Space Police III

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Space Police III
SP3 logo.jpg


Subtheme of:


Related themes:

Space Police I
Space Police II
Blacktron Future Generation

Space Police III is a LEGO Space theme that began in 2009. It is closely related to both Space Police I and II.

This theme was never, in actuality, named Space Police III - it is merely labeled Space Police, though this is the third reboot of the overall theme. This theme included more Minifigures head parts for aliens than the previous themes like the head pieces of Kranxx, Jawson and Squidman.

In 2011, the theme was replaced with Alien Conquest.

Background[edit | edit source]

The main characters in the theme are the Space Police trying to capture the alien criminals. Many of the sets featured an animation on demonstrating the set. Criminals include the Black Hole Gang (consisting of Kranxx, Snake, the Skull Twins, Slizer, Frenzy, Squidman, Rench, and Squidtron), who are a small, organized group of criminals attempting to make a quick load of money. So far, there have been 6 police logs showcasing different crimes being committed, to tie in with the sets. Each of the sets feature logos or insignias of previous LEGO Space themes, such as Spyrius, Blacktron, and Classic Space, as a shoutout to the history of LEGO Space. Similar to Space Police II, several Space Police III sets contain modular containment pods for criminals. These pods, aside from minor colour shifts, are all identical from set to set, and can be interchanged between sets. They all feature a "blow away" target which, when hit by a weapon mounted on an Alien Criminal vehicle, would blow open the top hatch of the pod and free the prisoner.

2010 introduced five new sets, 5981 Raid VPR, 5982 Smash 'n' Grab, 5983 Undercover Cruiser, 5984 Lunar Limo, and 5985 Space Police Central. There was released with this series a group of those higher up on the rank of command on the Black Hole Gang- Brick Daddy, Jawson, and Craniac.

Contest[edit | edit source]

In 2010 there was a contest in a LEGO Magazine requesting readers to build a space vehicle to catch Brick Daddy, Craniac, and Jawson. It was featured at the end of the second 2010 Space Police comic.

Minifigures[edit | edit source]




Video game only minifigures

Clutch Powers only minifigures

Minifigures[edit | edit source]

List of Sets[edit | edit source]

Image # Set Pieces Figures Price Released
Lego2853300.jpg 2853300  Space Police Collection  874  10   $88.91  2009 
5969-box.jpg 5969  Squidman Escape  42  SquidmanSpace Police III Officer   $5.99 / €5.99  May 30, 2009 (US) / June 4, 2009 (UK) 
5970-box.jpg 5970  Freeze Ray Frenzy  80  KranxxSpace Police III Officer   $9.99 / €10.99  May 30, 2009 (US) / June 4, 2009 (UK) 
5971 box.jpg 5971  Gold Heist  195  FrenzySpace Police III Officer   $19.99 / €20.99  May 30, 2009 (US) / June 9, 2009 (UK) 
5972 box.jpg 5972  Space Truck Getaway  282  SnakeSpace Police III Officer   $29.99 / €31.99  May 30, 2009 (US) / June 4, 2009 (UK) 
5973 HyperspeedPursuit A.jpg 5973  Hyperspeed Pursuit  456  Skull Twin (Two)Space Police III Officer   $49.99 / €52.99  July 1, 2009 (US) / June 4, 2009 (UK) 
5974 box.jpg 5974  Galactic Enforcer  825  KranxxSlizerSpace Police III Officer (Three)Space Police RobotStatue   $99.99 / €94.99  August 2009 
5979 box (HQ).jpg 5979  Max Security Transport  333  SlizerSnakeSpace Police III Officer   $39.99 / €39.99  August 3, 2009 (US) / August 5, 2009 (UK) (Limited Edition) 
5980 box (HQ).jpg 5980  Squidman's Pitstop  386  Space Police III OfficerSquidmanSkull TwinSnake, Mouse   $49.99  July 24, 2009 (US) / August 5, 2009 
516ZRdPCFlL SL500 .jpg 5981  Raid VPR  69  RenchSpace Police Commando   $9.99 / €9.99  December 4, 2009 (US) / December 31, 2009 (UK) 
5982-2.jpg 5982  Smash 'n' Grab  188  Space Police CommandoSquidtron   $19.99 / €19.99  December 4, 2009 (US) / December 31, 2009 (UK)'"`UNIQ--ref-00000002-QINU`"' 
Undercover Cruser(Box).png 5983  Undercover Cruiser  317  Space Police CommandoJawson   $28.99 / €29.99  2010 
Luna Lemo(Box).png 5984  Lunar Limo  391  Space Police CommandoJawsonBrick Daddy   $39.99 / €39.99  2010 
Space Police Central.jpg 5985  Space Police Central  630  Space Police CommandoSpace Police ChiefJawsonCraniacX99 Robot   $79.99 / €69.99  May 27, 2010 
8399 K9 Bot.jpg 8399  K-9 Bot  22  Space Police III Officer   $3.49  June 28, 2009 (US) / June 3, 2009 (UK) 
8400 box.jpg 8400  Space Speeder  14  Snake   $3.49  June 28, 2009 (US) / June 3, 2009 (UK) 

Prototypes of Unreleased Sets[edit | edit source]

Videos[edit | edit source]

  • Beginning in May of 2009, there was a short stop-motion Teaser Trailer up on Later, it was discovered that there is a series of short stop-motion videos, each showcasing the different criminals, coming to us starting with Interrogation to promote the upcoming line. These can currently be viewed by taking the link below.


Games[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit | edit source]

See also[edit | edit source]

... more about "Space Police III"
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