baker: One of those Z-listers would probably be readier to help. I hear that the big guys get pretty busy....

Azari: Could you imagine how pudgy I would look next to Wonder Woman?

Submit any superhero(produced by LEGO)'s secret identity to <> to help Azari catch the cake thief!

Day Two:

Azari: He has arrived! Our guardian! Our savior! Our her-- who are you?

Bart Simpson: I'm-- na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na...Bartman!

Azari: Batman? I thought you would be a little bit taller in person, and have a few less horns....

Bart: That's my hair. I am B-ar-tman, with an "r"!

SS2 Bart.jpg

Azari: Nice to meet you! I am Azari, with an...uh, a pet Fire Fox.

Bart: Firefox? What kind of prehistoric forest are you living in? Get Chrome instead.

Azari: [gasps] How could you do such a terrible thing to an animal? Do you know what I think of that?

Bart: [preparing for a fight, placing a hand on his slingshot] No, what?

Azari: That your methods are just the sort of thing we need. Someone has stolen Brickipedia's birthday cake, and we have to stop them. [she shows Bart the note] Should we meet them at the Parisian Restaurant?

Bart: Forget that! That's exactly what they would expect. We are going to go straight to the big bad cake stealer himself.

Azari: You know who it is already!?

Bart: Of course! Follow me!

Azari: Hold on, Bartman! [Snaps a photograph of him] I borrowed this camera from my friend Emily; we are going to need some ID if we leave the Magical Land of LEGO® Elves!


While Azari and Bart get started on their adventure, upload an avatar! If you already have one, you can change it to enter for a raffle ticket. For help uploading an avatar, see here. Once the avatar is upload, message Soupperson1 with, saying "my avatar is uploaded". Please note that it may take some time to show up!

Day Three:

Bart drags Azari out from the trees and into the forest-- or rather, jungle: urban jungle. Buildings are strangely colorless, as if they were built by real people. Azari sticks out her tongue in disgust, but it is quickly covered in a layer of dust. She spits it out, her saliva causing a small fire when it makes contact with the ground.

Azari: Ew, what is this place?

Bart: Metropolis, the city of the future. It is always under reconstruction of some kind.

Azari: The cake thief is here?

Bart fires his slingshot at a signpost labelled "Shuster". Immediately, he and Azari fall through a hole that has formed in the ground.

Lex Luthor: What insufferable moron dares to enter the layer of the feared, the genius LEX LUTHOR?

Bart and Azari fall silent.

Lex Luthor: Lois, is that you? Come here, dearie, you little dimwit you. There is no way you can foil my plan, for this time I, Lex Luthor, have created a FULLY OPERATIONAL BATTLE SUIT to aid in my well-deserved destruction of Metropolis. Most businessman would do it covertly, but I, Lex Luthor, would rather show my genius by doing it blatantly and violently. Brilliant, no?

More silence follows.

Lex Luthor: No, I'm not compensating for something.

Silence sets again, golden like the sun.

Lex Luthor: My hair? What about my hair? Prepare to feel the wrath of I, LEX LUTHOR!

Bart: [Whispering] Fire-lady, we have to do something! He is going to destroy that poor imaginary woman.

Azari: [Snapping her fingers] Don't worry, little yellow man! I've got an idea!

Azari leaps from out of the shadows. Lex is taken aback by her appearance.

Lex Luthor: Lois, is that dress for me?

Azari: Halt, thief!

Suddenly, Lex's laboratory bursts into a fiery inferno which flames harder than and hotter than the ugliest piece of troll-bait. "Episode II is best Star Wars movie" the flames hiss.

Bart: Why'd you do that?

Azari: I had an idea, and I didn't see you coming up with anything better.

Lex Luthor: Morons! Idiots! Dunder heads! Why would you do such a thing?

Azari: Because you stole Brickipedia's birthday cake!

Lex Luthor: I stole a cake one time! One time! And now every single housewife suspects me whenever they leave a pie on the window sill and it goes missing.

Bart: One cake? You stole 40 cakes! That's as many as four tens, and that's terrible.

Lex Luthor: I was so deliciously evil back then....

Azari: If you didn't take Brickipedia's cake, then who did?

Lex Luthor: It can not possibly be that difficult to catch an amateur. Tell me something really intelligent, like how many sets my arch-nemesis appears in and I shall give you my word as a super villain that I will assist you.

Day Four:

The diode on Lex's chest twitched. "Maybe these people aren't idiots at all," he thought to himself, and his brain shrank three sizes that day...or so he said.

Azari: We totally trust you, Double L!

And there, in the inferno swirling around our heroes, a bond of trust was formed as they stared blankly, reveling in the bond of trust that had bonded between them.

Bart: Trust feels warm.

Azari: Oh, wait! Azari, we need to rescue Brickipedia's birthday cake...but I don't know...that fire sure is beautiful.

Lex Luthor: I forgot how satisfying a good fire is. I lost my hair in one, you know.

And then, suddenly, like a deus from the machine, a tidal wave overtook the flames. Never mind how it got underground, child, because the answer is really quite clear. Mermaids. Ravaging mermaids. Mermaids with blue hair, mermaids with fair skin and mermaids with gray skin, mermaids with vampire fangs and beards and starfish and oysters....

Azari: One fish!

Bart: Two fish!

Azari and Bart: Red fish! Blue fish!


Alana: Auntie, don't be so rude. Maybe these fellows can help us? [Alana crawls across the damp, charred floor, closer to our heroes] Someone stole my sister Ariel's lipstick. It is a very special type of lipstick made from rubbing two red clams together and then mixing it with the bladder of an octopus.

Lex Luthor: JOKER!

Azari: I am liking this new Double L. Always making jokes...or trying. PRANKS!

Lex Luthor: No, someone stole The Joker's lipstick too!

Azari: Maybe this is the same person who stole the cake?

Bart: We should probably assume that it is, for the sake of the plot...what if she wants to take a bite from the cake and get her lipstick all over to ruin it for everyone else?

Azari: Oh no! We have to stop her!

Alana: This will be so much fun! As the eldest daughter of Triton, crowned king of Atlantica, I pledge my service to--

Marsha: Move aside, silly girl. As the mermaid with the bluest hair in all of the ocean, I shall join you on your quest. To the water!

Azari, Bart, and Lex load themselves into Lex's submarine and follow Marsha through a magical mud puddle. Lex looks at Azari with suspicion.

Lex Luthor: Shouldn't you be afraid of the water?

Azari: No. If you dare to believe, you won't be afraid of anything!


Azari: I love music! What tunes have you got in this sub?

For today's task, find a song that isn't from Elves that's on this site.

Day Five:

Marsha: We will be there in two shakes of a squid's tail!

Lex Luthor: Where are we going, exactly?

Marsha: It's a secret.

Lex Luthor: Do you actually know where we are going?

Mysterious voice: Who do we ask for help when we don't know where to go?

Our heroes watch in awe as a humongous little girl in scuba equipment. Nobody questions how she can still speak.

Azari: Hey! Maybe they can help us! Do you know anything about the cake slash lipstick thief?

Dora: Someone hired Swiper the sneaky fox to steal a suit and tie. For the sake of the plot, we had better assume that they are related.

