Resistance Soldier
Resistance Soldier | |||
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[List of appearances] |
Resistance Soldier is a Star Wars minifigure released in 2015.
Gallery of variants[edit | edit source]
Appearances[edit | edit source]
- 75103 First Order Transporter (male, female)
- Jedi Order
Aayla Secura | Agen Kolar | Ahsoka Tano | Anakin Skywalker | Barriss Offee | Coleman Trebor | Eeth Koth | Even Piell | Ki-Adi-Mundi | Kit Fisto | Luminara Unduli | Mace Windu | Nahdar Vebb | Noga-ta | Plo Koon | Pong Krell | Qui-Gon Jinn | Quinlan Vos | Saesee Tiin | Shaak Ti | Stass Allie
- Post-Order 66
Ahsoka Tano | Ezra Bridger | Kanan Jarrus | Luke Skywalker | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Yoda
- Expanded Universe
Galen Marek | Jedi Consular | Jedi Knight (The Old Republic) | Satele Shan
- LEGO Universe
Jedi Knight (Episode II) | Jek-14
- Figures which have appeared only in video games, films and other media
- Palpatine's Sith
Count Dooku | Darth Maul | Darth Vader | Palpatine
- Other
Asajj Ventress | Galen Marek | Savage Opress | Sith Probe Droid
- Expanded Universe
Darth Malgus | Darth Revan | Darth Marr | Sith trooper
- LEGO Universe
Jek-14 | M-OC Hunter Droid | Naare
- Figures which have appeared only in video games, films and other media
- Clone Troopers
212th Battalion Clone Trooper | 41st Elite Corps Trooper | 501st Clone Pilot | 501st Legion Clone Trooper | Airborne Clone Trooper | ARC Trooper | ARF Trooper | Bomb Squad Trooper | Captain Jag | Captain Rex | Clone Aerial Trooper | Clone Commander | Clone Gunner | Clone Jetpack Trooper | Clone Pilot | Clone Recon Trooper | Clone Scout Trooper | Clone Trooper | Clone Trooper (Horn Company) | Clone Trooper Captain | Clone Trooper Commander | Clone Trooper Lieutenant | Clone Trooper Sergeant | Commander Cody | Commander Fox | Commander Gree | Commander Neyo | Commander Wolffe | Geonosis Airborne Clone Trooper | Geonosis Clone Trooper | Shock Trooper | Siege Battalion Trooper | Star Corps Trooper | Wolfpack Clone Trooper
- Droids
Astromech Droid (75087) | Q7 Series V-wing Astromech | R2-D2 | R2-R7 | R3-D5 | R4-D5 | R4-G9 | R4-P17 | R4-P44 | R7-A7 | R7-D4 | R8-B7 | TC-4
- Senate
Onaconda Farr | Padmé Amidala | Palpatine | Senate Commando | Senate Commando Captain
- Military
Antidar Williams | Chewbacca | Chief Tarfful | Maoi Madakor | Wookiee | Wookiee Warrior
- Naboo
Captain Panaka | Captain Tarpals | Gungan Warrior | Jar Jar Binks | Naboo fighter pilot | Naboo security guard | Naboo Security Officer
- Expanded Universe
Jace Malcom | Republic Trooper | T7-O1
- LEGO Universe
Shadow ARF Trooper | Special Forces Clone Trooper | Special Forces Commander
- Figures which have appeared only in video games, films and other media
- Separatist leaders
Count Dooku | General Grievous | Nute Gunray | Poggle the Lesser
- Battle droids
Battle droid | Battle droid commander | Buzz Droid | Commando Droid | Commando Droid Captain | Droideka | Dwarf Spider Droid | MagnaGuard | Pilot Battle Droid | Rocket Battle Droid | Rocket Droid Commander | Security battle droid | Sniper droid | Super Battle Droid
- Other droids
EV-A4-D | FA-4 | TC-14 | TX-20
- Organic soldiers
Geonosian Pilot | Geonosian Warrior | Geonosian Zombie | Neimoidian Warrior | Umbaran Soldier
- LEGO Universe
- Figures which have appeared only in video games, films and other media
- Leaders and officers
Agent Kallus | Darth Vader | Firmus Piett | General Veers | Grand Admiral Thrawn | Imperial Officer | Imperial Navy Officer | Imperial Recruitment Officer | Juno Eclipse | Orson Krennic | Palpatine | Wilhuff Tarkin | Yularen
- Inquisitorius
Fifth Brother | The Inquisitor
- Stormtroopers
Imperial Death Trooper | Imperial shock trooper | Imperial Shoretrooper | Imperial Snowtrooper | | Imperial Stormtrooper | Jump trooper | Mimban Stormtrooper | Sandtrooper | Scout Trooper | Shadow stormtrooper | Shadow Trooper | Snowtrooper Commander | Stormtrooper Sergeant
- Pilots, soldiers and support staff
AT-AT Pilot | AT-ST Pilot | Death Star Gunner | Emperor's Royal Guard | Imperial Combat Driver | Imperial Crew | Imperial Emigration Officer | Imperial Ground Crew | Imperial Hovertank Pilot | Imperial Pilot | Imperial Technician | Imperial Trooper | Shadow Guard | TIE Pilot
- Droids
