Brickipedia News:Grab your yelling voices, an exclusive SDCC figure has been announced

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Brickipedia News:Grab your yelling voices, an exclusive SDCC figure has been announced

User:Berrybrick 16:49, 19 June 2015 (UTC)

avatarby Berrybrick
June 19, 2015

I'll do my best to remain professional and avert my instinctual parody. I make no such promises for comments, blogs, chat, or late night tea.

Since the announcement of the Super Heroes theme back in 2011, exclusive figures have been a staple of the LEGO booth at the San-Diego International Comic Con. That year, exclusive versions of Batman and Green Lantern based on their movies were released. Since then, several other characters and costumes from both the DC and Marvel Universes - Phoenix, Spider-Man, Green Arrow, Bizarro, Spider-Woman, Superman, Batman of Zurr-En-Ahh!, The Collector, Shazam! - plus an exclusive variant of Unikitty last year, have been the pain in the sides of many completionists and collectors when favorite characters (plus obscure ones, and costumes they didn't know existed) became nigh impossible to get without spending a few hundred dollars.

It was previously revealed that an exclusive Marvel set featuring Ultron and some of his drones (which appear with their set appearances, just with some headgear and mandibles swapped around) would be available for purchase, but only to SDCC attendees. Well, USA Today has kindly poured salt into the wounds of many completionists and collectors by revealing that LEGO will be pouring salt into the wounds of many completionists and collectors with an exclusive figure appearing in the pages of Marvel Comics' current super tie-in Secret Wars: The All New Captain America, Sam Wilson (previously Falcon).

After Steve Rogers lost the super soldier serum and aged rapidly, his friend Sam Wilson has kindly taken up the mantle. Similarly, many people have identified the 2012 Toy Fair exclusive Captain America (one of the rarest Super Heroes minifigures) as Cap's other protege, Bucky Barnes, Winter Soldier.

If previous years are any indication, there will be at least three other figures, and it is likely at least one of those will be a DC character. Last year mixed things up with the other two exclusives being characters from The LEGO Movie and The Hobbit, the latter of which, Bard the Bowman, actually turned up in a set. Many completionists and collectors proceeded to suck the salt out of their wounds, and then spit it back in when they realized that the same hadn't become of The Collector.

Source: USA Today

Tags: Super Heroes Marvel

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Edward NigmaMaster Builder

118 months ago
Score 0++
I'm a lot more pissed about Roy Harper. I really, really wanted Roy Harper in a normal set. I mean, look at that red mask. It would have been another step closer to my attempt at creating a Red Riddler. I really wanted to make a Red Riddler but I guess I can't do that now, can I? By the way, what was last year's TLM comic-con exclusive? I can't recall.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

118 months ago
Score 0++

I can live without this one. I'd still like it, but I'm ok with not getting it. If that Roy turns out to be true on the other hand... (if it's an Arrowverse Roy).

Anyway, 1 down 3 to go... lets see how painful this gets

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

118 months ago
Score 0++
I doubt it's an Arrowverse Roy we don't have an Arrowverse Green Latern yet

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

118 months ago
Score 0++
* Arrow :P

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

118 months ago
Score 1++
In fairness we don't have an arrowverse Green Latren too :P

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

118 months ago
Score 0++
:D Well, since the closest we've got to a Green Lantern in the Arrowverse is a mention of a Ferris Air test pilot disappearing, I think it will be a long way off (if ever) :P


118 months ago
Score 0++
LOL, watch one of the other exclusives turn out to be Arrowverse Green Arrow.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

118 months ago
Score 0++


Sorry, Nova.

Good figure, but I can live without him. The style doesn't fit in with Green Arrow or the Titans. I would like to get some version of Roy though....

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

118 months ago
Score 0++


I guess since we don't have an Arrowverse Arrow that it probably means there will be an Arrow set coming out soon. But at the moment, I don't care.

Anyway, I'm going to be taking a day off to rage at LEGO.

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

118 months ago
Score 0++

Is Arrow a popular enough show to sell sets? I know it's popular but I don't think it's that popular besides I presume the DC lineup of next year is:

January-DC girls

March-Batman V Superman

Summer-Regular sets/Sucide Squad

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

118 months ago
Score 0++

Beware the Batman wasn't, but it still got a weird sorta tie-in with elements from the comics (and who knows what.)

Still though, that's Batman.

(And tiny correction: BvS sets come late January/early February. I wouldn't point it out if I wasn't really excited to get that Wonder Woman around my birthday. :P )

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

118 months ago
Score 1++

Rumor is that the DC exclusive will be Roy Harper.

That's one I can understand people getting upset about, though.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

118 months ago
Score 0++

Oy, this one is going to rival my annoyance over The Collector reaction, isn't it?

I didn't even think that people liked this change. Give it a year; Steve Rogers is going to be Captain America by the time Civil War comes out. Marvel likes their comics to resemble their movies. Sam Wilson Captain America is just going to go down as a footnote for when Marvel decided to kill their most popular heroes, turn them into villains, or make them politically correct, and even then, he's going to be overshadowed by Female Thor. I would have loved if she were the exclusive instead of Cap, since I've seen pretty much nothing positive of her. When people started to whine about not getting her, it would pretty much confirm that people are bothered because they can't complete their collection and not because they like the character.

It's not like we can't get Sam Wilson either; he's in the MODOK set. MODOK alone makes that set worth it, and the Falcon minifigure looks tremendously better than this one. Those goggles aren't designed very well, they make it look like he has bug eyes, and there is way too much white on this figure, it really overpowers the red and blue. Though the comic design isn't great, it isn't that bad....

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

118 months ago
Score 1++
Given the fact there's a 90% chance Cap will die in the Civil War movie I won't be surprised if Falcon takes the mantle over, until Cap turns out to be not dead/brought back to life.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

118 months ago
Score 0++

I'm totally aware of that speculation, but I think it's more likely that Bucky would take over the mantle.

Aside from that, if it does turn out to be Falcon, then it's still too early for people to care. Besides, that development would all but set in stone a Disney's Marvel's The Avengers: All New, All Different Captain America (Sam Wilson) MCU figure, so the complaining would be even sillier. :P
Super Heroes +  and Marvel +
16:49:00, 19 June 2015 +
Grab your yelling voices, an exclusive SDCC figure has been announced +