Lex Luthor: Cakes? A suit and tie? Joker's lipstick? Who could possibly be behind all of this?

Azari: Where to next, guys?

Dora: Who do we ask for help when we don't know where to go?

Bart: You don't?

Marsha: The sea witch?

Azari: The hidden power in your heart?

Lex Luthor: A GPS?

Dora: That's right! We ask the Map!

The girl releases a piece of paper from her backpack, allowing the paper to sing dance.

Lex Luthor: How is the water not destroying that piece of paper?

The Map: I'm wearing a scuba mask!

Dora: Map! We need to know where to go to find the thief!

The Map: First you have to say my name!

Dora: The Map!

The Map: Say it again!

Dora and Azari: The Map!

The Map: Say it again! Who knows where you have to go?

All: The Map!

The Map: Hahaha! First you have to go through the spooky Portal of Atlantis. Then, you will go to the magical Hogwarts Castle. Finally, you will find the thief at the Brickstreet Customs Garage! And probably a bunch of places inbetween!

Bart: What kind of a path is that?

Dora: "Camino" is the Spanish word for "path". Say it with me!

All: Camino.

Marsha: Come on! I know where the Portal of Atlantis is!

Dora:We shall not leave until you answer my sneaky little question, I'm from the Dora the Explorer theme. Which of the four sets from the theme do I not appear in? Send your answer to and make sure it's marked private!

Day Six:

Dora: It's mi amigo, SpongeBob! We are on our way to the Portal of Atlantis. SpongeBob, have you seen the thief?

SpongeBob: Yes! There is a thief hoarding lipstick over there.

Lex Luthor: The Alpha Team? What are they doing down here?

Marsha: Poisoning our beaches!

Azari: Harvesting gross sunken skulls!

Bart: Corrupting our children!

Marsha: They are working with the thief to defend the Portal of Atlantis. ATTACK, MINIONS!

Lex Luthor: Hold on, first we have to know what we are up against.

Dora: Do you know what we are up against? Tell us the name of a Mission Deep Sea set which featured Agent Cam so that we can attack the Alpha Team! You do? Great! Remember send your answer to and make sure it's marked private!

Day Seven:

Dora: Backpack, I need something to engage my enemies in mortal combat!

While the audience was on commercial break, a vicious battle broke out between our heroes - Azari, Bartman, Lex Luthor, Marsha the Mermaid Queen, and Dora the Explorer - and the Alpha Team. Submarines shoot, tails rub, and Dora the giant little girl discovers a hidden talent with the harpoon. "Good thing my mama packed this before I left this morning!" she thinks to herself."

Agent Cam: Eat buzzsaw, buzzhead!

With the speed unpossesed of a snail, Cam slices off Bart's hair with a spinning blade.

Lex Luthor: Foolish girl, you never tamper with a man's hair.

Bart: Good thing Bartman always comes prepared. [Bart removes an extra wig from his utility pocket and replaces it on his head.] Attack!

Agent Cam: What? How? Eat buzzsaw, buzzhead! And again! And again!

However, Agent Cam's ploys are thwarted each time by the once instance of preparedness in Bart's young life. Drat!

Lex: [Grabbing for one of Bart's many discarded wigs] How do you do that?

Marsha: Most of us can.

Lex: Really? Why have I not thought of this? [He places the wig on his head, and it bursts into flames upon contact.] ARGH!

Hearing the pained call of their teammate, our heroes fight with renewed vigor - nevermind that the scream had little to do with the senseless violence. It was probably karma, for replacing 2% milk with skim, or some such crime, but that was no matter. The scape became a vision of buzzsaws, boulders, and boy hair until--

Marsha: Minions? Uh... minions, slow down. Don't you need your drowned boats to move?

Marsha pauses and watches as both the Alpha Team and our most excellently glorious heroes' submarines shatter into hundreds of LEGO pieces.

Marsha: I told you, and this is why I am queen.

Agent Cam: How can we continue our fight without state of the art ABS weaponry?

Azari: It looks like we are going to have to work together if we want to tear each other apart!

Dora: Add a price to any set released in 2016 (see User:Soupperson1/Price for help) once done message Soupperson1 with which set you added the price too

Day Eight:

Lex Luther: How did that help anything?

Spongebob: Mr. Krabs says money helps everything!

Manta Warrior: Welcome to the gate of Atlantis, good citizens!

Marsha: Do not speak to me in such a tone. HEED MY VOICE, PEASANT!

Manta Warrior: Yes, ma'am. I heed.

Marsha: Indeed, you had better heed. Repair these submarines so we can continue our bloody battle.

Manta Warrior: At once, ma'am! [The manta turns to legions of other Atlantis guardians.] Full speed ahead, Mr. Shark, full speed ahead!

Shark Warrior: Full speed over here, sir!

Manta Warrior: Action station! Action Station!

Squid Warrior: Aye, aye, sir, fire!

Manta Warrior: Heaven! Heaven!

Prompted by the mermaid princess with an angelic voice queen who screeches like a harpy, the lovely woodland animals grotesque Atlantis guardians partake in a musical number, to pass the time as they work.

Manta, Shark, and Squid Warriors: "We all live in a yellow submarine / Yellow submarine, yellow submarine...."


Lex Luthor: I cannot believe what I am watching.

Agent Cam: Why not?

Lex Luthor: We formed a truce so that we could watch a Halloween edition of The Little Mermaid?

Agent Cam: It was the only way we could reference The Beatles.

Lex Luthor: Are you sure? The writers do not seem to have any idea where they want this to go.

Bart: Even if the writers are no help, we will get that cake back!

Agent Cam: Honey, no you won't.

Azari: All you, without the noses be quiet! Let us through the portal you creeps!

Dora: Wait I feel the urge to say something! Do you know what colour Azari's cape is? You do? Great! Make sure its the same as the one from her description and to mark your answer private!

Day Nine:

Manta Warrior: Submarines at the ready, your majesty!

Marsha: Passable work, peasant! Bread for you!

Marsha flings a loaf of soggy wonder bread in the general direction of the Manta Warrior. A fight breaks out between the Manta, Shark, and Squid warriors over it. Meanwhile, Agent Cam and Lex Luthor enter their reconstructed subs, outfitted with the latest in Atlantean guardsman technology: giant organic sea-creature parts, like something out of a bad BIONICLE movie. However, before the fight proceeds, Azari notices something startling:

Azari: Uh, guys, where did all of those wigs Bartman had sliced off go?

Dora: Who do we know who steals things. Do you see Swiper the Sneaky Fox?

Azari: I, uh, have a pet fire fox.

Dora: You do? Great!

Bart: Too bad it is no use underwater.

Agent Cam: Too bad you are no use underwater!

Suddenly, the battle reignites. Cam brandishes a pair of tattooed lobster claws, more dangerously reminiscent of childhood trips to the barbershop than her buzzsaws had ever been. Lex Luthor shifts into high speed, assisted by the appendages of a giant sea-turtle.

Marsha: Elastic tail: activate!

Agent Cam: Elastic? But it can't be! The TILT powers were decommissioned!

Lex Luthor: What a painfully obscure reference.

Marsha's tail extends, winding and binding around the battle until everyone becomes trapped in her scales.