Death Star Droid | Droid Brain | IM4-099 Mark IV Sentry Droid | Imperial Astromech | Imperial Astromech Droid | Imperial Probe Droid | IT-O | MSE-6 Droid | R2-Q2 | R2-Q5 | R5-J2 | U-3PO
- Figures which have appeared only in video games, films and other media
- Leaders and officers
Admiral Ackbar | Admiral Raddus | Agent Kallus | Airen Cracken | Bren Derlin | Captain Rex | Cassian Andor | Chewbacca | Commander Sato | Crix Madine | Ezra Bridger | General Rieekan | Han Solo | Hera Syndulla | Juno Eclipse | Kanan Jarrus | Lando Calrissian | Leia Organa | Luke Skywalker | Mon Calamari Officer | Mon Mothma | Raymus Antilles | Sabine Wren | Zeb Orrelios
- Pilots
A-wing pilot | Arvel Crynyd | B-wing Pilot | Biggs Darklighter | Bodhi Rook | Dak Ralter | Gray Squadron Pilot | Jek Porkins | Jon "Dutch" Vander | Keyan Farlander | Rebel Pilot | Rebel Snowspeeder Gunner | Snowspeeder Pilot | Ten Numb | Theron Nett | U-Wing Pilot | Wedge Antilles | Wes Janson | Wenton Chan | Y-Wing Pilot | Zev Senesca
- Soldiers and combat droids
Baze Malbus | Bistan | Chirrut Îmwe | Hoth Rebel Trooper | Jyn Erso | Moroff | Pao | Rebel Commando | Rebel Fleet Trooper | Rebel Trooper
- Support staff and droids
C-3PO | C1-10P | K-2SO | K-3PO | R-3PO | R2-D2 | R2-X2 | R3-A2 | R3-M2 | R5-D8 | R5-F7 | Rebel Ground Crew | Rebel Mechanic | Toryn Farr
- Ewoks
Chief Chirpa | Ewok Warrior | Logray | Paploo | Teebo | Tokkat | Wicket W. Warrick
- The rebellion
Ahsoka Tano | Commander Gregor | Commander Wolffe | Quarrie | Wookiee Warrior | Wullffwarro
- Figures which have appeared only in video games, films and other media
- Officers and leaders
Captain Phasma | Colonel Datoo | First Order Admiral | First Order Officer | General Hux | Kylo Ren | Lieutenant Mitaka | Supreme Leader Snoke
- Troopers and bodyguards
Elite Praetorian Guard | First Order Flametrooper | First Order Heavy Artillery Stormtrooper | First Order Snowtrooper | First Order Snowtrooper Officer | First Order Stormtrooper | First Order Stormtrooper Officer | First Order Stormtrooper Sergeant
- Pilots, support staff and droids
BB-9E | First Order Fleet Engineer | First Order Technician | First Order Shuttle Pilot | First Order TIE Fighter Pilot | First Order Walker Driver
- Figures which have appeared only in video games, films and other media
- Individuals
Admiral Ackbar | BB-8 | C-3PO | Chewbacca | Finn | Goss Toowers | Han Solo | Leia Organa | Lieutenant Bastian | Poe Dameron | Resistance Gunner Paige | Rey | Rose Tico | Vice Admiral Holdo
- Troopers, pilots and support staff
Resistance Bombardier | Resistance Bomber Pilot | Resistance Officer | Resistance Soldier | Resistance Trooper | Resistance X-Wing Pilot
- Figures which have appeared only in video games, films and other media
- Bounty hunters
4-LOM | Aurra Sing | Boba Fett | Bossk | Cad Bane | Dengar | Embo | Greedo | IG-88 | Jango Fett | Shahan Alama | Sugi | Zam Wesell
- Hutt Clan
Bib Fortuna | EV-9D9 | Gamorrean Guard | Jabba the Hutt | Kithaba | Malakili | Max Rebo | Nikto Guard | Oola | Ree-Yees | Rotta the Huttlet | Salacious B. Crumb | Skiff Guard | Weequay
- Pirates, smugglers and criminals
Crokind Shand | Hondo Ohnaka | Maz Kanata | Tasu Leech | Turk Falso | Unkar Plutt | Unkar's Brute | Unkar's Thug
- Death Watch
Pre Vizsla | Mandalorian | Mandalorian Super Commando
- Figures which have appeared only in video games, films and other media
- Creatures
Dewback | Dianoga | Kaadu | Rancor | Rathtar | Sarlacc | Tauntaun | Womp Rat | Porg
- Droids
ASP Droid | Assassin Droid | Blue astromech | DD-13 Medical Assistant Droid | DLC-13 Mining Droid | Elite Assassin Droid | Festive Astromech | Fodesinbeed Annodue | FX-9 Surgical Assistant Droid | Gonk Droid | LIN Demolitionmech | Medical Droid | Pit droid | PK Droid | Prowler 1000 exploration droid | R1-G4 | R1-series Droid | R2 unit | R4-G0 | R5-D4 | RA-7 Protocol Droid | Training Droid | Treadwell Droid
- Podracers
Aldar Beedo | Gasgano | Sebulba
- Tatooine inhabitants
B'omarr Monk | Jawa | Owen Lars | Skeleton | Skyhopper Pilot | Tusken Raider | Wald | Watto
- LEGO Universe
Kordi Freemaker | R0-GR | Rowan Freemaker | Zander Freemaker
- Other
Bespin Guard | Bith Musician | Cloud Car Pilot | Lobot | Lor San Tekka | Sgt. Isdam Edian | Teedo | Thi-Sen | Ugnaught
- Figures which have appeared only in video games, films and other media