Brickipedia News:New York Toy Fair 2017

From Brickipedia, the LEGO Wiki

The New York Toy Fair is on! We'll be updating this page with images of all the sets on display. Please also check out The Brick Show and for more images.




Marvel Super Heroes



Nexo Knights

Star Wars

Comments (12)
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97 months ago
Score 0++
The sets are pretty cool when it comes to design.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

97 months ago
Score 0++

I know that there's still a few more themes to go, but I haven't actually properly looked at any of these sets yet :P

Star Wars
  • 75166: Looks like a pretty good Battle Pack to me. Nice to get an officer with a Major/Colonel rank to finish the collection
  • 75167: Looks an ok set and a good way to easily get these bounty hunters. But I don't get why it couldn't just be a small set, and we could have another battle pack? I mean, who's going to buy multiples of this to get an army of Dengars?
  • 75178: The set itself looks pretty well designed. But the subject material is ridiculous. Why are we getting a Quadjumper (which has about as much plot relevance and screen time in Episode VII as Jakku rock #32) when there is so mcuh missing from the OT and PT? None of the minifigures are exclusive either (thankfully), so I have zero interest in this set.
  • 75180: It looks kind of a mess in some places, think I'll need to find more shots of it. The Guavians look great though
  • 75182: Remake. But it looks like a pretty good remake. The original Saber-class tank was way too big in my opinion- this one's still a bit too big but looks much better as far as I can tell. Great to be getting a Phase II gunner (even if it hasn't appeared in the EU/new canon). And a non-TCW is awesome.
  • 75183: Doesn't look too different to the prototype. I think I might get this, obviously much more detailed than the original.
  • 75184: First year I won't be buying an advent calendar since they first came out. This year's is just plain lazy. There are zero exclusive figures and, well, I've already complained at length about how all SW calendars have lacked a Christmas feel to them. But at least some effort usually goes into these in the past. In this one, they've just made it very obvious that this is released as a way to get rid of spare minifigures they've had lying around at the factory. And I'm actually pretty disappointed in the City one this year too, it seems to have gone the same way. Haven't seen the Friends one yet.
  • 75185: *sigh*... like Jek's Stealth Starfighter, why can't we just get the actual EU set instead of something that looks like it but isn't quite right (in this case, a TIE Phantom)? Make the actual model, throw in a TIE Pilot, and you'd have a much larger group of people buying the Freemaker sets (those who have no interest in Freemaker sets but do in EU models). I quite like the TIE Phantom, but the old 1999 blue highlights and terrible cockpit design (when perfectly good pieces already exist) make me think I probably won't get this
  • 75186: Interesting that they're including a character from Rebels in here (Quarrie). Anyway, easy pass for me.
Minifigures Series 17
  • I think they're well and truly out of ideas.
Spider-Man Homecoming
  • 76082: Hmm.. that bank looks kinda bright and not bank-y to me. Maybe that's what it's like in the movie though. That "Power Blast!" function on the web for Spider-Man looks interesting.
  • 76083: Looks ok to me, will have to see how it all fits in to the movie though.
Nexo Knights
  • All look great, especially that castle. As much as I don't like the TV series, I still think the sets are really good. Probably won't buy any of these due to lack of money, but I would if I could.
  • Ahhh.. nothing says "City" like a series of sets set in the middle of a jungle :P Not complaining though, the entire wave looks pretty good for a City wave to me.
  • That Arc de Triomphe looks awesome

SamanthaNguyenBuilding Bigger

97 months ago
Score 0++

Thanks Nova for all your hard work! It's definitely appreciated :D

  • 70361 might be my favorite one - it's small but still quite an awesome (mechanical) dragon - the creation of the neck is pretty creative too. There's also 70353 which I like, plus there's quite a ton of purple pieces that's not usually seen very often, good for MOCing (although I'll admit I haven't created MOCs in a while, I need to though)
  • 70356 is nice and although I like the wings, it feels a bit cheap and I wish there were actual LEGO pieces created to make the wings; however, there's even more purple pieces with this too.
  • MC set is kinda meh, nothing interesting really going on here.
  • So there's tons of Star Wars sets which I think is awesome but since there's a lot I think I might have to write a comment about them in a whole new separate comment. :P
  • Never been interested in Super Heroes stuff to be honest, so can't write a comment about them (not that I dislike them; I don't, just don't have an interest)
  • 60155 just links to the same images for 60153? :P

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

97 months ago
Score 0++
Sorry for the lack of Nexo/DCSHG/City/Architecture etc, if I had time I'd be adding them all, but I don't. Will hopefully get it all done within the next 24 hours

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

97 months ago
Score 0++
That's fine. We are thankful for how hard you work.

Clone gunner commander jediThinking With Bricks

97 months ago
Score 0++
A new Clone Gunner!? In a set that doesn't look like it'll be insanely expensive!? Wow! The set's weird though, I can't find anything that features the tank, Aayla and a Clone Gunner on Wookieepedia. This will be the first set I've purchased in years! (Not counting polybags, that is)

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

97 months ago
Score 0++
It's most likely either from Battlefront or a scrapped from Episode III (the Phase II Clone Gunner is from Episode III concept art and as far as I know has only appeared as a Hasbro figure)

Clone gunner commander jediThinking With Bricks

97 months ago
Score 0++
I guess it could be from some cut stuff of Aayla on Felucia, maybe?

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

97 months ago
Score 0++
Yeah that's what I was thinking too, but it doesn't look like the tanks were ever planned to go in that scene (usually if they were, they would have appeared in other material but Saber-class tanks were never in The Battle of Felucia). Also the boxart appears to have it set in a desert. I'm guessing they've just thrown Aayla in to try and get people to buy it (the original probably didn't sell too well because a lot of people didn't know what the tank was and there were no exclusive figures)

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

97 months ago
Score 0++

Thanks, Nova.

  • Spider-Man sets aren't that great. I like the Avengers robbers, but eh.
  • Series 17 is underwhelming. The only figure I actually want to get (and get multiples of, to be fair,) is the gladiator, and even he is a little weird.
  • I always liked the OT Bounty Hunters. I might actually get their Battle Pack. Still haven't ever bought a Star Wars set though.
  • Why does Darth Vader transformation have that many pieces?
  • I don't understand why the Freemaker sets are so expensive. Shouldn't they be a little bit cheaper since there aren't so many, and they aren't exactly collector's items? Really though, I'm just saying that because I want the midbrown faces the main characters have. :P The LEGO Batman Movie is getting me at least some though.
  • They aren't here (yet?) but the new costumes that most of the DC Super Hero Girls are getting are weird; I like Wonder Woman's though. Eclipso's Dark Palace looks like a pretty good set, and I'll probably get Harley's dorm. That would be mostly for the hairpiece, but there are some other good bits there.

Omega XAmateur

97 months ago
Score 0++
they all look great!! Impressed with this wave =) More detailed comments to follow =P


97 months ago
Score 2++
If the box art for 71567 is to be believed, "Xxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx" is trademarked.