Marsha: Peasants! Desist and give me, your queen, what I want!

Agent Cam: Never!

In a brilliant act of defiance, despite her apparent status as a villain, Cam breaks away from the mermaid's hold. Marsha is unable to react before Cam delivers a blow which knocks her unconscious and sends her spiraling into the direction of the Portal of Atlantis...

Marsha [screams] Help! What are my accessories!

Day Ten:

Our heroes follow their friend, who's potential last words were "What are my accessories"

Blackness. Then redness. Azari awakes.

Azari: Where are we? I feel fire....

Dora: We have gone through the spooky Portal of Atlantis! Where to next?

Lex Luthor: Hogwarts Castle. But how? That insufferable do-badder; she sent us to--

Azari: Hades. The Elven Underworld. There are less crystals and hearts and stuff than the legends say though.

Our heroes survey the landscape: lakes of orange lava with fields of obsidian and castles build from dark red stone. But everything is peculiar....

Marsha: Ew. Why is everything so...blocky? These aesthetics are awful: I only build my castles from the curved bricks....

Bart: I know this is the Nether from Minecraft.

As our heroes cross a bridge, a humongous white box with teeny legs dangling beneath dispenses a fire-ball from its mouth. Our heroes, they dodge it, but the concussion pushes them down.

Lex Luthor: That is ghastly!

Marsha: [cringing] The aesthetics! The aesthetics!

Dora: The Ghast only speaks Spanish. Say the Spanish word for "Nether" with me! "¡Inferior!"

Lex Luthor: Something is inferior, alright....

The Ghast's eyes turn red like a broken link on Brickipedia and its mouth reopens, ready to fire again.

Dora: ¡Inferior! Say it with me!

Dora stands tall, chanting "¡Inferior! ¡Inferior!" but the Ghast does not listen to her. When the fire-ball is just inches from her face, Azari decides that it is time to deflect it back at the Ghast, causing it to explode into a dozen smaller blocks.

Dora: ¡Muy bien!

Azari: Now what? We are still stuck down here.

Steve: Nice Ghast-blasting! I can help you!

Marsha belts out a scream as a cross-eyed, pug-nosed block man comes running towards them, collecting the things which dropped from the Ghast's corpse.

Steve: Come on! I know where the Portal is! Quick! We need to redirect it before the software converts you to pixels.

Marsha: Wait, what will happen?

Steve: You will be turned into blocks, like me!

[Marsha unleashes a scream like a siren, awakening every single mob in the Nether....]

Steve: Wow! [whispering to Bart] Is she single?

Dora: Sí senor, where do we go now?

Steve: I'll take you if you tell me how many sets my friend with the orange hair appears in.

Day Eleven:

As Lex Luthor and Steve work to redirect the obsidian portal for Hogwarts Castle, the attraction of Marsha's scream draws an army of Nether mobs to their location. Marsha screams again, only making them angry. With not a moment to spare, Lex, Marsha, Steve, Azari, Bart, and Dora leap through the portal, escaping the Nether, and ending up somewhere completely different. Looking out over the paradise beneath them, our heroes see muscle-bound warriors flying on feathered wings.

Azari: Heaven?

Bart: I never thought I would live to see this place!

Marsha: How can we be sure that we are living at all if we are here? Maybe those terrible ugly blocks got us?

Azari: Well, Double-L is still with us.

Lex Luthor: I resent that.

Azari: [laughing nervously] Love you Double-L! And these two legged foxes!

Dora: Amigos! There is something wrong with Steve!

Everyone (except for Marsha) turns to see Steve writhing on the ground.

Azari: Whoa, what should we do?

Dora: Maybe he speaks Spanish?

Lex Luthor: He seems to be adapting to the world around him.

Azari: Like how he said that we would turn into block-people if we stayed in his world?

Lex Luthor: Precisely.

Suddenly, Steve pops out of existence. Marsha leaps as much as a mermaid can when a new figure apparates behind her....

All-Steve (Steve, LEGO Racers 2): Whoa! Surf's up, dudes!

Bart: Who are you?

The figure transforms, taking the shape of Steven Spielberg.

All-Steve (Steven Spielberg): It's me! Steve! Once a month the sky falls on my head.

Azari: Okay....

All-Steve (Steven Spielberg): All of us, every single year, we're a different person. I don't think that we're the same person all our lives.

Azari: Hey, uh, Double-L, what's going on?

Lex Luthor: It would appear that that the universe has failed to register Steve's simplicity and has transformed him into the Platonic form of Steve.

Bart: What?

Marsha: Well, it's an improvement over that hideous thing he was before.

Dora: How many shapes can Steve take? Count with me!

Lex Luthor: There is no limit to the number of shapes he can take. He is all Steves at once. You can think of him as a god of Steves.

All-Steve (Steve Rogers/Captain America): There is only one God, sir, and I am pretty sure he doesn't dress like this. [All-Steve snaps his fingers and transforms into Stephanie, ready for a day at the beach in the happy world of LEGO Friends.]

Marsha: [laughs]

The All-Steve transforms back into Captain America, and gives Marsha a charming grin and sparkling wink. She blushes

Azari: Cool?! So, if we are in Heaven, how do we get to Hogwarts Castle?

Everyone looks at Dora.

Dora: Lo siento. The Map just gives rude remarks whenever I ask him how to get out of Heaven. I don't think he really knows how....

All-Steve (Steve Rogers/Captain America): The knowledge of all the Steves past, present, and future has been bestowed upon me. This is not Heaven, and we would be fools to think that it is. Follow me, and I shall show you the way.

Dora: ¡Vámonos!

All-Steve (Steve Rogers/Captain America): Hold on. Just answer one small question before we head out, what year was I deemed physically unfit to enlist in the U.S. Army?

Day Twelve:

All-Steve (Steve Rogers/Captain America): Before we get started, does anyone want to get out?

Following the All-Steve, Azari and her friends almost forget their mission as they survey, taken aback by the beauty and beautiful absurdity of the world they have entered.

Bart: Tigers and lions and bears! Oh my!

Lex Luthor: Gorilla Grodd?

Gorzan: No, man.

Lex Luthor. Sorry. All of you gorillas look the same to me.

Gorzan: That's, like, not okay, man. Each of us is like our own blossom with petals and leaves and chlorophyll and stuff, but in this garden of life, we are all like one. You know what I am saying, man?

Lex Luthor: I don't, actually.

Gorzan: Cool, cool, cool! [Whispering] Hey, man, would you like some CHI?

Lex Luthor: Blue Kryptonite? Of course!

Gorzan places the blue crystal into Lex's hands. Suddenly, the gorilla sprouts a pair of flaming wings and flies away. Lex looks astonished at the crystal melting into an orb as he holds it. Without anyone else noticing, he pockets it.

Azari: Ooh! A fox-man!

Dora: Swiper!

Azari flings her arms around the fox-man, drawing him into the hug. Dora, similarly, grabs the fox-man from the other side, intent on stopping him from swiping.

Dora: You aren't going to steal anything this time, Swiper!

Azari: Get off of him! He is not Swiper! He is cuddly, and he is a friend.

Furty: Get off of me!

