Fan:LEGO Star Wars: A New Saga
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LEGO Star Wars: A New Saga | |
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From the the podraces in The Phantom Menace to Anakin's transformation into Darth Vader from Revenge of the Sith, all the way to the final duel in the Death Star from Return of the Jedi, and up to the new adventures in The Force Awakens, you can play through it all in 42 brick-built levels!
Created by JJpivotz. Please ask permission before editing. For a full character list, click here!
Coming Soon.
Story Characters
Character | Weapons | Abilities | Image |
Anakin Skywalker (Episode I, Podracer) |
Anakin Skywalker (Episode I) |
Anakin Skywalker (Episode II, Blue Lightsaber) |
Anakin Skywalker (Episode II) |
Anakin Skywalker (Episode III) |
BB-8 |
Ben Kenobi |
C-3PO |
C-3PO (Episode VII) |
Captain Antilles |
Chancellor Palpatine | |||
Chewbacca |
Clone Trooper (Kashyyyk) |
Clone Trooper (Phase 1) |
Clone Trooper (Phase 2) |
Commander Cody |
Commander Gree |
Finn |
Finn (FN-2187) |
Finn (Lightsaber) |
Gungan Warrior |
Han Solo |
Han Solo (Episode VII) |
Han Solo (Hoth) |
Han Solo (Skiff) |
Han Solo (Starkiller Base) |
Han Solo (Stormtrooper Disguise) |
Jar Jar Binks |
Lando Calrissian |
Lando Calrissian (General) |
Lando Calrissian (Skiff) |
Luke Skywalker (Bespin) |
Luke Skywalker (Dagobah) |
Luke Skywalker (Hoth) |
Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight) |
Luke Skywalker (Pilot) |
Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper Disguise) |
Luke Skywalker (Tatooine) |
Mace Windu |
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode I) |
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode II) |
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode III) |
Owen Lars |
Padmé Amidala (Episode I) |
Padmé Amidala (Episode II) |
Poe Dameron |
Poe Dameron (Pilot) |
General Leia (Episode VII) |
Princess Leia |
Princess Leia (Bespin) |
Princess Leia (Boushh Disguise) |
Princess Leia (Endor) |
Princess Leia (Ewok Village) | |||
Princess Leia (Hoth) |
Princess Leia (Slave) |
Queen Amidala | |||
Qui-Gon Jinn |
R2-D2 |
Rebel Trooper |
Rey Skywalker |
Rey Skywalker (Jakku) |
Rey Skywalker (Jedi, Resistance) |
Rey Skywalker (Jedi) |
Rey Skywalker (Resistance) |
Wicket |
Wookiee Warrior |
Yoda (Episode II) |
Yoda (Episode V) |
Freeplay Characters
Character | Weapons | Abilities | Image |
George Lucas |
4-LOM |
Admiral Ackbar |
Admiral Ackbar (Episode VII) |
Agen Kolar |
Airen Cracken |
Aldar Beedo |
Anakin Skywalker (Ghost, Old) |
Anakin Skywalker (Ghost) |
Anakin Skywalker (Wounded) |
ASP Droid | |||
Assassin Droid |
AT-AT Pilot |
Bail Organa |
Barriss Offee |
Battle Droid |
Battle Droid (Geonosis) |
Battle Droid Commander |
Battle Droid Commander (Geonosis) |
Beach Trooper |
Ben Kenobi (Ghost) |
Bib Fortuna |
Bith Musician |
Boba Fett |
Boba Fett (Episode II) |
Bossk |
Buzz Droid |
C-3PO (Episode I) |
Captain Phasma |
Chief Chirpa |
Clone Trooper (Jedi Disguise) |
Coleman Trebor |
Commander Rex |
Count Dooku |
Darth Malgus |
Darth Maul |
Darth Vader |
Dengar |
Dexter Jettster | |||
Dianoga | |||
Droideka |
Elite Stormtrooper (First Order) |
Emperor Palpatine |
FA-4 | |||
Flametrooper (First Order) |
Galen Marek |
Gamorrean Guard |
Gasgano |
General Grevious |
General Hux |
General Leia (Ceremony) |
General Rieekan |
Geonosian Warrior |
Gonk Droid |
Grand Moff Tarkin |
Greedo |
Han Solo (Carbonite) | |||
Han Solo (Ceremony) |
IG-88 |
Imperial Crewman |
Imperial Gunner |
Imperial Officer |
Imperial Pilot |
Imperial Probe Droid |
Imperial Spy |
Imperial Trooper |
Jabba the Hutt |
Jango Fett |
Jawa |
Jedi Bob |
Jek Porkins |
Jek-14 |
Ki-Adi Mundi |
Kit Fisto |
Kithaba |
Kylo Ren |
Kylo Ren (Helmet-Less) |
Lama Su |
Lobot |
Logray |
Luke Skywalker (Bacta Tank) |
Luke Skywalker (Ceremony) |
Luke Skywalker (Episode VII) |
Luminara Unduli |
Magnaguard |
Malakili |
