Brickipedia News:Star Wars Episode VII wave 1 minifigure lineup revealed

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Brickipedia News:Star Wars Episode VII wave 1 minifigure lineup revealed

User:NovaHawk 01:41, 16 July 2015 (UTC)

avatarby NovaHawk
July 16, 2015

Shortly after images of 75102 and 75105 were found (which we can't post here), Amazon Spain has posted descriptions of all of the upcoming sets from The Force Awakens. Here's the list below:

Thanks to Hoth Bricks for the news.

Tags: Star Wars 2015

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BrickfilmNutBuilding Bigger

117 months ago
Score 0++

So, has anyone read/translated the Amazon descriptions? There are some pretty neat info tidbits in them.

"Comes into play with the King's Speeder"
- Apparently, Elvis replaces Rey in Spanish versions of the film, and he pilots the speeder.
"Separate sledge and get ready to surf the sand"
- This actually looks pretty cool. So sort of a hoverboard or a desert snowboard? That'd be sweet, both set-wise and film-wise.
"...booth opens with space for 2 minifigures, 2 automatic cannons and rotating antenna"
- That's way more features than I'd have expected for a LEGO TIE; fun. Also neat that it seats 2 minifigs, though I guess that could've already been assumed from the inclusion of 2 pilots.
"Conducted resupply missions with the cargo"
- Better than blowing up another Death Star.
"It's time to fight with the staff shuttle Kylo Ren"
- The translations must have missed a comma. I'm assuming it's supposed to be "It's time to fight with the staff, shuttle Kylo Ren", meaning there's a scene where the workers' unions are getting out of hand and Kylo needs to be flown in personally.
"This fantastic ship has a number of features such as wineries front, back and bottom"
- Lavish. And large.
"...folding load, automatic guns in the wings and removable armories"
- Neat, I guess.
"The latest version of LEGO Millennium Falcon has many external developments, such as a rotating more aerodynamic and detailed design, removable cab with space for 2 minifigures, laser turrets top and bottom with hatch"
- Sounds like fun features.
"...and a member of the band Kanjiklub"
- I hope this band is better than Max Rebo's. Oooh, maybe they play with Elvis!
On a serious note, does anyone here who knows actual Spanish have anything interesting to add? :P

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 0++

So many Elvis references in these translations :D

I never pictured Kylo Ren as the type to have wild wine parties :P (it can translate to "holds" apparently)

Yep, special forces TIEs have a pilot and a gunner to control the rotating turret mounted under the cockpit.

The only thing that actually grabs my attention is the "sledge to surf the sand" - maybe there's going to be some sort of crazy tidal wave made of sand? Or probably not, it's probably just a tiny speeder and the translation's bad.

Nice idea translating the whole thing though, I never thought to do that :D

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 1++
I've seen the largest sets and the figures look great!

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 1++
Rey's speeder: Disapponted that BB-8 won't be included. Unkar Henchman? I'm guessing that this is part of Maz Kanata's gang. Whether I buy this or not will depend on the impression I get of Rey in the film
Snowspeeder: seems like a generic battle pack to me. I don't see myself buying it.
TIE fighter: if it's the ones from the trailer, I'll buy it. However, judging that Hasbro is calling those ones "TIE Fighter" (less special forces) I'll wait and see for this one.
X Wing: 100% Awesome. Definitely buying, probably before I see the film too.
Transporter: might need to buy it for the flametroopers. Other then that, I'll pass
Kylo Ren's ship: Looks really cool, I probably will buy it. Disappointed that Kylo Ren will be exclusive to this set.

The Falcon: I made a promise to myself ages ago to buy this one, because I don't have any previous iterations of the falcon (except the midi-scale one). Disappointed that Finn is exclusive to this set.

Overall, I'm saddened by the Minifigure selection. Most of the characters that appear to play a large part in the film are missing, and to add insult to injury the rest of the main characters are exclusive to the sets that have the highest price tags. It seems like a huge cash grab to me.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 0++

The special forces TIE is the one with the red area and the reinforced landing struts- [1]

It was the one seen blowing up all the Stormtroopers in the hangar bay in the second trailer.

The normal TIE Fighters are the ones chasing down the Falcon (seen in both trailers)

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 0++
Oh, that is the Hasbro one.... Whoops :P I was under the impression that it would be the red one from the concept art. I probably will buy it then :D

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 0++

That shuttle-like TIE? Nope, definitely not that- a decent model of that ship would need a lot more more than 517 pieces :)

(@my comment above: no idea why I said "landing struts", I just meant the struts connecting the solar panels to the cockpit)

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 0++

"Most of the characters that appear to play a large part in the film are missing, and to add insult to injury the rest of the main characters are exclusive to the sets that have the highest price tags. It seems like a huge cash grab to me."

I only follow Star Wars casually but (at least up until a few years ago) hasn't it pretty much always been that way? Smaller sets would be crowded with soldiers and a couple of main characters, but the rest of the cast would be exclusive to larger sets? :P Yeah, I hate that. It's one reason why I've never started collecting.

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 0++

I seem to recall that up until recently the distribution of characters has been pretty good... I may be wrong though.

RE Nova's comment on the TIE shuttle thing: I have LDD up right now, and I'm going to try to prove you wrong :P

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 0++

There was an Anakin in like every TCW set when the TCW sets first came out :P I've only noticed an increased number of troops and scattering of main characters in more recent years, maybe that's just me though.

@Brikkyy- 9492 was 413 pieces, and that was just a normal boring tiny TIE :D

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 0++
Well, when Star Wars first came out it was decent, but in waves following the prequel trilogy I think is when it happened, if that is "more recent." Things like Padme being absent forever, or Han, Leia, and Chewbacca all being relatively exclusive to large sets...I don't know, maybe I'll research it later. :P

BrickfilmNutBuilding Bigger

117 months ago
Score 0++

"Well, when Star Wars first came out it was decent, but in waves following the prequel trilogy I think is when it happened"

So, like, since the beginning? I mean, there were Episode I sets since the first the wave. Its release coincided with the movie's, after all. :P

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 0++
"Following" as in after Ep III was done with. :P

BrickfilmNutBuilding Bigger

117 months ago
Score 0++
Oh. XP


117 months ago
Score 0++
Man, this looks like it'll be good.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 0++

Yep, the minifigure lineup's better than I expected, and I'm liking the new Falcon. That new X-wing is awesome though :P And those new X-wing helmets :O

Interesting to see we're getting a good range of troops, I wasn't actually thinking we'd get so many until the 2016 battle packs, I thought we'd get some more OT characters instead. Maybe it's because the other characters are all in spoiler-y locations. Good to see we're getting General Hux though, I really like his uniform, hopefully the other officers will have a similar style of uniform as well.
Star Wars +  and 2015 +
01:41:00, 16 July 2015 +
Star Wars Episode VII wave 1 minifigure lineup revealed +