One of the "angels" from before swoops down in front of our heroes and giggles. "Hide and seek! Hide and seek!" she says before flying off, a Raven lady and a Vulture woman shoot off after her.

Bart: I don't know whether to be attracted or disturbed....

Crooler: Honey, how about distracted?

Everyone turns around to see a crocodile woman in tattered purple clothing, wagging her tail along the ground and swinging her hips as she walks towards them.

Crooler: Can you fellows help a girl out?

Bart: [swoons] Am I dreaming?

Azari: I think this is all one big-lipped alligator moment.

Lex Luthor: All of these half-animals are starting to get to me.

Marsha: You will pay for that, peasant!

All-Steve (Steve Zeal): He will. [All-Steve blasts Lex with a smite of the Steve-force]

Lex Luthor: [grunts]

Marsha: Oh, thanks Stevie....

All-Steve (Steve Francis): He shoots!

All-Steve (Steve Nash): He scores!

Marsha: [giggles]

Crooler: Whoa! I think I would like to tag along, if you don't mind. It would really put me at ease, being under the protection of such a powerful man....

All-Steve (Steve Rogers/Captain America): I will never refuse to help a woman in need...

Crooler: Magnificent! I can show you were to smell all the best flowers....if you tell me what my description says are my skin colours

Day Thirteen:

Oh, the ominousness...oh, the ambiguity. Never smile at a crocodile, Steve! Crooler pulls a purple flower out of who knows where and waves its pungent aroma in his face.

Crooler: Doesn't that smell nice.

All-Steve (Steve Rogers/Captain America): Hm? Oh, right! I need a nose to smell...hang on.

All-Steve (Steve, Minecraft): That's better!

Disappointingly, the flower does nothing. At least not to Steve. Bart takes a whiff of it.

Marsha: You can still turn into that icky blocky form?

All-Steve (Steve, Minecraft): Seems so! It's actually really comfortable, and I can smell again!

Marsha: Mhmm...I'll be over there. Call me when you're a secret-super-agent-basketball-director-hero-dude again.

Crooler: You're every Steve in the world and you still aren't enough for her. All of that power, and you should be able to make her love you.

All-Steve (Steve, Minecraft): How?

Crooler: Listen closely....

Crooler whispers in Steve's ear. Bart stares blankly at Crooler, under her spell. Azari, Lex, and Dora, meanwhile, converse with an Eagle-man.

Eagle: Travelers! You are not safe here! The Avian Oracles have spoken: something is coming.

Dora: Oh no! Can we help?

Eagle: Follow me!

The Eagle flies off, leaving the trio on the ground.

Azari: Uh?

Lex Luthor: No worry. [Lex, using his power-suit, takes flight, lifting Azari and, amazingly, Dora. Despite her large size, she is only a little girl.]

Eagle: Come: look into the pool and discover your inner anima, and don the crest of your tribe.

Azari: A lion!

Dora: A wolf! ¡Una loba!

Lex Luthor: Uh, a beaver?

Eagle: Quickly now! Look: darkness approaches. Join the fight! Save Chima!

From the Eagle spire, Azari, Lex and Dora, outfitted in new animal armor, watch as an army of Steves in Steve vehicles with Steve weapons marches over the plains...., Azari: Wait, lets travel in style! Oh if only I had my huge dragon with me! How many images appear in the gallery of the set I appear in with my big dragon?

Day Fourteen:

In the World of Chima, an eerie battle-song sounds, striking fear in the hearts of every animal-man, -woman, -child, from elephants to ants.

Steve Army: The Steves go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah / The Steves go marching one by one / The little one stops to suck his thumb / And they all go marching....

Azari [on her "ferocious" amber and pink dragon: Let's get them, Zonya!


Grizzam: Ruh-roh!

Gorzan: Let's, like, get out of here, man!

Azari: There are too many of them!

Dora: This is why there is a one Steve rule.

Azari: That would be kind of hard to follow. I mean, all of these guys look like Steves.

Lex Luthor: It is useless. We will have to shut them down at the source.

Azari: How can we fight a god of Steves?

Lex Luthor: You don't know me very well. The All-Steve is no god, and we must remind him of that. Come on, your dragon can take us.


Crooler: Come on Stevie, tell her!

All-Steve (Steve, Minecraft): Marsha, you are really special. So very special. But I'm a creeper. I'm a weirdo. What the Nether am I doing here?

Marsha: I don't want to see you!

All-Steve (Steve, Minecraft): Look around you, I am everywhere. I am Steve. We are many.

Marsha the Mermaid Queen gives a wail as Steve begins to dissipate into a misty trail of LEGO Minecraft blocks with his cubed head at the center.

Crooler: Oh, I just love it when unrequited love causes people to destroy each other! [blows the All-Steve a kiss.]


Marsha: Nev-- wait, did you say rule the entire multiverse?

All-Steve (Pure Form): UH-HUH.

Marsha: Cool! Die, peasants!

Crooler: Wait, what?

A wave of the Pure Essence of Steve spreads across the battlefield, binding every Chimaman.

Crooler: Huh, I guess I didn't really think that through.

Bart: Whoa, me neither! Maybe we could find some other kingdom to takeover together?

All-Steve (Pure Form): THERE WILL BE NO ESCAPING THE REIGN OF THE ALL-STEVE. Isn't that right, Marsha?

Marsha: Moar power! [tee-hees]


Dora: "Je ne sais quoi"...that's Spanish for "get over yourself"!

The All-Steve is treated to a delightful face full of fire, courtesy of Azari's dragon, Kryptonite blasts from Lex Luthor, and uncharacteristically discouraging remarks from Dora. Joined by a volley of pebbles from Bart's slingshot, and a bite in the metaphysical ankle from Crooler, the All-Steve falls at last.

All-Steve (Steve, Minecraft): [dying] Marsha! I...I

Marsha: What is it?

All-Steve (Steve, Minecraft: [dying] I forgot to set inventory.

Marsha: NOOO!!!

Lex stands triumphantly, hands on his hips with Dora and Azari at his sides, surveying their work.

Crooler: [hiding a sword the size of an average man behind her back] It's, uh, too bad that Chima isn't free....

Azari: Why not?

Crooler: Becau-- gah!

All-Steve (Captain America/Steve Rogers): You cannot destroy the American Spirit, fiend!

Lex Luthor: This makes no sense...if all Steves are mortal, it follows that the All-Steve should be too.

Azari: Not if he is a comic book character.

Lex Luthor:'d think I would learn to account for that. Oops.

Lex finds that his Kryptonite has all been turned to Zombie Flesh, Azari that her Fire-Dragon has been transformed into a blocky Nether Dragon, and Dora that she can just no longer stand to be mean.

Grizzam: Ruh-roh.

Chima had fallen, and not just in sales. No, it had fallen to the All-Steve.

All-Steve (Captain America): Hear my voice, mortals! <Tell me how many sets the eagle female from Chima has appeared in!>

Day Fifteen:

Dora: [dodging the Ender Dragon] What to we do?

Lex Luthor: I am all out of Kryptonite...unless...!

Lex pulls the glowing blue orb out of his pocket!

Crooler: CHI! Put it in your chest, Beaver-Man!

