Brickipedia:2014 Comic-Con Contest: Results

From Brickipedia, the LEGO Wiki

Over the past two weeks, Brickipedia has been running a contest to celebrate the 2014 San Diego International Comic-Con with prizes generously donated by The LEGO Group. Contestants were challenged with selecting two sets from Star Wars, Super Heroes, and The Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit, and now the results are in. The nine entries were received were judged by 1999bug, TheNightingale, and Berrybrick. For more information on the contest, see here.

We hope you had fun, either making an entry or seeing what other Brickipedians have come up with. We hope that you join us again next time, because we will certainly be looking to do this again. Winners will be contacted for shipping information soon.

First, just a reminder of our prizes:

And without further ado...


Star Wars
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Winner: TH Striker, created from 7660 Naboo N-1 Starfighter and Vulture Droid and 7754 Home One Mon Calamari Star Cruiser by BrickfilmNut.

Runner-up: All Terrain Jedi Hunter, created from 9500 Sith Fury-class Interceptor and 75025 Jedi Defender-class Cruiser by LEGOlas.

Super Heroes
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Winner: Batmobile II, created from 76012 Batman: The Riddler Chase and 76013 Batman: The Joker Steam Roller by Nexus.

Runner-up: Joker's Laughing Gas Mech, created from 6862 Superman vs. Power Armor Lex and 6863 Batwing Battle Over Gotham City by CM4Sci.

Middle Earth
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IMG 9495.JPG

Winner: Goblin Mech, created from 79003 An Unexpected Gathering 79010 The Goblin King Battle by Lancethecat.

Runner-up: Elf armor suit, created from 9469 Gandalf Arrives and 79012 Mirkwood Elf Army by LEGOlas.

Remember, just because there is not a contest currently running does not mean that you cannot contribute to Brickipedia Customs!

Comments (7)
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VaskoOutstanding Brickipedian

129 months ago
Score 1++
Grats to all the winners!

NBP3.0Brick Master

129 months ago
Score 1++
Congrats all! Some awesome entries and glad we got some activity in the end!


129 months ago
Score -6++


129 months ago
Score 7++
Oh well,I had fun (and got 2nd place twice!), hope there are more contests in the future.Congrats to the winners!

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

129 months ago
Score 5++
Thanks to everyone for entering. It was a lot (well, three) hard choices. :)