Max Rebo |
Medical Droid |
Mon Calamari Officer |
Mon Mothma |
Mouse Droid |
Neimoidian |
Nute Gunray |
Oola |
Pilot Battle Droid |
Pit Droid |
PK Droid | |||
Plo Koon |
Poe Dameron (Pilot, Blue) |
Poggle the Lesser |
Princess Leia (Ceremony) |
R-3PO |
R4-P17 |
RA-7 |
Rancor |
Ree-Yees |
Republic Trooper |
Rocket Battle Droid |
Rocket Battle Droid Commander |
Royal Guard |
Saesee Tiin |
Salacious B. Crumb |
Sandtrooper |
Satele Shan |
Scout Trooper |
Sebulba |
Security Battle Droid |
Shaak Ti |
Shadow Stormtrooper |
Shmi Skywalker | |||
Sith Trooper |
Snowtrooper |
Snowtrooper (First Order) |
Stass Allie |
Stormtrooper |
Stormtrooper (First Order) |
Super Battle Droid |
Supreme Leader Snoke |
Tarfful |
Taun We |
TC-14 |
Teebo |
Ten Numb |
TIE Pilot |
TIE Pilot (First Order) |
Tusken Raider |
Ugnaught |
Wald |
Wampa |
Watto |
Weequay |
Yoda (Ghost) |
Zam Wesell |
Zam Wesell (True Form) |
Ziro the Hutt |
DLC Characters
Character | Weapons | Abilities | Image |
Agent Kallus (Rebels DLC) |
Ahsoka Tano (Rebels DLC) |
Chopper (Rebels DLC) |
Ezra Bridger (Rebels DLC) |
Hera Syndulla (Rebels DLC) |
Kanan Jarrus (Rebels DLC) |
Sabine Wren (Rebels DLC) |
Stormtrooper (Rebels DLC) |
The Inquisitor (Rebels DLC) |
Zeb Orrelios (Rebels DLC) |
Land Vehicles
Vehicle | Weapons/Abilities |
Placeholder |
Air Vehicles
Vehicle | Weapons/Abilities |
Placeholder |
DLC Land Vehicles
Vehicle | Weapons/Abilities |
Placeholder |
DLC Air Vehicles
Vehicle | Weapons/Abilities |
Placeholder |
Level | Characters | Vehicle(s) | Enemies | Location(s) | Boss(es) |
Negotiations (Phantom Menace) |
| ||
Invasion on Naboo (Phantom Menace) |
| |
Escape from Naboo (Phantom Menace) |
Mos Espa Race (Phantom Menace) |
Retake Theed Palace (Phantom Menace) |
Darth Maul (Phantom Menace) |
Bounty Hunter Pursuit (Attack of the Clones) |
Discovery on Kamino (Attack of the Clones) |
Droid Factory (Attack of the Clones) |
Jedi Battle (Attack of the Clones) |
Gunship Cavalry (Attack of the Clones) |
Count Dooku (Attack of the Clones) |
Battle Over Coruscant (Revenge of the Sith) |
Chancellor in Peril (Revenge of the Sith) |
General Grevious (Revenge of the Sith) |
Defense of Kashyyyk (Revenge of the Sith) |
Ruin of the Jedi (Revenge of the Sith) |
Darth Vader (Revenge of the Sith) |
Secret Plans (A New Hope) |
Through the Jundland Wastes (A New Hope) |
Mos Eisley Spaceport (A New Hope) |
Rescue the Princess (A New Hope) |
Death Star Escape (A New Hope) |
Rebel Attack (A New Hope) |
Hoth Battle (The Empire Strike Back) |
Escape from Echo Battle (The Empire Strike Back) |
Falcon Flight (The Empire Strike Back) |
Dagobah (The Empire Strike Back) |
Cloud City Trap (The Empire Strike Back) |
Betrayal over Bespin (The Empire Strike Back) |
Jabba's Palace (Return of the Jedi) |
The Great Pit of Carkoon (Return of the Jedi) |
Speeder Showdown (Return of the Jedi) |
The Battle of Endor (Return of the Jedi) |
Jedi Destiny (Return of the Jedi) |
Into the Death Star (Return of the Jedi) |
A New Beginning (The Force Awakens) |
Placeholder (The Force Awakens) |
Placeholder (The Force Awakens) |
Placeholder (The Force Awakens) |
Placeholder (The Force Awakens) |
Placeholder (The Force Awakens) |
DLC Levels
Level | Characters | Vehicle(s) | Enemies | Location(s) | Boss(es) |
Rebels Recon (Rebels DLC) |
- There is a full character list here!
- For the force ability, that every Jedi/Sith have, there are 5 levels, 1 being the worst, 5 being the best.
- This would be the fifth video game where voice acting and sound effects from the original movies will be used in the game.
- There are over 150 playable characters, and over 200 with all of the DLC.
- There are 6 levels for each movie. 54 in total, including Episodes VII, VIII, and IX.
- Characters can be unlocked within the hub and levels.
- There are 6 hub worlds you can explore, including: The Millenium Falcon, Tatooine, Coruscant, The Death Star, Naboo, and Cloud City.