Quickly considering what she has said, Lex rolls out of the way of Captain America's attack and puts the CHI into the harness on his chest. Whining like a beaver, a bright green animal aura surrounds Lex, filling him with power. He strikes Captain America with some sort of Chima binocular pick-axe.

All-Steve (Steve Zeal): Good citizen, I must order you to stop in the name of love.

Azari: Love? I know something about love, and you don't mean love! You mean the All-Steve!

All-Steve (Rapidly alternating forms): All-Steve is love. All-Steve is life!

Marsha: Mhmm....

As the All-Steve returns to his pure form of trailing spirit bricks, he engages Lex Luthor's avatar in battle.

CHI Lex Luthor: I kill you! I kill you to death!

All-Steve (Pure Form: Stephanie, Friends): You are like, no match for us!

CHI Lex Luthor: The strength of Superman, the courage of Wonder Woman, the wit of Batman, the speed of The Flash, and the luminosity of Green Lantern.... What have you got, old man?

All-Steve (Pure Form: Steve Rogers/Captain America): I've got the American dream.

CHI Lex Luthor: I am the American dream.

Dora: We are sorry to interrupt the political part of this showdown. Enjoy this picture we found on Lex's computer instead:


The two Titans are too evenly matched. Azari, Dora, Bart, and Crooler do their absolute best to turn the tide, the Ender Dragon proves to be enough to keep them busy.

Bart: If we destroy the dragon, it will open a portal back to the block world. If we send Steve through it, he will lose his power!

Azari: But Zonya!

Crooler: Darling, I'm sure it will save your dragon too.

Dora: We need something to defeat a dragon. Can you find something to defeat a dragon?

Backpack: We need to help Dora find something to defeat a dragon. I have a Lightsaber, a set of decorative hair bows, magical golden armor, the corpse of an Aqua Raider diver, and Mjolnir. What will help Dora defeat the dragon?

Azari: The hair bows! The hair bows!

Backpack: Good choice! Yum yum yum yum! ¡Delicioso!

Crooler: What are you doing, stupid girl?

Azari: You don't know Zonya like I do...she loves getting her hair prettied!

Crooler: But dragons don't have hair!

Azari: And crocodiles don't have belly-buttons, but you do! Just dare to believe! Dora, give me some altitude!

Dora lifts up Azari and tosses her. The elf miraculously lands on the back of the Ender Dragon; all of those years of tossing acorns to knock over obstacles while riding in a squirrel's car has given the super cool explorer an incredible aim. From the back of the Ender Dragon, Azari sees the Chima-men below building monuments to the All-Steve, while he himself battles with the CHI powered Lex Luthor. Azari sets to work putting the hair bows onto the dragon's back, each one causing the beast to jolt and writhe.

Azari: There, Zonya! I still believe it is you down under....

Crooler: I don't believe it, it's worked!

Dora: Good job!

Azari: You know what to do, Zonya!

Zonya belches a purple obsidian portal out from her mouth. Lex sees it, and with a final push, sends the All-Steve through.

All-Steve (Steven Spielberg): I'll be back! With more dinosaurs! And aliens! And archaeologisssstttsss....

And he fizzled from existence.

Lex Luthor: So, what now?

Azari: We have to find the birthday cake!

Dora: Oh yeah, I guess we got kind of sidetracked.... How do we get to Hogwarts Castle from here.

Grizzam? Birthday cake?

Gorzan: Like, guys, we have something for you, but only if you tell us your favourite set! See:User:Soupperson1/How to make a blog and create a blog talking about your favourite set. Link me the blog through the messenger when your done!

Day Sixteen:

Gorzan: Now to take off our gorilla costumes....

Azari: I don't believe it! It's Scooby and Shaggy from Mystery, inc.

Shaggy: And we wouldn't have taken them off either, if it weren't for you guys and your pink dragon.

Azari: Do you know anything about Brickipedia's birthday cake?

Shaggy: We were hoping that you could like help us, actually.

Scooby: Yeah!

Azari: We have this note.

Velma: Jinkies! Look at those weird LEGO pieces it is written in.

Daphne: Those are Clikits pieces!

Lex Luthor: What does that mean?

Azari and Daphne look at him dumfounded.

Daphne: It means that the thief has a terrible fashion sense.

Azari: Which would explain why they stole your friend's lipstick.

Meanwhile, a few yards away.

Crooler: Hm, this flower van looks promising. My persuader plant could really do with a refill. Oh, Bart....

Bart: What are you doing, Crooler?

Crooler: I am breaking into this van....

The Mystery Machine's doors burst open and hundreds of CHI orbs and crystals spill out of the back.


Crooler: Oh, happy day!

Bart: Someone's coming!

Fred: Okay, let's split up, gang! We'll drop you guys off at Hogwarts Castle like the talking map says, and we will go to the Brick Bank to look for signs of the thief. Say, why didn't you go there in the first place?

Crooler: Quick! Get in! [With Bart in the passenger side, Crooler speeds off in the van.]

Shaggy: Zoinks! Is the Mystery Machine haunted again?

Velma: It was probably stolen. There are some shady characters around here....

Furty the Fox overhears her, and walks away in a huff.

Furty: Hatee-hatee-hatee-ho! I have never been so insulted in all my life. Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding!

Shaggy: They got our CHI everywhere....

Daphne: I don't know why you insisted on taking so much of that anyway....

Shaggy: It goes really well on CHI-se pizza!

Scooby: Rah! Rizzra!

Fred: What do we do now? We can't all fit on the dragon.

Dora: Who do we ask for help when we don't know what to do?

Daphne: The sheriff!

[Billy the bull walks away slowly and upset, as he was going to be Dora's answer to the dilemma]

Azari: Ooh look a police car! We have characters from many different themes here; Scooby-Doo, Collectible Minifigures, Minecraft, Elves, The Simpsons, DC Comics and Scooby-Doo, which of these themes featured a police car?

Day Seventeen:

Fred: That's not a cop, that's Mike Monkey!

Mike Monkey: Mayor's driver-Mike. Fabuland Burrow of Intelligence.

Dora: Do you know my friend Boots?

Mike Monkey: Idiot got lost in a twister, ended up in a strange world unable to remove his red shoes? Ended up enslaved to some frog-lady?

Dora: That's him!

Mike Monkey: Every family has that one cousin. Evolution only makes it worse....

Fred: We need your help to get the Mystery Machine back!

Mike Monkey: Not on my watch! Ooh ooh aah aah and out!

Help Mike Monkey find the Mystery Machine. Mike heard it was near a zombie recently, how many zombies appear on Zombie (Disambiguation)?

Day eighteen:

Mike Monkey: There it is! She's trying to obtain magic from it or something!

Crooler: My persuader plant will be powered up!

Scooby: Ruh-oh!

[Mike and Crooler duke it out, somehow transporting them to Hogwarts]

Neville: Your just in time for the concert!

Azari: Do you know any cake songs?

{{#ev:youtube|CPMpeNDIGdk}} Dumbledore [conjoures up Disco Dude and Disco Diva]: *MacArthur park is melting in the dark

  • All the sweet green icing flowing down
  • I don't think I can take it
  • Cause it took so long to bake it
  • And I'll never have that recipe again

[Marsha faints]

Help revive Marsha! Which one of Olivia's parents is a doctor? (Due to technical difficulties you can answer day seventeen today too!, sorry for the inncovience)

Day nineteen

Dumbledore:Why ask Anna, when we can go to a better place! [Dumbledore transports the gang with a magical spell]]

Disco Diva: Ooh-

Disco Dude: Aah

Fred: What is this place?

Dora: A cheap rip off of Quatro!, DUPLO

Azari: Eh, actually Quatro came out after DUPLO

Dora [walks off in a huff]

Mike: We're missing the point, Marsha fainted!


Doc McStuffins: I'll help you! At my backyard clinic, it's totally legal.

Lex Luthor: I'm sure it is, but what's the price we have to pay to go?

Doc McStuffins: Add a description to any figure page, wether it's a minifigure, DUPLO figure, animal or whatever! See User:Soupperson1/How to write a description for guidance"

Day twenty

Marsha: Thanks for reviving me

Doc McStuffins: No problem

Dora: Yes there is!

Boots: You stole our spotlight!

Isa: And you'll pay for it!

[Dora and friends line up Bad blood style against Doc Mcstuffins and her friends]

Lex Luthor: Let's get out of this awful pastel place while these child stars duke it out!

Azari: Double L, there's nothing wrong with pastels!

Dumbledore: I will get us out of here, with magic! But..

Daphne: Why can't anyone just do things around here because they're nice?

Mike: This is DUPLO Daphne, everything is cruel

[The gang looks over to see Rosie the Ambulance attempting to roll over Diego, with Swiper and Lamby in an intense thumb war]

Dumbledore: Back to me, how many sets that I appear in are set in Hogwarts?

Day twenty one

Dumbledore: Here it is, I know there's a clue here somewhere

Fred: Hey, clue solving is our thing!

Azari: I think it's better if the boys stay here, it looks to be like a feminist intervention.

Scientists chant:No Men, No Men, No Men!

Chemist:Ooh look we have new women to join our institute!

Marsha:Oh mighty one, we need your advice about the cake stealer.

Paleontologist:I'm happy to announce the cake thief is a woman!

Lex:What! *joins the group*, men are much better cake thiefs!

Chemist:A man! *Everyone gasps*

Super girl:I'll stop him!

Marsha:Look she's wearing a black feminist version of her costume

Shaggy: Zoinks! If only we knew what your destroyer of black bricks from LEGO Batman 2: DC Superheroes was called!

Day twenty two


Lex: Eat this, Supergirl! [points Deconstructer at her]

Azari: And feminists, you eat this! [throws pastel bricks]

Velma: Jinkies! I think I found the villain's blimp!

Marsha: Let's check it out?

Scooby: Roh-ro!

Daphne: Would you do it for a Scooby Snack?

Scooby: Ruh-uh

Azari: What about an elvendale fox snack?

Scooby: Roh-Roy!

Crooler: Not so fast!

Bartman: Yeah!

Crooler: I used my amazing persuader plant to trick Bart, Johnny Baker and All-Steve to join me! As I have joined forces will the almighty villain! Mwhaha!

Azari: Noit Johnny! Anyone but him! Take Aira! Emily! Naida! Farran! Skyra! Double L! Marsha! But not my Johnny!

Marsha: Ooh, someone has a crush-hey!

Dumbledore: A userpage will take them out of this wicked spell!

All-Steve (Stephanie): Like, it totally won't!

All-Steve (Steven Spielberg): Yeah, I was going to make a movie about spells that never break!

Mike Monkey: Quick, before the jokes or personalities get any worse! Use User:Soupperson1/How to make a userpage for guidance (On a side note, raffle tickets are now being recorded privately)

Day twenty three

Dumbledore: By the power of user page I break your curse!

Crooler: This is Cragger all over again! [Retreats]

Bartman: Thanks for freeing us

All-Steve (Steve Rogers-Captain American): Yes, we got ourselves in quite a pickle.

Disco Dude: No

Disco Diva: Problem

[Azari and Johnny embrace, giving Azari power. Azari takes out the cake stealer's minions Scarlet Witch style]

Mike Monkey: I'd say we should enter with caution, but the female elf has taken every one out.

Johnny Baker: That's my true love!

Bartman: And my fire Lady!

Marsha: Look there, it's the cake stealer!

Lex: She's even wearing a tacky monster disguise to hide her identity.

Fred: Quick, let's make a trap!

[everyone makes a trap except for Scooby, who big shock is the bait]

Scooby: Rey rou, rake realer! Rollow re!

Cake Stealer: You stupid dog, I wouldn't do this if the theme your from didn't start with the same letter as my theme!

Scooby: Rait, rabye rI ran rlove rhis rystery refore re rothers!

Cake Stealer: I'm going to need subtitles...

Dora [out of nowhere, scared from her battle with the mischievous Doc McStuffins]: I can do it! He said "Wait, maybe I can solve this mystery before the others!"

Cake Stealer: I thought you only spoke Spanish, or broken Spanglish I recall you saying the wrong word for we go a few days back.

Dora: Hey! I'm an extremely smart individual and am multilingual for whatever the plot chooses!

  • Anyway Scooby is looking through the clues, The Cake Stealer is a woman, wears the same colour lipstick as Ariel and Joker, wears a suit and is from a theme beginning with S Who do you think the Cake Stealer is? Send your answer to Soupperson1 and be sure to mark its private! It's more important now then ever! Don't let poor Scooby down!

Day Twenty three

Scooby: Rour Ruchers River! Ruys rI rolved rhe rystery!

Fred: Good boy, Scoob!

[Cruncher's driver unmasks herself, wearing Bart's hair]: Yes it was me..., I stole the cake from Jonny

Mike Monkey: Cruncher's Driver? Why?!

Velma: Everyone's so shocked about the thief being you, and I'm more shocked about Scooby solving a mystery alone.

Cruncher's Driver: Shush, this is my moment to shine!
Once I found out Azari and Bart were on my trail, I got the clikits to spread the word about the thief, terrible gossips teenage girls are.
I knew Marsha would take you under the sea to meet SpongeBob, so I waited until my friend Cam cut of some of Bart's hair, so I could have some of my own!
I attempted to enlist help from other people too, though those who refused to give me help like The Joker, I stole items from!

Lex: Aren't I good enough for you?

Cruncher's Driver: Oh aragont Lex, your a hero at heart I've seen the way you've looked in the other's eyes

Lex: I'm clearly looking at my reflection in their eyes

Cruncher's Driver: Now here we are, I don't have my cake. And I would have had it too if it wasn't for you meddling people who vary in age range!

Dora: We did it! (3x) Yay! Lo hicimos! We did it!

We went through the Portal and found the Nether! We did it! (3x) Hooray!

We fought the Ghast and avoided the lava! We did it! (4x)

We used Zonya to defeat an army of all Steve! (Fourth adventure action)

We did it! (3x) Yay! Lo hicimos! We did it!

We went to a concert in Hogwarts We did it! (3x) Hooray!

We defeated Doc McSuffins We did it! (4x)

We defeated feminists, We unmasked the thief to find Cruncher's Driver!

Yay! Whoo! Hooray! We did it! Whoo!

Scooby: Sooby Dooby Doo!

Winners will be posted tomorrow! In the mean time celebrate the 10 year anniversary of Brickipedia with us! Come to chat or check out Brickipedia News:Happy birthday Brickipedia!


The winners are as follows:

  • 1st-Kritch
  • 2nd- LegendsofNinjago
  • 3rd- Donivan

Congratulations to you three and commiserations to the rest of you, I'm sure we'll have another contest in the coming months so best of luck in that! If you have any suggestions for future contests, or any problems you had with this contest, please comment! Our next contest will more then likely be completely different.

Can the three winners please go to Special:Email and message ToaMeiko with their names and shipping details, including country!

Comments (135)
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110 months ago
Score 0++

I think, if a similar format was used, one way of getting people to try and enter every day would be to make it so you get an extra ticket for every consecutive day you enter. I.E. The first day you get one, second day you get two, third day you get three, fourth day you get four, you miss the fifth day, sixth day you're back to one, seventh day two, miss the eighth, ninth is one again...

If someone entered every day consecutively, they'd have a much better chance than if they entered every couple days or something.


110 months ago
Score 0++

I would have been a good idea to actually give people their raffle tickets and then post the winning numbers.

Was a fun contest but now it kinda looks like you just picked some names and couldn’t be bothered with whole system of rewarding people with tickets every day.


110 months ago
Score 0++
Congrats to the winners! Morgan19G's are 100% felt as valid here.


110 months ago
Score 0++
Congrats to the winners! And thanks for the fun contest!


110 months ago
Score 0++
Congratz to the winners, hope those sets are great additions to your collections!


110 months ago
Score 0++
Who won


110 months ago
Score 0++
Is it just me, or does the fact that has the false description of "white lipstick" seem like a pretty big hindrance to anyone having solved day 22?

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

110 months ago
Score 0++

If anything, it's visually red.

She's still the only female figure from a theme beginning with S to wear a suit


110 months ago
Score 0++
And what about Batgirl? :)


110 months ago
Score 0++
No problem :) was just wondering if anyone/how many solved it?

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

110 months ago
Score 0++
Batgirl is technically wearing a bat-suit, so it's not eligible :P


110 months ago
Score 0++
OK, but Cruncher's Driver also does not wearing "proper" suit. She wears only gilet :)


110 months ago
Score 0++

So wait... We're supposed to have read your mind about what color the misleading question actually meant (and I'm still not clear on that), that one figure shouldn't count because you guys didn't think about it before posting the question, and how specific your definition of "suit" is?


Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

110 months ago
Score 0++

The definition of suit is,



a set of outer clothes made of the same fabric and designed to be worn together, typically consisting of a jacket and trousers or a jacket and skirt.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

110 months ago
Score 0++
Morgan, I understand that you are frustrated and I am really quite sorry that we made mistakes, but do you have to be so abrasive about it?


110 months ago
Score 1++

My apologies if you feel I'm abrasive. I'm just having trouble understanding how so many repeat mistakes are made, both here and the Halloween contest (the only ones I've been involved in) when these issues were brought up before.

Confusing questions that never get clarified, outright mistakes, typos, editing errors, missed or wrong facts, writing that looks like it hasn't been edited at all, some poor use of the English language, inconsistent treatment of each day, completely missed days that then necessitate a rush of info three days later; the list goes on.

I suppose my reaction is a level of frustration that--for all intents--makes these events look totally unprepared. And then not trying to remedy the issues the second time out? It's great that you guys want to run contests for users. But if you're going to commit to it, do it right. Don't half-ass it and then go "oops, sorry, we didn't think about that!" when issues arise.

Frustrated users shouldn't have to approach this with confusion and bewilderment, and that's what I'm seeing. Sorry if that stings, but IMO Brickipedia needs to get its act together a little better if you plan on continuing this sort of thing or else you can continue to expect people to question what's going on.

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

110 months ago
Score 0++

We'll do our best in the future, though we do try the contests ourselves before posting them.

The typos have only been Spanglish words we learnt from Dora :P

Anyway thanks for the feedback

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

110 months ago
Score 0++
Yep, Morgan, I agree. Your criticisms are totally valid, it was only that there are more ways to express confusion than exasperation or hostility, which I don't believe accomplished anything constructive, but there is no doubt that you are right. The admins need to have a talk about this.


110 months ago
Score 0++
Will you announce the winners or will they just be messaged privately


110 months ago
Score 0++
I think they will announce it, guess we'll have to be patient for now.

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

110 months ago
Score 0++
Yep, we'll announce it!


110 months ago
Score 0++
Who is the winner


110 months ago
Score 0++
Ive searched all parameters assuming the ambiguous "pink" lipstick and have found no matches using brickipedias search engine. Its been an hour, I quit.

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

110 months ago
Score 0++

Sorry about the confusion, 60's Joker wasn't revealed at the time when we wrote this! It's the other colour ;)

Using lipstick is probably a harder way to search then the other options

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

110 months ago
Score 0++


I don't think that the 60s Joker had been revealed when Soup wrote this part and we didn't catch it. Looking at Ariel, I think that the DUPLO figure has pink lips but the mini-doll red. I don't know if the article has that right though.

Sorry about the confusion.


110 months ago
Score 0++
Ariel is listed as having Pink Lipstick, but it appears very clearly as Red. The Joker is listed as having Red paint on his lips, but in one form he has bright Purple lips. So, which color are we after here? I would have to guess Red, right?


110 months ago
Score 0++

"...wears the same colour lipstick as Ariel and Joker..."

Except Ariel's article states she has pink lipstick, and the Joker's says red. So how can it be the same as both?


110 months ago
Score 0++
Why do we need to make our userpage? Some of us already have userpages.


110 months ago
Score 0++
Will I receive a notice that I got a raffle ticket


110 months ago
Score 0++
I'm confused by the question. Is Shaggy referencing Lex from LB2?

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

110 months ago
Score 0++
I believe it was in both, I made the question clearer though


110 months ago
Score 0++


110 months ago
Score 0++
Is Hagrid's Hut counted as Hogwarts?


110 months ago
Score 0++


110 months ago
Score 0++
I haven't been notified that I got a raffle ticket at all


110 months ago
Score 0++
Should I be notified that I got a raffle ticket?

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

110 months ago
Score 0++
Yep you should, I'm still trying to find a way to have the tickets out in a quicker fashion


110 months ago
Score 0++
Hi all. I only have raffle tickets for day 1 and 2, is this the case for everybody?


110 months ago
Score 0++
Correction, I looked on Brickiest of all the sets Olivia is in, found the set that both her parents are in and looked them up on here and discovered which one is a doctor.


110 months ago
Score 0++
Where are the pages located? I looked at the background of Olivia but saw nothing.


110 months ago
Score 0++
Is it just me, or is the answer to the "who's a doctor?" question not actually anywhere on Brickipedia? I had to Google it, and even then only found a potential answer based on a random user's passing comment on another site.

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

110 months ago
Score 0++
It is, you have to check two pages from her background


110 months ago
Score 0++
Ah, fair enough, I see it now. That's what I get for searching for mom, mother, dad, and father instead of knowing their proper names.


110 months ago
Score 0++
I mean day 17


110 months ago
Score 0++
When will there be day 14


110 months ago
Score 0++
I just have day sixteen as well.


110 months ago
Score 0++
Anyone happen to know what the current situation is regarding the contest?


110 months ago
Score 0++

I'm not able to create a blog. I have continuous "internal error".

[601770af] /wiki/Special:CreateBlogPost SMW\DataItemException from line 72 of /var/www/core/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/dataitems/SMW_DI_WikiPage.php: Given namespace 'NS_BLOG' is not an integer.

ToaMeikoHonorable Brickipedian

110 months ago
Score 0++
Try manually going to User blog:Parsom/My favorite set, just be sure to add {{comments}} to the bottom.


110 months ago
Score 0++
@ToaMeiko - thanks!

ToaMeikoHonorable Brickipedian

110 months ago
Score 0++
No worries


110 months ago
Score 0++
I received day one , two and three and nothing after that


110 months ago
Score 0++
Guys and girls - do you have your raffle tickets? I received only the first two.


110 months ago
Score 0++

As far as I know, no one has got any more than the first three.

Other people have asked the same question, but I don't know if there has been an official response or not.


110 months ago
Score 0++
Wait, how do we know we have the tickets? I don't think I got any, though there have been days I forgot to answer due to problems, but it didn't say we go DQ'd, just wouldn't recieve the ticket for that day

ToaMeikoHonorable Brickipedian

110 months ago
Score 0++
You shouldn't be DQ'd. I'd like to know what Soupperson1's status on distributing them is myself...

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

110 months ago
Score 0++

Tickets will be posted as soon as possible!

All your answers are being recorded, don't worry!


110 months ago
Score 0++
i got onlie 3 tickets


111 months ago
Score 0++
Something wrong with the posting function? I can make a main post (like this) but can't reply to anyone.

VaskoOutstanding Brickipedian

111 months ago
Score 0++
I think it's fixed now, I can see your replies.


111 months ago
Score 0++

¡Vamamos! vs. !Vámonos!

Mmm, sorry... In addition to missing the accent, you misspelled it with an A instead of O and an M instead of N. If misspelling a word isn't a typo, I'm curious what is.

VaskoOutstanding Brickipedian

111 months ago
Score 0++
Do you mean "Vamos"? Because I've been studying Spanish in the past 2 years, and I'm quite sure there's no such verb form as "vamamos".


111 months ago
Score 0++


111 months ago
Score 0++
It's just a typo, they were going for "vámonos". I'd post a link except the board is spazzing out when I try.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

111 months ago
Score 0++
Yeah, I remember Dora saying it a few times per episode back in the day. It wasn't so much a typo as not looking up where the accent should go, however. :P


111 months ago
Score 0++

¡Vamamos! vs. !Vámonos!

Mmm, sorry... In addition to missing the accent, you misspelled it with an A instead of O and an M instead of N. If misspelling a word isn't a typo, I'm curious what is.

(Sorry for the double-post. The board hates me today, apparently.)


111 months ago
Score 0++
Maybe he means a typo as suggesting it was unintentional, where as Berry is saying he did it intentionally?

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

111 months ago
Score 0++

The way I read (and hear preschool television programs?) glossed over the word (I've read that at least some people only look at the beginning and end of a word), so I only noticed the accent. I'll fix it.

But if we want to be technical, I still wouldn't consider it a typo because that would be a mistake made by an error in the typing itself. This was something I didn't know at all. Still my mistake though.


111 months ago
Score 0++
Are we supposed to count the 2016 sets?


111 months ago
Score 0++
it is 2016 so I would assume so, I know I have been counting them along with it.

Mr BrickNovice

111 months ago
Score 0++
Who are we supposed to send the answers to?

ToaMeikoHonorable Brickipedian

111 months ago
Score 0++


111 months ago
Score 0++

"Firefox? What kind of prehistoric forest are you living in? Get Chrome instead."



111 months ago
Score 0++
What is the question?

ToaMeikoHonorable Brickipedian

111 months ago
Score 0++
What are Marsha Queen of the Mermaids' accessories


111 months ago
Score 0++
Okay!!! I added price to duplo 10818 My First Truck !!!


111 months ago
Score 0++
Having trouble finding one without a price...not giving up - have the lego site open on computer and working youtr site from my phone- so far everything i look up is priced - or not released yet. Is there a way to see which ones are without a price other than going thru each one? And this contest goes by the more questions right- the better your chance of winning? So if i am unable to complete this task - am still in the game?

ToaMeikoHonorable Brickipedian

111 months ago
Score 0++
Just keep hitting random page and you should find one eventually! Just keep trying. :) You can also try going to a recent year like Category:Sets released in 2015 or Category:Sets released in 2016 and try to find some recent sets that might not have gotten updated in a while. Just a hint but some themes are overlooked a bit more than others here and don't always get updated as frequently, such as DUPLO or TECHNIC, so you can try to find some sets from those themes that might not have prices listed yet. ;) And if you miss this task or any other task you're still in the game, so no worries!


111 months ago
Score 0++
The advice to look at Category:Sets released in 2015 seems odd, given that the question specifies adding a price to a 2016 set.

ToaMeikoHonorable Brickipedian

111 months ago
Score 0++
That's what I get for trying to help lol. I'll just leave before I make another mistake Wave emoticon.gif


111 months ago
Score 0++
It's January, everyone gets the date confused in January - For some reason, I wrote the year as 2013 earlier for example :P


111 months ago
Score 0++
I added prices for set 40201 - Valentines Cupid Dog.


111 months ago
Score 1++

I added the US price to the City Ferry 60119, which was the one price missing.

I think it's a good idea to list what contestants changed so others know what's been done and we help each other out.

Albus PotterBricktastic

111 months ago
Score 0++
Apparently I now need to say that if we can look at history to see if you really did edit. There is no point in lying about editing (especially if you use the page that was used as an example)


111 months ago
Score 0++
I was wondering if people actually thought nobody would find out about people that didn't edit a price, its really easy to edit a price there is no need to cheat.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

111 months ago
Score 0++
And at least on days where there is a question being asked, please change the setting from "public" to "private". If you need any help or something doesn't seem to be working, please let one of us know! :)

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

111 months ago
Score 0++
Make sure to message Soupperson here, otherwise she may not see answer.

Mr BrickNovice

111 months ago
Score 0++
I added the price to Merlok's Library 2.0


111 months ago
Score 0++
I added the price to clays rumble blade and beast masters chaos chariot

Albus PotterBricktastic

111 months ago
Score 0++
Not trying to spoil it, but I looked it up and there is more than one. I'm assuming the polybag doesn't count?

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

111 months ago
Score 0++
Changed the wording so either will be accepted (hope that's ok with whoever's running the contest, but people shouldn't be penalised if they put in the polybag since it's right as well)

Mr BrickNovice

111 months ago
Score 0++
ok, thanks. Superman is in 14 sets.

Mr BrickNovice

111 months ago
Score 0++
If I missed a day because of the website problems, can I say the answer for day 3 now?

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

111 months ago
Score 0++
That's fine


111 months ago
Score 0++
Deigo's Rescue Truck set 7331


111 months ago
Score 1++
Try not to state the answers in this comment bar, send the answer to Soupperson1 using the link please.